shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 225 Chapter 225 Psychological Problems

Chapter 225 Chapter 220 Five Psychological Problems

Yan Yue said something in his mouth, but he had another thought in his heart.

Yan Yue's heart: This is the end of my words, I hope Miss Lingchu can listen to my persuasion and be more obedient to Master Jin, maybe Master Jin will lose interest in her and let her go.

But even if Master Jin doesn't intend to let it go, it shouldn't matter to Miss Lingchu, after all, Miss Lingchu has such a personality and opinions, she can definitely withstand Master Jin's tricks and methods.

The system couldn't help but chuckled: "Host, did you hear that Yan Yue has confidence in you~"

Jade Lingchu(_)
"Who cares about his confidence!"

Yu Lingchu frowned, glanced at Yan Yue boredly, and sneered: "If you say that Nalan Shaojin likes me, I don't even believe a single punctuation mark! The two of us have no pleasant memories since we met. In this situation, if Nalan Shaojin can fall in love with me, it can only mean that he likes to seek abuse!"

Strict reading Σ(дlll)
Oops, oh, buy Karma~!Miss Lingchu also found out that Master Jin has a mental problem?That's not what I said!
System ( ̄ー ̄)
Unfortunately, young man, we just read your voice to know this.
Ah~ Its poor host was targeted by the twisted Nalan Shaojin.

But the host is so powerful, it shouldn't be a big problem, right?

It believes that with the ability of the host, sooner or later it will be able to get rid of Nalan Shaojin, dissolve the engagement, and regain freedom~!

Yan Yue looked at Yu Lingchu and tried to refute Nalan Shaojin: "Miss Lingchu, that's not what you said. Haven't you heard of a word called Huanxi Enemy? Maybe your personality charm has already conquered you." For Mr. Jin, maybe Mr. Jin fell in love with you the first time he saw you. Bah! Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue! What I want to say is, maybe Mr. Jin fell in love with your beautiful face the first time he saw you. Attraction, love at first sight?"

Yu Lingchu twitched the corners of her lips: "Hehe~ Do you believe this nonsense?"

"I believe!"

Yan Yue answered decisively.

He is well aware of the lies he uttered with his own mouth, if he shows doubts himself, how can he fool others into believing them!

Now in this situation, the focus is on a psychological quality!
Don't care whether others can believe it or not, he does anyway!Believe it or not!
Yu Lingchu gave Yan Yue a thumbs up: "If you want to say that you are lying, you have to be Mr. Yan! I don't think you are going to tell me the truth! That's right~~ You and Nalan Shaojin are the same, he is Your master, how could you betray him and tell me the truth, I have nothing to talk to you, disappear from my sight!"

Yan Yue smiled awkwardly but politely: "Miss Lingchu, I won't bother you."

Yu Lingchu waved his hand.

As Yan Yue turned to leave, he apologized to Yu Lingchu in his heart: I'm sorry, Miss Lingchu, for Master Jin's fame, I absolutely can't say anything about his rebellion and fondness for sadomasochism!
Yu Lingchu: "."

It doesn't matter, if you don't say it, I know it too.

This young man didn't know that his heart had betrayed him.
Yan Yue continued to complain in his heart: "Love at first sight is indeed a lie. I still don't know if Master Jin fell in love with Miss Lingchu at first sight! I still remember clearly what Master Jin said after the two met for the first time. ~
At that time, Lord Jin said that it is the same to marry anyone, so it is better to marry someone who can make the old man at home happy. He said that he would give Miss Lingchu all the honor and decency that she should have as the young wife of the Nalan family, but he would definitely not be rejected by Lingchu. Miss left and right emotions.

At that time, Master Jin's words clearly meant that he wanted to marry Miss Lingchu home as a vase. Since he planned to use her as a vase, it had nothing to do with love.

Alas~ But who would want Miss Lingchu to offend Master Jin again and again, not only did it not make Master Jin think of retiring the engagement, but she was the one to do it.

His wise and powerful Lord Jin actually likes to be abused T^T
The more Miss Lingchu resists this marriage contract, the more indifferent and repulsive she is to Master Jin, the more Master Jin wants to fulfill the marriage contract, and the more she wants to get in touch with Miss Lingchu, the main thing is rebellion and seeking abuse~
As Yan Yue walked away, his voice also disappeared.

Yu Lingchu sighed.

Who would have thought that Nalan Shaojin, who is well-dressed and handsome, is actually a sadist...

Sure enough people can't be seen...

She said that she and Nalan Shaojin didn't have any pleasant memories, and why Nalan Shaojin insisted on chasing her was such an unknown reason.

"Host, what are you going to do next?" The system asked weakly.

Yu Lingchu sighed again: "I don't know, my mind is a bit confused now, I have to think about it."

Think carefully about how to get rid of the big trouble of Nalan Shaojin...

Seeing that she was frowning, the system quickly persuaded: "Host, don't worry too much. Anyway, Nalan Shaojin committed the problem of rushing to seek abuse. At least now it seems that you abuse him and he doesn't abuse you..."

Yu Lingchu sighed again.

"I can't even look for abuse! I am physically and mentally healthy, and I never have a perverted hobby of abusing others physically and mentally! But what you said by the system, I am a little lost." (ー_ー)!!
"What thoughts?" The system was curious.

Yu Lingchu pursed her lips: "Of course you need to consult a professional for professional matters! I decided to find a psychiatrist and ask, how should I deal with Nalan Shaojin's situation~"

After returning to the hotel, she will call and ask someone to find a psychiatrist for consultation~
What is her dear grandpa doing all this!It doesn't matter if he saved someone, but it doesn't matter if he didn't get any benefits, why did he bring her, his granddaughter, into it!
That old man is really pitiful!

Cloud City Hotel.

Jun Ning came back from the outside and locked herself in the room for a long time.

Zheng Huaizhou knocked on the door twice out of worry, but Jun Ning refused to open the door because she wanted to be alone.

Hearing Jun Ning's obviously choked voice at the door, Zheng Huaizhou was really worried, so he would come out of the room from time to time and look at Jun Ning's room.

Just when he came out of the room for the first time, he saw a familiar figure dragging his luggage away in the hotel corridor.

"Jun Ning!"

Zheng Huaizhou was surprised, and Jun Ning, who had her back to him, not only did not stop because of his call, but accelerated her pace of leaving.

Seeing this, Zheng Huaizhou hurriedly strode forward to catch up, and finally stopped Jun Ning who wanted to leave at the elevator entrance.

Jun Ning lowered her head, her voice was coquettish and timid: "Brother Huaizhou, I don't want to stay in Yuncheng anymore, please let me go."

Zheng Huaizhou frowned and asked, "Why did you suddenly decide to leave?"

Jun Ning lowered her head: "There is no reason, but I don't want to stay in Yuncheng anymore."

Zheng Huaizhou stared at her: "Jun Ning, you are lying. What happened? What did you do this morning?"

 Did you find out, Jun Ning is Tian Tian’s control group, who also endured hardships, Tian Tian tried her best to save herself, and was grateful for the help of others, and Jun Ning ~ tsk tsk ~ she appeared to tell us that the forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds~
(End of this chapter)

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