Chapter 23
Nalan Shaojin chuckled lightly.

This girl, he planned to let her go, but she still came to provoke her.

One bite at a time dislikes him for being too old.

That being the case, then he will teach him, what is ginger or old spicy!
Nalan Shaojin pressed the voice button and said in a calm manner: "Lingchu, I have to remind you that I am only four years older than you. Also, as your fiancé, I feel that it is necessary for me to let you Find out about my abilities. You send me the location, but your friends don’t want to take me, so I’ll do it myself in the past, and I’m sure they’ll want to bring me one next time they play disco.”

After receiving the news, Yu Lingchu raised her forehead.

She has met her opponent.

I knew it would be more restrained at the beginning.

Why did she have to say that she and Nalan Shaojin were not from the same world, saying that she was in a disco.

It's all right now, Nalan Shaojin is clenching her teeth tightly, how should she end up?

Do you want to tell the truth?

impossible!Absolutely impossible!
Yu Lingchu scratched her head.

The old God of the system is there, and he even wants to laugh a little.


The host told him to dig a hole and bury himself!

After thinking for a while, Yu Lingchu sent a voice message to Nalan Shaojin.

"Mr. Nalan, don't you know about the three-year-old generation gap? You and I are four years apart, and one generation gap is still rich. You are too confident in your ability, which is not good. No, my friend heard that you I insisted on coming, and clamored to leave. Now it’s all right, and I don’t have to play anymore.”

Nalan Shaojin's message came back quickly: "It was my fault. To express my apology, I immediately took the driver there to see you off, Lingchu, and your friends back home.

Also, send me your consumption bills, and I will pay for your consumption tonight, just as an apology for disturbing your elegance, Miss Lingchu, don't refuse, or I will feel guilty. "

Yu Lingchu: "..."

She now feels that her temples are throbbing.

System: "Hahahahahaha..."

Although laughing at the host may damage merit, it is fine if it does not damage the system upgrade points.

"Mr. Nalan, we will accept your wish. As for pick-up and reimbursement, there is no need. My friend and I... are not such stingy people!"

Nalan Shaojin smiled lowly after receiving the news.

"Oh. Lingchu should go home early and rest, good night."

"good night!"

After Yu Lingchu sent the last message, she swiftly threw the phone aside.

Take a deep breath, turn off the lights, and sleep!

Lying on the bed with eyes closed, tossing and turning for a long time, Yu Lingchu couldn't fall asleep.

A carp straightened up, and Yu Lingchu sat up abruptly.

This sudden movement startled the system.

"Host, don't sleep in the middle of the night, why are you cheating on the corpse?"

In the darkness, Yu Lingchu's eyes were cold.

"System, you said that Nalan Shaojin insisted on abiding by the two marriage contracts, what is he planning?"

The system thought about it seriously: "Maybe it was love at first sight?"

"Love at first sight?" Yu Lingchu sneered, "Do you believe such a fantastic reason?"

"Yes." The system replied very simply.

A screen appeared in Yu Lingchu's mind. On the screen, a cartoon girl put her hands on her cheeks and her eyes were full of love. "Love at first sight is so romantic~"

Yu Lingchu: "!!! System, I told you not to read Mary Su's love novels! Sooner or later, the love brain will be arrested and go dig wild vegetables!"

"Host, should the love brain grow longer, it's not easy to hit a bachelor at all!"

Yu Lingchu lay down again: "I didn't talk to you for more than half a sentence, anyway, I think Nalan Shaojin is really not an easy person.

I don't want to have too much involvement with such a person.I still have to find a chance to break off the engagement with him as soon as possible. "

System: "...then I wish the host an early success and return to the ranks of bachelors."

Yu Lingchu closed her eyes: "I would like to lend you a good word."

The winter is cold, dark clouds are overwhelming, everything is depressed, and the north wind is biting.

Nalan Shaojin was dressed in loose home clothes, holding a cup of coffee, standing in front of the hotel's huge, spotless floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the most prosperous part of Haicheng.

Yan Yue pushed the door open and came in from the outside.

"Master Jin, just got the news that Nalan Shaochen quietly came to Haicheng."

"En." Nalan Shaojin replied casually.

"Master Jin, Nalan Shaochen is probably here for the Yu family. So, should someone be sent to watch over the Yu family? If Nalan Shaochen takes advantage of the loophole, there will be a joke. , damage your reputation."

"No need." Nalan Shaojin took a sip of his coffee, "It's just something that shouldn't be put on the table, so there's no need to bother."

"But in case the Yu family falls for him..."

"If you can't even stand this test, then just give up."

Yan Yue nodded and followed Hui's report: "Master Jin, I have asked them to send the group's financial statements for last month to your email."


"There is also Haicheng, the piece of land that the group intends to purchase..."

Nalan Shaojin quietly listened to Yan Yue's report on work and schedule.

After Yan Yue finished speaking, he suddenly asked, "Do you send roses to Yu's house every day?"

"Yes, the florist delivers every day."

"How did Yu Lingchu react?"

Yan Yue thought for a while, then lowered his head and said, "I don't know."

Nalan Shaojin exhaled and looked at Yan Yue: "You will deliver the roses tomorrow yourself."


"Book two more movie tickets for tomorrow afternoon and tell Yu Lingchu that I'll treat her to the movie."


Yan Yue took the order to leave, and at noon the next day, according to Nalan Shaojin's instructions, he knocked on the door of Nalan's house with roses and movie tickets.

It was Zheng Yashuang who opened the door.

Seeing Yan Yue, Zheng Yashuang was slightly taken aback, and then showed a harmless smile.

"Mr. Yan, why are you here in person today?"

Yan Yue smiled politely and distantly at Zheng Yashuang: "Excuse me, is Miss Lingchu there?"

"My cousin...she...just went out with friends."

Zheng Yashuang didn't blush, she lied out of breath, she turned sideways to make way: "It's cold outside, Mr. Yan might as well go inside and talk."

Thinking of Nalan Shaojin's explanation, Yan Yue nodded and stepped into the room.

Zheng Yashuang was overjoyed.

Yan Yue is the person next to Brother Nalan.

If she could establish a good relationship with Yan Yue, it would be easier for her to get close to Brother Nalan.

Inviting Yan Yue into the room, Zheng Yashuang hurriedly ordered the nanny to serve tea, then sat on the sofa opposite Yan Yue, smiled and said, "Brother Yan Yue, why are you here to deliver flowers in person today?"

Yan Yue smiled alienatedly: "Follow orders."

"Brother Nalan asked you to come?"

Yan Yue nodded with a smile on his face, but complained in his heart.

Is this nonsense for not asking? He said he was ordered to do something.

Zheng Yashuang showed an envious look: "Brother Nalan is really kind to my sister. In fact, sometimes I really envy my sister. She has everything... Unlike me, my parents left early, so I can only live under the fence..."

(End of this chapter)

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