shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 226 I'll Take You to Find Her!

Chapter 226 I'll Take You to Find Her!

Jun Ning bit her lip, and when she spoke again, her voice was choked with uncontrollable sobs.

"Brother Huaizhou, I beg you not to ask, just let me go, okay?"

Zheng Huaizhou stood in front of Jun Ning and said without moving, "No!"

After the words fell, he continued in a soft tone: "Jun Ning, your current state is very wrong, how can you let me rest assured to let you leave alone! What happened, please tell me?"

Jun Ning shook her head: "Brother Huaizhou, nothing really happened, it's just that I've had enough fun in Yuncheng, and I don't want to stay here anymore, please don't ask, just let me go, okay? "

Zheng Huaizhou insisted: "If you don't make it clear, I won't let you leave! Why do you keep your head down? Look up and look at me!"

Jun Ning lowered her head and refused to lift it up.

Seeing this, Zheng Huaizhou held her shoulders with both hands, forcing her to stand up straight, while he bent slightly and lowered his head.

Jun Ning made a look of dodging in a panic.

Zheng Huaizhou stared at her obviously red and swollen eye sockets, frowned and said, "You are crying."

Jun Ning bit her lip and argued stubbornly: "I didn't cry! Brother Huaizhou, just let me go, you have helped me too much, I don't want to stay and cause you trouble."

Zheng Huaizhou frowned: "What the hell did you do when you went out this morning!"

Facing her inquiry, Jun Ning dodged her eyes and said, "Nothing."

Zheng Huaizhou looked at her: "Jun Ning, you are not suitable for lying. I am worried about you now, don't make me anxious, okay?"

Jun Ning looked at Zheng Huaizhou timidly, sniffed, couldn't hold back the tears, and broke down: "Brother Huaizhou, I'm sorry! It's because of my existence that I made Sister Mu Si unhappy. I don't want Sister Mu Si to be unhappy." Happy, I hope she can reconcile with you, I hope you are all well. I beg you, just let me go, you have really helped me so much, I can't continue to hurt you.

You and sister Mu Si are the bright moon in the sky, and I... I am a bug in the gutter!Even if I try my best to climb out of the gutter and run towards the light, I can't change my humble background. I deserve to rot in the gutter of rot and worry for the rest of my life!

I thank you for your help and care for me, but bedbugs are bedbugs, no matter how hard you try, you can’t change my origin!So I beg you to stay away from me, I really don't want to keep dragging you down!I don't want to be a stain on you!As long as I leave forever, everything will be fine!Without me, Sister Mu Si won't be angry with you anymore.

Brother Huaizhou, I beg you, just let me go. Leaving is the only way I can repay you now. In the future, we will never meet again. Just let me go back to the place that should belong to me to rot Stink! "

As Jun Ning said, she bent her knees and knelt down facing Zheng Huaizhou: "Brother Huaizhou, I will only drag you down, please let me go, let me fend for myself!"

Zheng Huaizhou looked at Jun Ning and said firmly, "So you left in the morning to find Mu Si!"

Jun Ning looked up at him timidly, crying and nodding.

"What did you say?" Zheng Huaizhou asked again.

Jun Ning bit her lip, and said with a sensible look: "Brother Huaizhou is fine with me, sister Mu Si may feel better after scolding me, as long as I leave completely, she will definitely be willing to reconcile with you. Brother Huaizhou, after I leave, you must remember to have a good time with Sister Mu Si."

After Jun Ning finished speaking, she stood up and grabbed the suitcase before leaving again.

Zheng Huaizhou grabbed her again: "Did Mu Si scold you?"

Jun Ning suddenly threw away Zheng Huaizhou's hand: "It's none of Sister Musi's business! She's right! A bug in the gutter like me shouldn't be overconfident, but I want to be friends with you! I will return to myself in the future." The world, draw a clear line with you, this is good for everyone!"

"Your own world?"

Zheng Huaizhou let out a breath of foul air: "Are you referring to your original family who favors men over women, and only wants to beat the bones and absorb the marrow, and exchange you for a bride price!"

Mu Si raised her head and seemed to want to force back the tears in her eyes: "What happens to me in the future has nothing to do with you! I'm a disgusting bug in the gutter, I shouldn't come out to disgust others."

"Bugs in the gutter, this is what Mu Si scolded you, right?"

Jun Ning gritted her teeth in humiliation: "She was right."

"Jun Ning!" Zheng Huaizhou suddenly raised his voice: "I don't allow you to give up on yourself like this! You worked so hard to get rid of the misfortune brought by your original family, you are so kind! You are not a bug, you are the strongest rose that blooms on the cliff! It's not your fault that you came from a bad background, it's Mu Si who is at fault! How could she use such vicious words to attack you!"

Zheng Huaizhou became more and more angry as he talked, and took Jun Ning's hand: "Go, you and I will go find her now, but I want to ask her, it's interesting to bully a girl with a poor background like this, and to mess with me endlessly like this !"

"do not want!"

Jun Ning shook her head, trying to break free from Zheng Huaizhou: "Brother Huaizhou, sister Musi definitely didn't do it on purpose! She's just too angry, I beg you not to quarrel with her again because of me, or I'll really be a sinner. "

Zheng Huaizhou grabbed Jun Ning tightly: "It's just that Mu Si is wrong, don't be afraid! The more we tolerate her, the more aggressive she will be, the more arrogant she will be!"

"Brother Huaizhou, why don't you reason with Sister Mu Si for a while, please don't quarrel?" Jun Ning begged in a humble tone.

She knew that the more sensible she was, the more Zheng Huaizhou's balance would be in favor of her!

The more Zheng Huaizhou favors her, the angrier Jun Ning will be, and the angrier Jun Ning will be, the deeper the rift between the two will be, and the deeper the rift between them, the better she can take advantage of it~
The development of the matter was unexpected and satisfied her~
The noon sun was hot and intense, and after a busy morning, the entire crew temporarily entered a state of rest.

Producer Li personally brought the crew's logistics staff over with boxed lunches, and smiled at the crew who had already started queuing up to receive the boxed lunches: "Our respected investor, Mr. Nalan, saw everyone's hard work in filming, so he specially asked people to wait in the five-star hotel. I ordered a sumptuous lunch for everyone, and promised that future meals will be served according to this high standard, and everyone said, should we thank Mr. Nalan?"

"Thank you Mr. Nalan!"

When Producer Li finished speaking, someone shouted, and there was a burst of warm applause from around, interspersed with shouts of "Thank you, Mr. Nalan".

Nalan Shaojin greeted everyone with a smile, and glanced at Producer Li calmly.

Producer Li understood, and hurriedly led people to start distributing boxed lunches.

Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin followed the meal delivery team, and soon got their portion of the meal.

(End of this chapter)

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