The morning sun shines brightly through the clouds.

Chu Qing, who was sleeping, was awakened by a ringing bell.

She picked up the phone in a daze, and seeing that it was a video invitation from Zhou Xinran, she couldn't help but lick the corners of her lips sweetly.

Tapping the screen lazily with her fingers, Chu Qing called out "Kiss my husband~" in a dazed tone.

Seeing Chu Qing appearing on the phone screen, Zhou Xinran couldn't help raising the corners of his lips: "Dear my wife, good morning~"

"Hey~" Chu Qing looked like she couldn't wake up, but she smiled sweetly with her eyes closed.

Looking at her cute sleeping face, Zhou Xinran's Adam's apple was rolling, and he couldn't help but want to express how much he misses his wife, but the movement behind him brought him back to his senses, and he remembered calling his wife that early in the morning. Purpose of video calling.

The call this morning was not to say good morning to my wife for the first time in the morning.

He straightened his expression, and asked Chu Qing suicidally: "Qingqing, what are you doing in Yuncheng?"


Chu Qing was dumbfounded by the question, and opened her eyes lazily, her beautiful eyes were full of confusion and doubt.

"What are you doing? I didn't do anything? I just slept soundly. What's wrong?"

Chu Qing asked her husband suspiciously.

Before Zhou Xinran could answer, she suddenly noticed something unusual in her hands, and then asked in confusion: "Honey, what are you doing there? Why are so many people moving in and out of our house this early in the morning? "

Zhou Xinran smiled wryly and said, "I was going to ask you. What are you doing? Why did Brother Jin send someone to your home early in the morning to give you many gifts. I asked the gift giver, and they said that Brother Jin specially gave you these Thank you gift."

While talking, Zhou Xinran turned the camera around and took a picture of the situation at home.

Chu Qing stared at the scene on the screen, most of the drowsiness receded.

She rubbed her eyes, sat up from the bed, recalled it carefully, and truthfully told Zhou Xinran about what Nalan Shaojin asked her to help chase Yu Lingchu yesterday.

She guessed that Nalan Shaojin wanted to bribe her for this matter, so that he sent so many gifts to her home early in the morning.

Zhou Xinran listened to Chu Qing's words, and said with a smile: "It seems that Brother Jin really cares about his sister-in-law, and all the devious tactics of saving the country with curves have come to you."

Chu Qing, however, felt a little embarrassed: "I think Lingchu's behavior really means nothing to Brother Jin. Brother Jin sent me so many thank you gifts in advance, I'm afraid I can't help you, and I will suffer for nothing. Is Lu not good?"

"There's nothing wrong with it." Zhou Xinran chuckled lightly, comforting Chu Qing and said, "Based on the relationship between Brother Jin and I, you can treat these things as a gift from him to your younger brother and sister for my sake.

As for sister-in-law, if you can speak well for Brother Jin, do so for him.Brother Jin was tempted for the first time at a young age, but people still look down on him, which is quite sad, hahahahahaha..."

At the end of Zhou Xinran's speech, he couldn't help but gloated and laughed.

Chu Qing looked at her husband speechlessly.

Zhou Xinran whispered: "Honey, if you see brother Jin being rejected at sister-in-law's place, remember to secretly take a picture of it for me to see, I want to see it, hahaha...

Why don't you wait for me to arrange the company's affairs and watch the live version.

I hope my sister-in-law will persevere, and don't be easily chased by Brother Jin. "

Chu Qing(ー_ー)!!
"Husband, having such a bad friend like you, you are really poisonous to Brother Jin..."

Zhou Xinran blinked: "Honey, did you make a slip of the tongue? Isn't it a blessing?"

Chu Qing→_→

"You're just gloating and waiting to see the jokes, how dare you say it's a blessing?" Zhou Xinran shrugged, "You can't blame me, after all, opportunities to see Brother Jin having fun are really rare~"

Chu Qing smiled, remembering what she promised Yu Lingchu, she pretended to ask casually: "Honey, you know Brother Jin so well, do you know what Brother Jin likes and what he hates?"

Zhou Xinran looked at Chu Qing suspiciously: "Why are you asking this?"

Chu Qing quickly smiled and said, "I'll help Lingchu avoid lightning. Look, my husband, Lingchu is indifferent to Brother Jin's courtship. Brother Jin has been hit many times, so it's hard to guarantee that he won't go crazy in setbacks, right? You say no?

At that time, if Lingchu accidentally does something that he doesn't like and touches his bottom line, if Brother Jin gets angry, I'm afraid Lingchu won't be able to bear it.

So, I just want to help Lingchu find out Brother Jin's likes and dislikes first, to save Lingchu from accidentally dying, and second, to let Lingchu do what he likes at critical moments, and ask for a wise man to protect himself. "

Zhou Xinran nodded, feeling that what Chu Qing said made some sense, and said, "That's fine, let me think about it carefully, and I'll write it down and send it to you when the time comes, and you can tell my sister-in-law a few words at the critical moment."

"Yeah." Chu Qing nodded, "My husband, you are so kind~"

The two chatted tirelessly for a while.

After finishing the video call with Zhou Xinran, Chu Qing didn't even bother to change into her pajamas, she opened the door and ran to Yu Lingchu's room.

Young life~
Brother Jin even bribed her with gifts~
She had to talk to Lingchu quickly, she, Chu Qing, was not the kind of person who would sell out her friends for profit.

Chu Qing trotted all the way to the door of Yu Lingchu's room, and stopped her progress abruptly.

Yu Lingchu stood at the door of the room, and when she heard the movement, she turned her eyes to look at her.

Facing Yu Lingchu, Nalan Shaojin also turned to look at her.

Chu Qing: "..."

Coincidence isn't it?

Just when I wanted to make a small report, I found out that the person who was made a small report was also...

Two people, four eyes looking at her, Chu Qing could only bite the bullet and raise her hand, and greeted with a dry smile: "Morning...morning~"

Nalan Shaojin nodded slightly: "Good morning, brother and sister."

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "Qingqing, did you come to see me?"

Chu Qing looked at Nalan Shaojin, she wanted to say that she was just passing by.

Thinking of the bribes that Nalan Shaojin sent to her home early in the morning...

In front of the briber, she can't just take things and do nothing...

Unable to leave, Chu Qing could only laugh dryly, and said to Yu Lingchu: "Well, ah, yes. I didn't expect Brother Jin to be here, so I didn't bother you? Hehe...hehe..."

Yu Lingchu glanced at Nalan Shaojin lightly, and smiled at Chu Qing: "No, Mr. Nalan happened to pass by and left immediately. What do you want from me? Let's go into the room and talk about it."

Chu Qing looked at the two gorgeous gift boxes that Nalan Shaojin held in her hand.

Damn it just happened to be passing by, it looks like it's specially here to give gifts to please...

Lingchu, can't you be more careful when you lie? Hey!
You dragged me into the house and drove Brother Jin away. Will Brother Jin count the account for being driven away by you? !

Chu Qing desperately pondered in her mind what to say to save herself...

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