shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 232 I will be filial to you in the future

Contrary to Nalan Shaojin's expectation, Yu Lingchu did not end the hug.

She just loosened the strength of holding Nalan Shaojin a little bit, her hands were still on Nalan Shaojin's shoulders, and Nalan Shaojin was supporting her waist.

The two looked at each other, looking from a distance like a couple in love.

Yu Lingchu looked at Nalan Shaojin, smiled and said, "Brother Nalan, the way you spoke out for Mu Si just now is really handsome!"

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu and smiled: "Lingchu misunderstood. The reason why I targeted Zheng Huaizhou had nothing to do with Mu Si. I targeted him because he dared to offend you."

Yu Lingchu blinked.

The system booed in her mind: "Wow~Host, is Nalan Shaojin just calling Chong Guan a confidant?"

Yu Lingchu ignored the system, she pretended to be moved and looked at Nalan Shaojin: "Brother Nalan, you are so protective of me, I'm so touched~"

"As long as Lingchu is happy, I can do anything for you."

When Yu Ling first heard what he said, she almost blurted out a question: Is it okay to dissolve the engagement?

Fortunately, she held back when she was on the verge of speaking, she tilted her head and looked at Nalan Shaojin with a smile: "You are so kind to me~ I am so touched~ You are so kind to me, how should I repay you?" ?”

Nalan Shaojin's eyes were sincere: "As long as Lingchu is willing to give me a chance to treat you well, I will be very happy."

"That can't be done!" Yu Lingchu shook his head, looked at Nalan Shaojin and said with a smile: "Everyone says reciprocate, how can I only enjoy your sacrifices and don't think of rewards~"

Nalan Shaojin looked at her and asked with a smile, "Then how does Lingchu plan to repay her?"

Yu Ling lowered her eyes at the beginning, pretending to be thinking very seriously.

With a doting smile on Nalan Shaojin's lips, he just quietly waited for her answer without urging her.

After a while, Yu Lingchu raised her eyes and smiled brightly: "I can't think of it for the time being~ but what~"

She changed the subject and said with a smile: "I am so grateful to repay you, doesn't Brother Nalan feel touched?"

Nalan Shaojin followed her smile and responded with a smile: "Lingchu is so sensible, I am naturally very moved."

As soon as Nalan Shaojin finished speaking, Yu Lingchu hurriedly called the system in his mind: ""Did you hear the system!What he said personally made him feel moved, so this must be considered as a mission completed, right? "

The system was about to say that the host couldn't do this, but before he could say anything, he received a task completion notification from the main system.

The whole system was shocked.

It didn't detect any emotion in Nalan Shaojin's heart, so how could this task be completed?
As long as Nalan Shaojin utters the word "moving" from his mouth, the task will be completed?
The difficulty factor of this task is so low, so... is it easy to pass?

Suddenly I feel that this task is like sending sub-questions deliberately given by the main system⊙_⊙

The system was stunned. Along with the task success notification, there were six big pink characters: Use your brains more when things happen!
Below the six big characters, there is a line of small characters with pink flowers: donate white lotus system

Looking at the two lines of characters of different sizes, pink and tender with florets floating around, the system fell silent.

What does main system mean?
Are you calling it brainless?

Oh Te!

Who has no brains?Who has no brains!

Yu Lingchu waited for a while, but seeing that the system did not respond, she hurriedly called again.

Is this task considered completed? Can you tell me quickly?

She withdrew when she was done, and she would think of another way if it wasn't finished.

Hearing Yu Lingchu's call again, the system quickly suspended its silent greeting to the main system, and broadcast a report cheerfully: "Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for completing the system tasks. After the upgrade of this system is completed, the host will be rewarded with a chance to draw a lottery. The system upgrade time is three hours , I can’t communicate with the host during the upgrade, please don’t worry about the host.”

Yu Lingchu secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the system announce the completion of the task.

She didn't expect that the task this time would be completed so easily.

Letting go of the hands around Nalan Shaojin's neck, Yu Lingchu patted Nalan Shaojin's shoulders: "Brother Nalan, I've figured out how to repay you!"

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu with warm eyes, waiting for her to reveal the answer.

Yu Lingchu smiled proudly: "You protect me so much, from now on you will be my brother, my own brother! I will be your own sister! I will honor you well when you are old!"

The smile on Nalan Shaojin's face froze.

The system that was about to start upgrading, couldn't help but spit out a sentence: "The host is really 6!"

Yu Lingchu didn't seem to see Nalan Shaojin's gradually stiff face, and continued with a smile: "Brother Nalan, you have such a filial sister like me, aren't you very touched? Don't worry, I will make a lot of money by filming. Qian, when you are too old to move, I will ask ten nurses to take care of you by your bed."

Nalan Shaojin gritted his teeth.

Yu Lingchu blinked: "Brother Nalan, what expression do you have? Is it because you are afraid that ten nurses won't be able to take care of you? Then... how about I invite... twenty?"

"Heh!" Nalan Shaojin chuckled, bent over and approached Yu Lingchu: "Since Lingchu is so filial, why don't you take care of me personally?"

Yu Lingchu took a step back, distanced herself from Nalan Shaojin, and said with a light smile, "I don't have a major in nursing, I must leave this professional thing to a professional, you let me do it, in case I am negligent , send you away, Brother Nalan, ahead of time, that would be a sin~"

Nalan Shaojin smiled lightly: "Lingchu is really thinking of me. Don't worry, if you are so filial to me, I won't treat you badly. If you can't move when you get old, I will take care of everything personally. Guaranteed to make you... long-life-hundred-years old!"

"Hehe..." Yu Lingchu laughed dryly: "That's totally unnecessary! Brother Nalan, don't worry, I have a good meal and exercise every day, and I'm not allowed to paralyze you in front of you! I still have to film, so let's go first !"

After Yu Lingchu finished speaking, she turned around with a smile.

Nalan Shaojin stared at her leaving back, and couldn't help wondering: What kind of tricks did this little girl play after all this trouble?What kind of trouble are you trying to make?Why... can't he understand?

When Yu Lingchu heard his heartfelt voice, she rolled her eyes and said to herself: What kind of tricks can there be, and it's not just to complete the system task of convulsions!
Having said that, Nalan Shaojin is really difficult to deal with.

No matter what she said, he could catch it, but he couldn't say it, he couldn't say it at all...

Seeing Yu Lingchu go away, Nalan Shaojin smiled lightly again.

Lingchu specially called him to this secluded place, didn't he just want to hug him and have a chat with him by the way?
If this is the case, he is very willing to accompany...

Stepping calmly, Nalan Shaojin slowly walked in the same direction as Yu Lingchu.

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