Chapter 233 Who Betrayed Who

Jun Ning accompanied the embarrassed Zheng Huaizhou back to the hotel.

On the set before, Mu Si slapped Zheng Huaizhou with all her strength, which also made Zheng Huaizhou's face swollen very obviously at this time.

Sending Zheng Huaizhou back to the room, Jun Ning turned around and went to the hotel staff to ask for ice.

She wrapped the ice cubes in a towel, gently applied it to Zheng Huaizhou's face, and then sat on the side without saying a word, quietly accompanying Zheng Huaizhou.

Going to Mu Si this time should have caused the rift between Zheng Huaizhou and Mu Si to become too large to be repaired.

After losing Mu Si completely, Zheng Huaizhou always needs to calm down.

At this time, it is enough for her to be quietly by Zheng Huaizhou's side, and saying meaningless comforting words will easily arouse Zheng Huaizhou's resentment.

The atmosphere of silence didn't last long. Zheng Huaizhou's phone rang, breaking the silence of the room.

Zheng Huaizhou glanced at the vibrating phone distractedly, saw the name on the caller ID, sighed annoyedly, picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

As soon as the call was connected, Zheng's father's furious voice came out of the receiver: "Zheng Huaizhou, what are you doing! Didn't you say that you have sent that woman named Jun away! Then explain to me what happened today. Something? Ah?! Did you take that woman to the set to trouble Musi just now!
Zheng Huaizhou, what the hell are you doing!You're afraid that you won't be able to break up with Mu Si, you're afraid that we won't be able to turn against the Mu family, right? "

Zheng Huaizhou got a headache from Zheng's father's scolding, and he interrupted Mu's father in an unhappy tone: "Dad! It's Mu Si who wants to break up with me."

Father Zheng became even angrier when he heard his sophistry: "If you don't get entangled with that woman surnamed Jun, Mu Si can get angry and break up with you? Zheng Huaizhou, you are so confused, I am really disappointed!"

Zheng Huaizhou took a deep breath and explained: "Jun Ning is just a cover for Mu Si to make trouble with me. Even if there is no Jun Ning, she will find other reasons to break up with me! She has betrayed me a long time ago! It was her outside of Mu Si. Someone betrayed me!"

Hearing what he said, Father Zheng immediately asked in confusion, "What's going on?"

Zheng Huaizhou took a deep breath: "I only found out today. Dad, I was wrong before. Mu Si was arguing with me, and she didn't want to take the lead in this relationship in turn. She really wanted to force me Break up with her! She...she has been dating someone else for a long time! It's ridiculous that I still want to save it like a fool..."

"Mu Si is dating someone else?" Father Zheng couldn't believe it.

For so many years, he has seen how Mu Si treats his son.

Musi obviously cared so much about his son, how could he betray him without warning?

Father Zheng was puzzled, and asked, "Huaizhou, is what you said true?"

Could it be that his son deliberately poured dirty water on Mu Si in order to protect that woman surnamed Jun?
"Dad, I don't need to lie, I saw it with my own eyes today!"

"Who is it!" Father Zheng asked in a cold voice.

Who doesn't have eyesight, dares to snatch his son's woman!

Zheng Huaizhou was silent.

"You said it!" Father Zheng urged with a frown.

Zheng Huaizhou took a few deep breaths, was unable to close his eyes, and gritted his teeth, "Nalan... Shaojin!"


When Father Zheng heard the name, he was surprised and thought he had heard it wrong.

Zheng Huaizhou repeated weakly: "Nalan Shaojin!"

"How is it possible?" Father Zheng exclaimed.

"Why is that impossible!" Zheng Huaizhou asked back, and then said, "I went to the set today to look for Mu Si, and Nalan Shaojin was there too! I never offended him, but he spoke harsh words to me, and he supported Mu Si with his words. The attitude is very clear!

Dad, think for yourself, if a person like Nalan Shaojin has no purpose, how could he come to such a remote and small crew in Yuncheng for no reason?If he had no plans, how could he invest in such a little-known crew!
And that Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin!They provoked the relationship between Mu Si and me, most likely to please Nalan Shaojin!

I guess Nalan Shaojin must be extremely dissatisfied with me in his heart because I don't want to break up and want to make it back, so that Nalan Shaojin can't be with Mu Si in an open and aboveboard manner for a long time! "

That's why Nalan Shaojin's attitude was so bad when he saw him...

Father Zheng listened silently to Zheng Huaizhou's words, and then asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure about this?"

Zheng Huaizhou was silent for two seconds, unwilling and resentful, he said: "Ninety-nine are not far from ten."

Otherwise, why did Nalan Shaojin come to Yuncheng for no reason, why did he appear in such a small crew, why did he target him for no reason!
If it was for Mu Si, then everything would make sense!

I hate that he has always regarded Nalan Shaojin as a friend and a brother, but Nalan Shaojin has taken away his love!

Hate appeared in Zheng Huaizhou's eyes.

Father Zheng on the other side of the phone pondered for a while, and said, "Call Mu Si immediately, admit your mistake and agree to break up!"

Zheng Huaizhou frowned, and said angrily: "Dad! I can't swallow this tone! I just want to procrastinate and not break up, but I want to see if I don't break up, does Nalan Shaojin dare to carry the reputation and reputation of stealing brothers and women?" Mu Si is together openly and aboveboard! I am having a hard time, and I will definitely not let them have a good time!"

"Zheng Huaizhou! Are you trying to kill our Zheng family!"

Father Zheng roared angrily, and then slowed down his tone to persuade: "Huaizhou, Nalan Shaojin is not something we can afford to offend! It's just a woman, if he wants it, you can give it to him!"

Zheng Huaizhou gritted his teeth: "I'm not reconciled!"

Why does he have a green hat on his head inexplicably!

How could he be sorry to Mu Si and Nalan Shaojin, to let them betray him like this!
"You have to bear it if you are not reconciled!" Father Zheng said in a cold tone: "Do you want to ruin the entire Zheng family for your resignation?! As I said, we can't afford to mess with Nalan Shaojin!
Huaizhou, remember, career is the lifeblood of a man!If you lose Musi, you can still find other helpful women to be your wives!But offending Nalan Shaojin, our entire Zheng family will suffer!You have seen his abilities and means before. When our Zheng family faces the Nalan family, it is like hitting a stone with an egg.

Huaizhou, you are a member of the Zheng family and the heir I carefully cultivated. You should know that family honor and disgrace are higher than personal gains and losses. Safeguard the interests of the family!

In Huaizhou, those who achieve major events must endure what ordinary people cannot bear.Listen to me, call Mu Si to agree to break up, and take all the mistakes of the breakup on you.Then you pretended to unintentionally reveal to Nalan Shaojin that you had broken up with Mu Si peacefully.

I know that this matter about Mu Si makes you depressed and wronged, and makes you feel ashamed, but if you think about it from another angle, this is not an opportunity, an opportunity to make Nalan Shaojin feel indebted to you! "

(End of this chapter)

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