Chapter 245
After listening to Chu Qing's explanation, Yu Lingchu let out a foul breath and nodded, "Yes, I understand."

Chu Qing smiled and hugged her arms even tighter: "I knew Lingchu that you were the most reasonable~ Don't worry, I've already given you information about Brother Jin from my husband.

My husband promised to send me a list of Brother Jin's likes and dislikes that he knows later, and as soon as I receive it, I will forward it to you immediately. "

Yu Lingchu smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Chu Qing looked at Yu Lingchu, thought for a while and couldn't help but persuade: "I know you don't like Brother Jin, but you should try not to offend him too much. Even if you don't want to be a couple, try not to make enemies. If If he bears his grudge, I'm afraid you will suffer."

Regarding Chu Qing's kind reminder, Yu Lingchu nodded: "I see."

Nalan Shaojin left Yu Lingchu's room expressionlessly, and returned to his own room. When he saw the full-length mirror in the room, he stood in front of the mirror with a sullen face, and carefully observed his figure and appearance reflected in the mirror.

His appearance shouldn't make people hate ghosts, right?Why did Lingchu reject him so much?
Nalan Shaojin faced the mirror, looking back and forth, left and right, trying very hard to find out the reason why Yu Lingchu didn't like him.

When Yan Yue opened the door and came in from the outside, what he saw was him looking at himself in the mirror all the time.

Yan Yue leaned close to Nalan Shaojin and tried to look at Nalan Shaojin with wide eyes.

What is Master Jin looking at when he looks in the mirror so carefully?
Appreciate your majestic figure?

Can't you?
Master Jin's tortured mental illness has not yet begun to be cured, but now he has the problem of narcissism?
At this moment, the figure of Dongfang Bubai, a big man in women's clothing, suddenly appeared in Yan Yue's mind.

Dongfang Bubai's face was there, and it was automatically replaced by Nalan Shaojin's face in his mind.

Yan Yue shivered subconsciously when he thought of the picture of his own master Jin wearing a red dress, pinching an orchid and asking him "Am I beautiful?"

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yan Yue, and said in a deep voice, "Why are you shaking? Is it me that makes you feel uncomfortable?"

Yan Yue was taken aback.

Why did Lord Jin ask such a question?
He hurriedly found an excuse and explained: "Hehe~ Master Jin, you really know how to joke. I just suddenly felt a little cold, and I couldn't help shivering."

Who dares to say that Lord Jin made him feel uncomfortable, isn't that courting death? !

"Heh!" Nalan Shaojin chuckled, "This hotel room is as warm as spring, but you actually said it was cold and weak?"

Yan Yue bit the bullet and nodded.

It is also better to admit that you are physically weak than to admit that you are thinking wildly about Mr. Jin.

"Yan Yue, how long have you been with me?"

Yan Yue didn't understand why Nalan Shaojin would ask this suddenly, he took a careful look at Nalan Shaojin's indiscriminate expression, and the alarm sounded in his heart.

Master Jin shouldn't be in a good mood right now, and he doesn't know why this early in the morning, he'd better deal with it carefully.

Yan Yue bowed his head and said very respectfully: "Master Jin, I was adopted by the Nalan family since I was a child, and I have been with you for almost 20 years."

"It's been so long~"

Nalan Shaojin spoke lightly, his eyes suddenly turned cold: "Then you should know that I don't like to listen to lies."

Yan Yue swallowed nervously, he just made up a picture in his mind that made him feel cold, but he couldn't escape Master Jin's insightful eyes.

What does this make him say?

Do you want him to tell Master Jin that I shudder because I put your handsome face on Dongfang Bubai?

If the truth is told, it is estimated that today will be his death day next year.

Can't say, this kind of truth can't be said to death!

Although Lord Jin can't open his mind to see what he's thinking, he has to be careful in the next step.

Yan Yue's expression was even more respectful: "Yes, Lord Jin, I dare not hide from you."

Nalan Shaojin glanced at Yan Yue: "Let me ask you, do I look particularly unpopular? Tell the truth!"

Yan Yue frowned, and looked at Nalan Shaojin puzzled: "Master Jin, you... why do you ask that?"

Not to mention that Mr. Jin is good-looking, but he is not good-looking. Who dares to say that he does not want to see him? It is not that he has lost his attachment to this world and is tired of life.
"You just need to answer my question honestly now, understand?"

Yan Yue thought for a while, and replied: "Master Jin, with your looks, you are definitely worthy of the words that everyone loves you, and flowers bloom when you see them."

As Yan Yue spoke, he felt that Nalan Shaojin's face was getting darker and darker.

This made his voice become smaller and smaller, and he began to quickly reflect on what was wrong with what he said.

Nalan Shaojin listened to Yan Yue's voice becoming more and more unconfident, and his eyes darkened: "I want to listen to the truth, not to flatter you!"

Yan Yan(Д)ノ

He... what he said is the truth
Dare to mess around for so long, isn't Mr. Jin suffering from narcissism, or low self-esteem? !
So he just looked in the mirror over and over again, not for self-appreciation, but for self-questioning?


Master Jin is so inferior! I'm so inferior!

With his appearance, if he doesn't enter the entertainment industry in the shopping mall, he will definitely turn those male stars into scum, okay?
With such a good appearance, he has low self-esteem? !

This is absolutely sick in my heart and I didn't run away!

Yan Yue began to worry, how could he help Lord Jin build up his confidence?
It seems that I have to call the psychiatrist tonight for consultation.

"Master Jin, what I'm telling is the truth! In this way, if I tell a lie, I'll be hit by the car when I go out, and I'll hit the ground first when I fall off. I won't be able to marry a wife in this life!"

Seeing Yan Yue's sincere swearing and swearing, Nalan Shaojin sucked his teeth and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Yan Yue, tell me honestly, there is something about me that makes people find it particularly annoying and unbearable. "

Yan Yue: "."

What Master Jin told him to say was to send a proposition!

Don't say no, there is, who dares to say!
"Tell me, I don't blame you." Nalan Shaojin added.

Yan Yue watched him remain silent for a while, then shook his head vigorously and said, "Master Jin, what you said is true!"

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yan Yue: "The truth?"

Yan Yue nodded sharply: "The truth!"

Nalan Shaojin lowered his eyes and pondered for a while, then looked at Yan Yue again: "Then tell me, why does Yu Lingchu reject me so much?"

Yan Yue: "."

How did he know this? !
But since Lord Jin asked, he could only try to help analyze it.

Yan Yue thought for a while, then slowly said: "Master Jin, maybe Miss Lingchu doesn't reject you, she's just a little rebellious?"

"how to say?"

"You are married to Miss Lingchu's fingertips. To put it bluntly, it is an arranged marriage. Miss Lingchu is a modern woman with a higher education, and she may have resistance to this kind of arranged marriage in her bones. She may think that This marriage contract is manipulating her life, and she wants to resist and break free from this shackle.

So in this case, as Miss Lingchu's marriage partner, Master Jin, you have become an existence that she wants to get rid of eagerly.

To get rid of you is to get rid of the shackles of feudal arranged marriage for her.You know, when a person has an obsession to achieve a certain goal, in order to achieve the goal, she will automatically ignore many interfering factors that hinder her from achieving the goal. "

(End of this chapter)

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