Chapter 240 The angle is tricky
Intuition told Chu Qing that the crisis was resolved again.

She cautiously aimed her eyes in the direction of Nalan Shaojin.

I saw the man smiling modestly and warmly at this time, with a harmless appearance to humans and animals, and a dignified gentleman.

Chu Qing's eyelids couldn't help shaking twice, and she thought to herself: He obviously didn't look like this just now, he deserves to be a person who has been in a high position for a long time. Ashamed!
This double standard...don't make it too obvious...

Chu Qing shrinks her neck, thinking to herself: Brother Jin is so possessive and jealous towards Lingchu, it may not be easy for Lingchu to get rid of him.

Looking back at Nalan Shaojin, Chu Qing turned to look at Yu Lingchu.

This glance happened to catch Yu Lingchu rolling his eyes at Nalan Shaojin.

The disgust in those eyes should not be too obvious.

Chu Qing glanced at Nalan Shaojin again, and found that the other party was still smiling gently in Yu Lingchu's direction, as if he hadn't noticed Yu Lingchu's impatience towards him at all.

Yu Lingchu is also quite depressed now.

She wanted to hug Chu Qing again, to prove to Chu Qing that her wild thoughts were wrong, who knew that Nalan Shaojin's convulsion made her proof fail, but it seemed to confirm Chu Qing's inner guess.

However, how could Nalan Shaojin be jealous of her and Chu Qing?This is simply an international joke!

It must be the wrong way to open it just now!
The unbelieving Yuling Chu looked at Chu Qing, smiled and opened her arms: "Qingqing, come, give me another hug~"

Not far away, Nalan Shaojin watched Yu Lingchu's movements, and his eyes instantly became unpredictable.

What is Lingchu doing?
Is this an addiction?

What's so special about that Chu Qing that made her rush to hug each other again and again?
Why didn't I see such enthusiasm for his fiancé? !
Seeing that Yu Lingchu was about to hug her again, Chu Qing quickly took two steps back in fright, and at the same time raised her hand to stop Yu Lingchu from approaching: "Don't worry, Lingchu, I will definitely help you, but can you stop being so enthusiastic~"

While speaking, Chu Qing glanced at Nalan Shaojin's direction again, and said dumbfoundedly, "I really don't want to die before I finish my mission."

Nalan Shaojin saw that Chu Qing avoided Yu Lingchu's embrace,

Yu Lingchu was about to say what are you afraid of, when she heard Chu Qing desperately complaining in her heart:

He's coming, he's coming!Brother Jin came with a jar of vinegar!

Yu Lingchu: "."

Chu Qing thought in her heart: Is it because I am afraid that the distance will not cause me enough oppression?Obviously it was Lingchu who took the initiative to hug me, so why is Brother Jin acting like I took advantage of Lingchu and wanted to chop me off?
Yu Lingchu turned her head to look at Nalan Shaojin, and saw that he was walking towards them calmly with a smile like a spring breeze on his face.

Where is the pressure?

Anyway, she doesn't feel it now.

Yu Lingchu withdrew her gaze and looked at Chu Qing again.

Is it because Chu Qing is too sensitive?

Chu Qing's inner voice still continued: Brother Jin's terrible possessiveness, I'm afraid~
If I let Lingchu hug me again, Brother Jin might smash me to death with a jar of vinegar, right?
Yu Lingchu really wanted to say loudly to Chu Qing: No!Stop thinking about it!

But she can't!

Others don't know that she can hear the voices of people around her now, so Chu Qing might think that she has a mental problem...

Helpless, Yu Lingchu could only take a step back to distance herself from Chu Qing, so as not to scare herself by thinking about it.

Yu Lingchu, who took a step back, pretended to be puzzled, and asked Chu Qing in confusion, "Qingqing, what are you talking about? Why did you die before you left?"

Chu Qing took a quick glance at Nalan Shaojin who was about to approach, and said to Yu Lingchu in a low voice: "I think Brother Jin has a terrible possessive desire for you, he might want to kill all the people who are in close contact with you, regardless of male and female!"

"Hehe..." Yu Lingchu laughed dryly, and denied, "Impossible, Qingqing, don't think about it."

Seeing Yu Lingchu's expression of disbelief, Chu Qing sighed: "Ah~ Believe it or not, anyway, in my opinion, it may be quite difficult for you to get rid of Brother Jin. But sisters, don't be discouraged. Whether you like it or not, you must obey it." Originally, fate is in our own hands. I hope you will be happy in the future."

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she made a cheering gesture to Yu Lingchu.

Yu Ling first gave Chu Qing a bright smile.

Chu Qing clutched her little heart: "Lingchu, don't smile so beautifully, can you? I'm afraid I won't be able to hold back and pounce on you~"

"What are you talking about?"

Nalan Shaojin came over, looked at the three of them, and asked a very casual question.

Yu Ling looked at him at first, the smile on his face faded a bit.

"We're talking about girls' homes, why? Mr. Nalan is interested?"

Nalan Shaojin looked at her: "If Lingchu is interested, I am interested."

Yu Lingchu twitched the corners of her lips: "That's really a coincidence, what Mr. Nalan is interested in, I'm not interested in either!"

Chu Qing and Mu Si on the side immediately looked at Nalan Shaojin nervously after Yu Lingchu finished speaking.

Yu Lingchu's words were almost equivalent to clearly saying that Nalan Shaojin was a disappointment for her.

Who is Nalan Shaojin?

That is the person in power of the Nalan family who occupies a high position and commands the wind and rain!

It is an existence that is held up and respected by people wherever it goes, and does not dare to offend.

At this moment, Chu Qing and Mu Si were really worried that Yu Lingchu's outright rejection would arouse Nalan Shaojin's anger.

After the two of them looked over, seeing that Nalan Shaojin's expression had not changed, they relaxed slightly.

Brother Jin didn't seem to be angry because of Lingchu's words.

Chu Qing and Mu Si felt that it was necessary for them to remind Yu Lingchu when no one disturbed her.

Even if you don't want to associate with Brother Jin, try to choose a gentler way when you refuse, and try not to go head-to-head to provoke and annoy the other party, otherwise you will suffer a big loss.

Facing Yu Lingchu's repelling words, Nalan Shaojin's smile remained unchanged, and he only took another step towards Yu Lingchu and said, "Why does Lingchu have to be so absolute? I'm very interested in you. I really like it, don't you like yourself?"

Yu Lingchu: "."

She couldn't accept this tricky angle!
Say you like it, and slap yourself in the face for what you said just now.

It would be against my conscience to say I don't like it! ! !
She looked at Nalan Shaojin speechlessly, but Nalan Shaojin took a step in front of her with a smile: "If Lingchu doesn't like you, can you give it to me? I like it, I like it very much! "

Chu Qing Д)
Ahhhhh!Brother Jin is really 6!This love story is simply unexpected!Master!This is definitely a master!How can Lingchu pick this up!

There was gossip in Chu Qing's eyes, and she turned to look at Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu took a step back, and said with a little defensiveness on his face: "Mr. Nalan, stop dreaming! I like myself very much!"

(End of this chapter)

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