"Then Lingchu, you really don't like Brother Jin at all?" Chu Qing asked again tentatively.

Yu Lingchu shook his head without hesitation: "I don't like it. What I want to do most now is to quickly break off the engagement with him and give each other freedom. I don't want to hide it from you. This time I come to Yuncheng, work comes second. , the main purpose is to avoid him.”

While talking, Yu Lingchu took a look at Nalan Shaojin, and said helplessly: "But who knew that he had left his hometown for such a long distance, and he still didn't escape! It's fine if he didn't escape, he is the biggest investor in this crew, equal to I also became a part-time job for him.

Now it's all right, I can't hide even if I want to.If I had known earlier that he was an investor in the film crew, I wouldn't have agreed to the director's role in the play even if I was killed! "

Chu Qing patted Yu Lingchu on the shoulder, thought for a moment and said sympathetically, "Before you, I never heard of or saw that Brother Jin was interested in any girl. You should be the first person who catches his eyes. .What Brother Jin wants to do, what he wants to achieve, has never failed.

Now that you have become his target, it may not be easy to get rid of him~"

Yu Lingchu was silent for a moment, looked at Chu Qing and Mu Si and said, "You and Nalan Shaojin are in the same circle in the imperial capital, and you are in the same circle, don't you know him a little bit?"

"I don't know much about it."

"Little is known."

Chu Qing and Mu Si spoke one after another, and then Mu Si explained: "Zheng Huaizhou and Brother Jin have some kind of friendship. I only know Brother Jin because of him. I haven't said a few words to Brother Jin, so Don't know much about him."

After Mu Si finished speaking, Chu Qing followed suit: "Nalan Shaojin and my husband have a very close relationship, and my husband occasionally chats with me about him, so I should know him better than Mu Si, Lingchu you Why ask this?"

"I want to find out what Nalan Shaojin hates."

After thinking for a while, Chu Qing vaguely understood what Yu Lingchu meant.

"Lingchu, you mean what do you do after you know what Brother Jin hates. If you cause Brother Jin to dislike you, he will naturally not want to pester you anymore?"

Yu Lingchu nodded: "That's right, that's what I mean."

Chu Qing's eyes lit up: "What a great idea!"

Yu Lingchu sighed: "What's the use of having a good idea, I don't know what he likes at all, so I have no way to start."

Chu Qing patted herself, and said to Yu Lingchu: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand, my husband understands~ My husband understands, it means I understand~ As long as you need me, sister, I can help you go to my husband to spy on Nalan Shao Jin's information~"

Yu Lingchu blinked her eyes and said expectantly, "Qingqing, is it really possible?"

"Of course!"

"Woo~" Yu Lingchu hugged Chu Qing: "Sister! You are so mean! I love you to death! If you can really help me get rid of Nalan Shaojin, you will be my sister from now on! No! Comparing with each other Sisters are still close!"

Not far away, Nalan Shaojin looked at the two people who suddenly hugged each other, his eyes turned cold.

He suddenly felt uncomfortable, very uncomfortable!
What happened to Zhou Xinran's wife?What are you doing hugging Lingchu together in a good manner?
Even if there is no other problem between men and women between them, they should also pay attention to keeping a little distance, how decent is it to hug so casually!
Chu Qing, who was hugged by Yu Lingchu, suddenly felt a creepy feeling, and subconsciously shuddered.

Yu Lingchu noticed her strangeness, quickly let go of Chu Qing, and asked with concern: "Qingqing, what's wrong with you?"

Chu Qing frowned: "It's okay, I just suddenly feel a little creepy in my heart. It seems like I'm being stared at by something"

As Chu Qing was speaking, she suddenly noticed Nalan Shaojin who was looking at her not far away.

Although the distance was a bit far, she just felt that Nalan Shaojin looked at her very unkindly.

For a moment, she seemed to have found the source of the inexplicable chill.

That's all right, she didn't offend Brother Jin?
Although she just agreed to help Lingchu find out about Brother Jin, but it's so far away, Brother Jin shouldn't be able to hear their conversation, can't he know that she wants to betray him?

Then why did he look at her with such gloomy eyes?

Woooooo~ so scary~
Xinran~ Dear husband~ It would be great if you were here~
People suddenly miss you so much, want you to protect me~
Yu Lingchu listened to Chu Qing's voice, and turned to look in Nalan Shaojin's direction.

When Nalan Shaojin saw Yu Ling looking over at the beginning, the gloom on his body dissipated instantly, and a warm smile appeared on his face.

Yu Lingchu rolled her eyes, and looked back at Chu Qing, who wanted to shrink herself into a quail with downcast eyes, and couldn't help but start to doubt.

As for Chu Qing, who can scare Nalan Shaojin with just a look, do you really dare to help her?

Chu Qing didn't know that the crisis had been resolved, she lowered her eyes, and was still analyzing the reason for Nalan Shaojin's unkind eyes in a panic:
Brother Jin probably doesn't know that I'm going to betray him. It's impossible for him to suddenly look at me like this for no reason. What is the reason?

I am so far away from him, how could I offend him?
A flash of spiritual light flashed across Chu Qing's mind, she was slightly taken aback, and thought: Could it be because of Lingchu?
Yu Ling Chu_?
my reason?

Chu Qing: Could it be because Brother Jin was jealous because Lingchu hugged me just now? !
Yu Lingchu ( ̄'i ̄;)
This guess is ridiculous!

Chu Qing: That's right!That's how it should be!When Brother Jin saw Lingchu hugging me, he was jealous!

Jade Lingchu→_→

Can this sister really think blindly, Nalan Shaojin is jealous of her and Chu Qing?
How can it be!What's wrong with the two girls being happy and hugging?How could Nalan Shaojin eat this kind of vinegar out of nowhere, and he is not sick~
She had to make Chu Qing stop such absurd thoughts.

Thinking of this, Yu Lingchu hugged Chu Qing again.

The best way for Chu Qing to dispel her absurd thoughts is to hug her again and prove to Chu Qing that her guess is wrong.

Seeing Yu Lingchu hugging Chu Qing again suddenly, Nalan Shaojin subconsciously frowned.

Why are you hugging again! ! !

What's going on with this Chu Qing!

If you want to hug her, go find her husband Zhou Xinran, why do you always ask Lingchu to hug her? !

Lingchu is also true, if you like hugging others, then hug him, what are you hugging Chu Qing for!
Nalan Shaojin stared at the two women hugging each other with deep eyes, and his mood had never been so complicated and sour.

A chill rose from the bottom of her heart again, Chu Qing secretly glanced at Nalan Shaojin's direction, and said without tears, "Lingchu, can you let go and stop hugging me~"

Hey, hey~ Brother Jin's eyes are so scary~
Let Lingchu hold her again, she is really afraid of being drowned by Brother Jin's jealousy T^T
Yu Lingchu heard Chu Qing's humming in her heart, and at the same time she let go of Chu Qing, she quickly turned her head to look in Nalan Shaojin's direction.

Almost at the same time when Yuling first looked over, Nalan Shaojin, who had noticed something, quickly put on a gentle smile.

From a distance, the young master is like jade, gentle and harmless, modest and noble.

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