Chapter 234
Zheng Huaizhou held the phone and listened quietly to Father Zheng's words.

"Mu Si and Nalan Shaojin, the more fussy you are and the more relentless you are, the less guilty they will feel towards you.

On the contrary, the more generous and tolerant you are, the more they will feel indebted to you. Anyway, Mu Si's heart is not on you, so it's better to be a favor to them, so maybe you can give it to yourself, to our Zheng family Get some benefits and compensation. "

After Father Zheng finished speaking, Zheng Huaizhou remained silent and did not make a sound.

Father Zheng was afraid that he didn't listen to what he said, so he hurriedly said again: "Huaizhou, if you have to be stubborn and make Nalan Shaojin angry, then don't blame Dad for being cruel! The Zheng family can't protect you , even in order not to be implicated by you, I will have to be forced to abandon your son at that time!
Think about it carefully, if you lose the protection of your family, can you still live a good life now? "

After Father Zheng finished speaking, Zheng Huaizhou remained silent.

Father Zheng didn't speak anymore either.

He has clearly explained the stakes that should be said, and the next step is to see if Zheng Huaizhou can figure it out.

If he still wants to go his own way, then the Zheng family doesn't need such an unclear heir!
Zheng Huaizhou was silent for a long time, exhaled heavily, and said in a hoarse voice, "Dad, I know what to do."

"Okay. This is my good son."

Father Zheng knew that he had figured it out, and after a word of praise, he said: "It's not too late, then you should hurry up and do as I said."

"it is good."

Zheng Huaizhou responded bitterly, and was about to hang up, when Father Zheng said again: "After finishing the business, don't stay in Yuncheng any longer, buy a plane ticket and return to the imperial capital as soon as possible."

"it is good."

Zheng Huaizhou agreed.

He originally came to Yuncheng for Mu Si, but now that he was betrayed and broke up, there was no need to stay in this sad place!

After finishing the call with Zheng's father, Zheng Huaizhou looked at Jun Ning, I have some things to do, you should go out first.

Jun Ning stood up knowingly, and said with a worried face, "Brother Huaizhou, call me anytime you need anything."

"Yes." Zheng Huaizhou nodded perfunctorily.

Jun Ning glanced at him, turned and left the room.

Zheng Huaizhou held the phone with a distorted expression, took a few deep breaths, and was about to call Mu Si when he suddenly remembered that he had been blocked by Mu Si.

Unable to reach Mu Si, he simply called Nalan Shaojin directly.

Anyway, the adulterer and the adulterer are a couple, so it doesn't matter if you call anyone!
At this moment, Nalan Shaojin was sitting on the set, leisurely watching Yu Lingchu's filming, when the phone rang, and he glanced lazily at the screen.

Seeing that Zheng Huaizhou's name was on the caller ID, Nalan Shaojin frowned slightly.

What was that mindless Zheng Huaizhou trying to do when he called him?
Could it be that he was counting on him to help persuade Mu Si to reconcile with him?
Then Zheng Huaizhou found the wrong person!

Lingchu's attitude towards Mu Si is the attitude of Nalan Shaojin.

Only by uniting with the people you like can you be liked easily.

And based on Zheng Huaizhou's bad attitude towards Lingchu, how dare he expect him to help him!

Nalan Shaojin picked up the phone, slid the screen to his ear.

Anyway, being idle now is also idle, so I just listen to what that idiot wants to say.

"Brother Jin."

Zheng Huaizhou's calm voice came from the receiver.

Nalan Shaojin said indifferently: "I said I hate people who don't have a sense of proportion. Is it because I don't understand what I say, or I don't take it seriously, huh?"

Zheng Huaizhou choked, and endured the humiliation in his heart in silence for a moment: "Mr. Nalan, I have decided to break up with Mu Si."

Nalan Shaojin raised an eyebrow when he heard this.

Just divide it, do you need to tell him specifically?

Is there a dime relationship with him?

"Musi blocked me, I want to trouble Mr. Nalan to tell her that I am sorry for her relationship with her, and all mistakes are my fault. I hope she will be happy when she leaves. In the future, I can find someone who puts her first in everything and loves her..."

"Zheng Huaizhou!" Nalan Shaojin interrupted Zheng Huaizhou's chatter, and said in a low voice, "I don't have time to meddle in your mess. If you want to break up or apologize, you can go find Musi by yourself. I don't have the time to be you." the microphone!"

After Nalan Shaojin finished speaking, he was about to end the call.

"But Musi blocked me!" Zheng Huaizhou's voice came from the receiver, revealing a faint unwillingness.

How did he feel sorry for Mu Si? She actually wanted to betray him and humiliate him like this!

"That's what you deserve." Nalan Shaojin's tone was light, and he hung up the phone conveniently after speaking, and then dragged Zheng Huaizhou's number into the blacklist.

After blocking Zheng Huaizhou's phone, he remembered something, clicked on WeChat, and added Zheng Huaizhou's WeChat contact information to the blacklist.

This idiot's contact information can't be kept. If Lingchu knew that he would misunderstand him as promiscuous, he might even question his character.

The garbage that should be cleaned up should be cleaned up quickly, so as not to leave hidden dangers for yourself.

After blocking Zheng Huaizhou's contact information, Nalan Shaojin remembered that he and Zheng Huaizhou seemed to have a common group of friends.

He clicked into that group, edited a message and sent it out.

Nalan Shaojin: I will quit this group.

After sending the message, Nalan Shaojin simply clicked to exit the group chat.

Not long after he quit the group, the entire group of friends exploded because of his withdrawal.

Zhao Hengyu was the first to discover Nalan Shaojin's message of quitting the group, and quickly typed and asked, "Brother Jin, your account has been hacked?"

Nalan Shaojin did not reply.

Zhao Hengyu wanted to @一下先兰少金, but found that he had already quit the group chat.

Zhao Hengyu was so frightened that he hurried @Everyone, and sent a message asking: "Does anyone know why Brother Jin quit the group?"

Zhao Hengyu's news immediately blew up the rest of the group.

"Brother Jin quit the group?"

"I'm going! I'm really back!"

"I have no idea what's going on, okay?"

"Damn! Brother Jin won't let us brothers go, right? Who of you messed with him? Go die yourself, don't implicate everyone!"

"Who dares to provoke Brother Jin? It's not like I'm tired of working! I think Brother Jin may have been hacked."

"Brother, are you kidding me? Who is so capable of stealing brother Jin's account?"

"That's right! If you really have the ability to hack your account, why quit the group? Ask us to collect protection fees one by one~ That's a lot of income, so I asked Brother Jin if he wants to collect protection fees, who would dare not pay!"

"Are you kidding! Brother Jin, can you pay for the protection fee for our three melons and two dates?"

"I'm not talking about you, about Brother Jin's sudden withdrawal from the group. Why did you raise the protection fee for no reason?"

"Yeah, it's getting far."

"So who knows why Brother Jin quit the group?"

Someone directly @ Zhou Xinran.

"Brother Zhou, among us, you are the most respectable in front of Brother Jin. Do you know why Brother Jin left the group?"

(End of this chapter)

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