Before Chu Qing could think of what to say to resolve the situation, Nalan Shaojin spoke with a smile.

"It's my fault that I didn't have time to make it clear, I don't
I was passing by, and I came here specially to find you, Lingchu. "

Hearing Nalan Shaojin's words, Chu Qing hurried to Yu Lingchu's side, walked into the room with Yu Lingchu on her arm, and greeted Nalan Shaojin with a smile: "Since brother Jin is also here to look for Lingchu, how about Come in and talk with us?"

Nalan Shaojin readily accepted the appointment, and followed the two into Yu Lingchu's room.

Yu Lingchu frowned and looked at Chu Qing.

Why did she invite Nalan Shaojin into the house together?Where is this sister on?

Seeing Yuling looking at her for the first time, Chu Qing quickly winked at her.

Sister, let me wrong you first, I am forced by this pure situation, and I definitely do not intend to sell you!

Receiving Chu Qing's begging gaze, Yu Lingchu looked back at her suspiciously.

what happened?
Was Chu Qing coerced by Nalan Shaojin?

Because of what_?
When the three of them entered the room, Chu Qing let go of Yu Lingchu's hand, turned to look at Nalan Shaojin, pretended to be relaxed and casually smiled and said, "Brother Jin, what are you holding in your hand? Yes, you didn’t come here on purpose to give us Lingchu gifts, did you?”

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu with a smile, "That's right, I came here to give Lingchu a gift."

Yu Lingchu glanced at Nalan Shaojin lightly, and a perfunctory smile curled up on the corner of his mouth: "Mr. Nalan is really too polite, you won't get paid for nothing, please go back."

Regarding Yu Lingchu's indifference, Nalan Shaojin was not annoyed at all, and only smiled warmly: "Why should Lingchu be so indifferent, why do you need such utilitarian reasons for sending a gift between you and me? Sincerely, I naturally want to Send it away."

Speaking of this, Nalan Shaojin glanced at Chu Qing inadvertently, and continued to smile at Yu Lingchu: "I think Lingchu won't reject my offer, right?"

Chu Qing received the hint from Nalan Shaojin's eyes, and after his voice fell, she quickly assisted and said, "Brother Jin has a heart, of course Lingchu will not refuse, seeing this gift is beautifully packaged, why don't you open it and let me open my eyes?" chant?"

Nalan Shaojin was very satisfied with Chu Qing's timely assist, and replied with a smile, "Of course."

Yu Lingchu looked at Chu Qing suspiciously.

Not a sister, which side are you on?

How could he make a decision on her behalf and accept the gift brought by Nalan Shaojin after singing with Nalan Shaojin? !

While Nalan Shaojin lowered her head to open the gift, Chu Qing hurriedly clasped her hands together and bowed to Yu Lingchu a few times.

Sisters, the situation is really compelling!Cooperate for a while, cooperate!
Yu Lingchu really didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the Qing gourd, so he could only choose to remain silent for the time being.

Nalan Shaojin opened the two gift boxes he brought, pushed them in front of Yu Lingchu, raised his head and smiled at her: "When I saw these two things, I thought of you, and thought it should be suitable for you."

Yu Lingchu looked down at the contents of the box, and said indifferently, "I don't think Mr. Nalan's feelings are accurate."

Nalan Shaojin smiled slightly: "If Lingchu doesn't like it, just throw it away. I'll give you something else next time."

Looking at the two gifts in the box, Chu Qing couldn't help swallowing.

What is Brother Jin talking about?
The two gifts he gave to Lingchu, any one of them is worth a lot, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it.

Just... Lingchu implicitly expressed that if he didn't like it, he would throw it away?

It's not such a bad idea to be rich!

What's more, when Lingchu said he didn't like it, was he referring to the gift?
This is clearly aimed at gift givers!

Chu Qing didn't believe that Nalan Shaojin didn't understand this.

Not only Chu Qing didn't believe it, Yu Lingchu also didn't believe that Nalan Shaojin couldn't understand what he said.

Since he insisted on pretending to be ignorant and wanting to continue pestering, she didn't mind making things clearer.

"Mr. Nalan, don't waste your time, I won't like anything you give me."

As Yu Lingchu's voice fell, the air froze for a moment.

Chu Qing shrunk her neck subconsciously, and secretly looked at Yu Lingchu with her eyes, and then at Nalan Shaojin.

T^T She ​​shouldn't have left her room in the morning, what happened to this.

Ancestor Lingchu, I know you don't like brother Jin, but when you refuse, can you hold back a little bit, don't be so aggressive, hey~
Or... wait until I'm not here and you don't have any scruples to refuse.

Anyway, save brother Jin some face, right?

In case Brother Jin thinks it's embarrassing to be rejected by you several times, he won't be willing to do anything to you, will he silence me?

Who made me the unlucky one, the only witness who witnessed his embarrassment...

Yu Lingchu didn't want to be so radical either.But she said all the good and bad things, and used a lot of tricks, Nalan Shaojin just didn't want to let her go, so she was anxious~
After a brief silence, Nalan Shaojin raised his eyes and looked at Yu Lingchu with an expression of indiscriminate emotion.

Yu Ling's heart sank.

It's over, it's over~
It seems that the rejection is too merciless, which really annoys people...

Seeing her grandfather's life-saving grace to Mr. Nalan, even if Nalan Shaojin is annoyed, he can't trouble her, right?
grandpa grandpa~
My dear grandpa!
You old man saves people as soon as he saves them. How can you plant a hot potato for your granddaughter after saving people!

Yu Lingchu was a little flustered, but on the surface he pretended to be calm and looked at Nalan Shaojin.

Feeling the tense atmosphere, Chu Qing desperately thought of what to say to ease it, but she heard Nalan Shaojin chuckle suddenly.

"It doesn't matter if Lingchu doesn't like the gift I gave, I gave it to me, if you don't like it, just throw it away."

After finishing speaking, Nalan Shaojin stood up calmly and walked out the door.

Looking at this scene, Chu Qing suddenly felt that at this very moment, Nalan Shaojin, who was powerful and powerful, looked a little... bleak from the back.

In this situation, Chu Qing couldn't help but sigh in her heart: Heroes are sad for beauties~
Looking back at Nalan Shaojin, Chu Qing looked back and saw Yu Lingchu resting her chin on one hand, looking at her with a half-smile.

"Explain what happened just now."

Chu Qing chuckled, and hurried over to hold Yu Lingchu's arm, and sat down next to her: "My husband just made a video call to me, and Brother Jin sent someone to my house to give me a lot of presents early this morning... …

No, Lingchu, don't get me wrong!I'm not that shallow-sighted, who would betray my friends for a little profit.

As soon as I saw him bribing me, I put down the phone and came to you to confess.

But you also know that our friendship with Brother Jin is there. He sent me something to do something. I really can't refuse. This face-saving project should be done.

If you don’t want to listen to me talking for him, just treat me as a fart, good Lingchu~ You must understand my difficulties, right? "

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