shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 22 I Don't Want Old Men to Join

Chapter 22 I Don't Want Old Men to Join

Yu Lingchu really thought about it seriously, and then seriously replied: "No! I have self-knowledge and know that I can't afford it."

Yu Chengze was not discouraged, and tried to continue to fool Yu Lingchu: "But the reality is that you have a marriage contract, and Nalan Shaojin is willing to fulfill the marriage contract, so what are you talking about? This is fate!
You should come back as soon as possible and have a good relationship with Nalan Shaojin. Then you will get a good husband, and your parents will be happy too. If they are happy, naturally everyone will be happy, right? "

"Brother, is Nalan Shaojin really as good as you say?" Yu Lingchu raised his eyebrows.

"Of course!"

"Brother, do you admire him?"

"Nalan Shaojin, that's the man standing at the top of the pyramid, I don't admire him, I adore him, okay?"

"Brother, if you want to say that, I have a good idea on how to deal with my marriage contract with Nalan Shaojin."

"Do you have any idea?"

"Brother, go for a sex reassignment operation, come back and marry him for me."

Yu Chengze: "...Yu Lingchu! Do you want to listen to what you say!"

"Don't listen, I'm sleepy, good night brother~" Yu Lingchu ended the call neatly.

Yu Chengze was so angry that he threw his phone on the bed.

After thinking for a while, he picked up his phone and clicked on WeChat to call Yu Lingchu back.

Damn girl, causing him to spend so much time talking, he still wants to sleep peacefully after being angry?

Don't let anyone sleep tonight!

Yu Chengze made a voice call, but Yu Lingchu hung up.

Yu Chengze called again, but Yu Lingchu continued to hang up.

So you came and I went back and forth a few times, Yu Chengze found out sadly that Yu Lingchu blocked him.

His sister, after blocking him, did not forget to send a thoughtful text message.

"Brother, wechat contact has been suspended for a few days, don't make harassing calls to me, or you will lose contact, and you won't even be able to touch me~"

Yu Chengze was so angry that he threw the phone back on the bed, pointed at the phone and cursed: "Damn girl, you better not come back, I want you to look good when you come back! Ask me to change my sex to marry you instead? Block me? Threat me? Yu Chengze Lingchu, you repeated long jumps in the toilet, you are too much (shit)!"

The phone quieted down, and Yu Lingchu remembered that there was an unprocessed friend application reminder in the WeChat address book, so she clicked on WeChat again.

In my mind, the voice of the system came: "Host, what you did just now, aren't you afraid that even your brother will be offended, and you won't be able to go home?"

While operating the phone, Yu Lingchu replied: "I'm afraid I won't offend him.

If you dare to do it, then you don’t need to ask, you must not be afraid, stupid system. "

The system silently complained: You are an idiot!
In Yu Lingchu's friend application list, there are two messages of friend application, both from the same WeChat account.

The verification messages sent are all: I am Nalan Shaojin.

Of the two verification messages, one was sent on the day of the welcome banquet.

When the first message was sent, her phone was in airplane mode, so there was no prompt. When she exited airplane mode, she was in a bar again. At that time, she was only focused on ordering takeaway for Tian Tian, ​​so she ignored it.

The second verification message was sent when she was taking a bath just now.

With a little fingertip, Yu Lingchu passed Nalan Shaojin's friend application.

She was suddenly curious about what kind of circle of friends a person like Nalan Shaojin had.

Now that curiosity arose, it was natural to have a look.

Yu Ling opened Nalan Shaojin's circle of friends, and the blank and original page came into view.

It's just... pretty good.

There is nothing, it is also a style...

After a glance, Yu Lingchu withdrew from Nalan Shaojin's circle of friends, put down her phone and turned off the lights to sleep.

As soon as the bedside light went out, the phone screen lit up, and a WeChat message popped up.

Yu Lingchu took the phone, and Nalan Shaojin's WeChat message came into view.

"Lingchu, haven't you slept so late?"

Yu Lingchu: "Don't sleep, I just changed venues tonight and plan to dance all night!"

Thousand Trees Hotel.

Lying on the bed in the presidential suite, Nalan Shaojin raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw the message from Yu Lingchu, and replied:

"Lingchu's nightlife is really rich and colorful."

Yu Lingchu's message came back quickly: "It has always been so colorful, does Mr. Nalan want to be together?"

Nalan Shaojin looked at the message from Yu Lingchu and smiled.

Very good, challenge him again.

He immediately replied: "Okay, Lingchu sent you the address, and I'll go find you now."

Yu Lingchu lying on the bed: "..."

Nalan Shaojin, this kid, really picks up every move he sees!

The system's gloating voice sounded: "Host, I've accepted your invitation. What should I do? You should get up quickly and find a nightclub to take him to disco~"

Yu Lingchu smiled and took a deep breath, then replied to Nalan Shaojin: "I didn't expect that Mr. Nalan also likes dancing, but he is really strong!"

Seeing Yu Lingchu's reply, Nalan Shaojin smiled faintly.

This is scolding him around the corner.

He replied: "It turns out that Lingchu didn't want to fulfill the marriage contract because he disliked me for being older than you. In this case, I have to prove to you that I am strong. What's the address? Send it quickly, and I'll go find it right away." you."

On the bed, Yu Lingchu stared at the message from Nalan Shaojin and gritted his teeth: "This guy is really tough!"

The system continued to gloat: "Host, the atmosphere has been enhanced here, what are you going to do? Go out and find a disco to post a position, or simply admit that you are lying?"

"System~" Yu Lingchu sneered: "If you continue to gloat about my misfortune, I will never cooperate with you to complete the tasks in the future!"

Not to be outdone, the system: "Host, since you didn't want to cooperate with the last mission, the system wanted to open it, and it has already prepared itself to self-destruct at any time..."

Yu Lingchu: "System, you black heart lotus!"

"The system is called being adaptable. From that day on, the fate of the system and the host is in the host's own hands~"

Yu Lingchu: "Okay~! I don't have the same knowledge as you!"

She looks at the phone screen.

What a pity!
In the middle of the night, she just wanted to sleep peacefully, this one or two, why must she not be allowed to sleep peacefully!

Yu Lingchu thought for a moment, then typed and replied: "I'm sorry, Mr. Nalan..."

Seeing the first few words Yu Lingchu typed, the system was secretly speechless.

Yo Yo Yo!The host doesn't want to crawl out of the bed, is he planning to give up?

Nalan Shaojin in the hotel saw that Yu Lingchu didn't reply to his messages after a while, and didn't intend to continue to embarrass Yu Lingchu, so he put down his phone and wanted to turn off the lights and rest.

But as soon as the phone was put down, before Nalan Shaojin's hand left, Yu Lingchu's message came.

Nalan Shaojin took the phone back and clicked on Yu Lingchu's message.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Nalan, I just asked my friends for their opinions, and they said they don't want to play with older people~"

At the end of the message, Yu Lingchu sent an emoji with her hands all over her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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