Chapter 227 The Strong Mouth King

Looking at the meal, which was obviously many times richer and more luxurious than usual, Han Zexin said with a smile: "Finally, I don't have to eat the bland and unpalatable meal before ~ ​​Lingchu, do you think our entire production crew is in your favor?"

Yuling glanced at Han Zexin first: "Senior sister, do you think I'm not upset enough?"

Han Zexin smiled, and bumped Yu Lingchu with her shoulder: "What are you upset about? This is a high-quality peach blossom. If you want me to say that since you can't avoid it, you might as well try to get along with each other. After getting along, if you really feel that you can't get along with each other, then break up again." chant~"

"Get along?" Yu Lingchu looked at Han Zexin: "Sister, have you forgotten that there is a marriage contract between me and Nalan Shaojin. If I let go and agree to get along with him, it will be a relationship based on marriage! Now I It's already so difficult to get rid of him before I agree to associate with him, if I agree to associate with him, I'm afraid it will be as difficult as heaven if I want to end it!"

Han Zexin looked at Yu Lingchu and said, "Then maybe after you agreed to date, Nalan Shaojin and you got in touch a lot, and felt that they were not suitable for each other, so he would take the initiative to propose to dissolve the engagement~"

After saying a word, Han Zexin suddenly felt something was wrong, and quickly explained: "I didn't mean you to be embarrassed, but some men will always be in a commotion if they don't get it, and they feel nothing but that when they get it.

Think about it~ Nalan Shaojin is such a powerful figure, wherever he goes, there are stars holding the moon.It's just that you want to keep a distance from him, don't be like me.You are so maverick, it is easy to arouse his desire to conquer~"

After Han Zexin finished speaking, she raised an eyebrow at Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu looked at Han Zexin: "Senior sister, you also think that Nalan Shaojin's entanglement with me is not out of love, right?"

Mu Si and Chu Qing came over with lunch boxes.

Han Zexin approached Yu Lingchu and whispered, "I can only say that his pursuit of you may be due to his desire to conquer."

As Han Zexin finished speaking, Mu Si and Chu Qing had already walked up to her.

Seeing the two whispering to each other, Chu Qing casually smiled and said, "What are you two whispering?"

Han Zexin raised the lunch box in her hand and said with a smile, "Talk about today's sumptuous lunch."

Chu Qing looked at her, then at Yu Lingchu, and smiled, "Delicious food is not for talking about, let's hurry up and find a place to enjoy it."

Yu Lingchu didn't want them to know about her relationship with Brother Jin, so she and Mu Si just pretended not to know.

Han Zexin looked around, and finally pointed to the stone table in the distance: "It's clean over there, let's eat there."

Chu Qing looked in the direction he pointed and nodded.

The four of them took their respective lunches and walked towards the stone table. When they were about to reach the place, Yu Lingchu's phone rang.

After answering the answer, Yu Lingchu's originally stretched brows were tightly frowned.

Han Zexin noticed the change in her expression, and asked with concern, "Lingchu, what's wrong?"

Yu Lingchu looked in Mu Si's direction, exhaled and said, "Zheng Huaizhou is here."

At the beginning of Yu Ling's words, before Mu Si could react, Chu Qing said excitedly: "That scumbag boy came here! It's a shame that my old lady took the trouble to find her! My old lady will go out now, and I will scold him to death!"

After the words fell, Chu Qing was arrogant, and strode away in high spirits.

Yu Lingchu and the others hurried to follow.

But who would have expected that Chu Qing stopped short of walking out, turned around to look at Yu Lingchu, and smiled awkwardly: "Which door is that scumbag at?"

"East." Yu Lingchu reported the location neatly.

Chu Qing looked at her and smiled again: "Let Xiao Chuchu lead the way~"

She has just arrived here and is not very familiar with the set. If she goes the wrong way, won't it waste her time scolding the scumbag!

"follow me."

Yu Lingchu walked a few steps, leading the way and reporting the news to the three people beside him.

"The brother at the door said that Zheng Huaizhou came here with Jun Ning, and his expression was extremely unkind."


Chu Qing sneered: "I want to see what kind of unkindness he has! It's not enough for us to disgust that woman in the morning, and come here to form a group of disgusting people at noon. I think they are a pair of spinning tops that don't spin. goods!"

Chu Qing was aggressive, and quickly followed Yu Lingchu to the east gate of the studio. At this time, Zheng Huaizhou was holding Jun Ning's hand, looking into the door with a stern expression.

Seeing these two people, Chu Qing immediately sneered, and spat: "Bah, bah, bah! When I went out in the middle of the day, I bumped into two piles of dog shit. It's really bad luck. Open the door for the bad luck, the bad luck is at home!"

When the words fell, she seemed to be afraid that Zheng Huaizhou and Jun Ning would not understand, she put her hands on her hips and said, "You two! Don't you know how disgusting you are? Stay in your cesspit to rot and stink and don't pollute the environment. I'll pay you back." If I can find some advantages for you and praise you for being sensible, why do you have to come out disgusting?
how!Did someone blow up the cesspit where you live?Who, can't think about it so much, ran to poke you two pieces of shit!
If you really have no place to stay, don't be disgusting here, just die where you are!Eighteen levels of hell, there is always one suitable for you! "

Chu Qing's mouth was extremely sharp, and she output violently like a machine gun, without giving anyone a chance to interrupt and refute.

Zheng Huaizhou's complexion became ugly to the naked eye. After Chu Qing finished cursing in one breath, he found a chance to say angrily: "Chu Qing! Don't bully me too much! It's not your turn to point fingers at me and Mu Si! "

"Bah!" Chu Qing spat loudly: "You really know how to put gold on your face and pay back the things between you and Sisi. Does Sisi have anything to do with you? Don't think that you are thick-skinned enough I can force it to be posted up, sorry, we are thinking about it, please be mellow!

If you feel that you are not round enough to roll, I can spend money to buy some dung beetles to help you, that thing is perfect for you, guaranteed to roll you round and smooth! "



Standing behind Chu Qing, Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin couldn't help laughing.

Zheng Huaizhou's face turned purple with anger, and his eyes stared fiercely at Yu Lingchu.

Seeing him staring at her for the first time, Yuling quickly raised her hand and said kindly: "Well, if you two on the opposite side are worried that a few dung beetles are not enough, I can donate money to buy you a few more. You are welcome, I should do it Yes! Protecting the environment and controlling pollution is everyone's responsibility~!"

Chu Qing turned around and gave Yu Lingchu a thumbs up: "Jimei, your awareness of environmental protection is really great~!"

Yu Lingchu smiled and said, "Thank you! Thank you! If you want to talk about the idea of ​​pollution control, Qingqing, you have a good brain!"

Chu Qing laughed and said, "Thank you! Thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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