After listening to Yan Yue's analysis very carefully, Nalan Shaojin said, "So what you mean is that Lingchu may not reject me, and even has feelings for me in his heart.

What she really repulsed was the marriage contract with me, which was made by the elders and made her feel that her fate was being manipulated? "

Yan Yue nodded.

Nalan Shaojin thought for a moment: "Your analysis ... also makes sense. Then what do you think, if this is the case, what should I do?"

Yan Yue: "."

He felt that his hair was beginning to have the idea of ​​running away from home.

Master Jin's question really took his brains one by one.

He frowned and thought for a moment, then said cautiously: "Then Master Jin, if I say something, you can't blame me."

Nalan Shaojin nodded: "I don't blame you, just tell me what you think."

After getting the guarantee, Yan Yue said boldly: "My method is a bit desperate, the first step is to agree to terminate the engagement with Miss Lingchu, and dispel her resistance to you because of the engagement.

The second step is to start pursuing her seriously with a new identity that is not related to each other. "

Nalan Shaojin thought for a moment: "If the situation you said is true, your method is feasible. But if it is not the situation you said, if I do this, I will let the person escape with my own hands.

In the business field, it is said that risks and benefits coexist, but when it comes to relationships and Lingchu, I don't want to take any risk of losing her.

Even if it were the case you mentioned, breaking off the engagement is not the only solution.You help me think about it again, what else is good, there is no way to make girls happy. "

Yan Yue scratched his head, before he started to think, Nalan Shaojin said again: "Forget it. You better stop thinking for me, if you can please girls, you won't be single until now."

Yan Yue: "."

no!Who does Master Jin look down on?
Personal attacks are prohibited!

Yan Yue dared not speak out.

Nalan Shaojin said again: "I remember reading a word called Sea King, which refers to the kind of scumbag who is especially good at pleasing girls, and who is on several boats at the same time. You go and find me such a person. "

Yan Yue: "."

What kind of strange task is this?What did Lord Jin want him to find a scumbag?
Yan Yue expressed his incomprehension.

Nalan Shaojin glanced at him indifferently: "Aren't you going?"

"Oh, yes, I'll do it now."

Full of doubts, Yan Yue turned and left.

This... where should Neptune find it?
The sun rises slowly from the east, casting dazzling brilliance on the world.

After a night of hangover, his head throbbed. Zheng Huaizhou took a breath, opened his eyes in pain, and wanted to rub his aching head with his hands.

But with this movement, he suddenly found that his hand seemed to be pressed by something.

He turned his eyes, and what came into his eyes in a daze was Jun Ning's sleeping face.

Looking at the past, Zheng Huaizhou suddenly felt that his drowsy head was mostly awake, and a bad feeling swept over his heart.

The sleeping Jun Ning seemed disturbed by his movements, and slowly opened her eyes with a groan.

Looking at each other, Zheng Huaizhou was full of astonishment and shock, he lifted the quilt and jumped out of bed in disbelief.

Jun Ning was at a loss and pulled up the quilt on her body, looked at Zheng Huaizhou anxiously and shyly, tears welled up in her eyes instantly.

Zheng Huaizhou was doubly disturbed by that look of wanting to speak but still ashamed to speak.

He scratched his hair irritably, wanting to speak but didn't know what to say.

"Brother Huaizhou~" Jun Ning said in a crying voice, anxious and wronged: "I came to look for you last night, you..."

Having said that, Jun Ning stopped, and tears rolled down the corners of her eyes.

She closed her eyes to calm down, and then continued: "You were drunk, and you recognized me as sister Mu Si. You didn't listen to what I said, so you just pulled me... woo woo~ I'm so scared~"

Jun Ning whimpered and cried in a low voice.

Zheng Huaizhou felt even more disturbed, and irritably growled at Jun Ning: "Don't cry!"

Jun Ning was so frightened by his fierce look that she stopped crying.

Zheng Huaizhou looked at Jun Ning coldly: "It was so late yesterday, why did you come looking for me when you have nothing to do!"

If Jun Ning hadn't come to look for him at night, all of this would not have happened!

This matter must not be spread, once Mu Si finds out, then there is really no chance of him and Mu Si reuniting!

Zheng Huaizhou tried to calm himself down, looked at Jun Ning and said, "I'm sorry, I was drunk last night, and I don't remember what happened at all."

Jun Ning bit her lip and looked at him pitifully.

Zheng Huaizhou continued: "Jun Ning, you know, I have always regarded you as my sister, maybe I hurt you unconsciously last night, but this matter cannot be said to be my responsibility alone, if you don't come here , it's never going to happen, so whatever happens, we're both responsible.

I don't mean to evade my responsibilities by saying this. I will take what I have to bear. I will give you a sum of money, enough money for you to live well. As for the rest, I'm sorry, I can't give you. "

"Brother Huaizhou~" Jun Ning choked up and said, "I don't want your money, and I don't need you to be responsible. Don't worry, I will treat what happened last night as if it never happened...

I just beg you don't chase me away, okay?I only have you...

From the day you helped me, I regarded you as the light in my life, the only light.

I dare not ask for anything extravagantly, as long as I can stay by your side, I am satisfied.Brother Huaizhou, please don't drive me away..."

Jun Ning cried helplessly while begging, humble and pitiful.

Zheng Huaizhou's heart suddenly softened, but he still said with a straight face: "I don't want anyone to know what happened today, especially Mu Si."

Jun Ning nodded quickly: "Brother Huaizhou, don't worry, I will keep my mouth shut, please don't drive me away, I just need to be by your side is enough, I don't expect anything else..."

Zheng Huaizhou looked at Jun Ning, his eyes softened: "Don't worry, I will make it up to you."

Jun Ning bit her lips, with thousands of feelings hidden in her eyes: "Brother Huaizhou, I am yours now, as long as I can stay by your side, I am satisfied."

Zheng Huaizhou was very satisfied with Jun Ning's sensibleness, and the eyes that looked at Jun Ning became softer.

It would be great if Mu Si could be as sensible as Jun Ning.

He smiled at Jun Ning, turned and walked into the bathroom.

Jun Ning lay on the bed, listening to the sound of water in the bathroom, she couldn't help but curl her lips.

She and Brother Huaizhou already have a skin relationship, and Brother Huaizhou will be responsible for her in the future.

Next, she will gradually replace Mu Si's position in Brother Huaizhou's heart. One day, she will take the position of Mrs. Zheng!

When Zheng Huaizhou came out of the bathroom, Jun Ning had already left. Looking at the bright red on the hotel bed sheet, he felt a little complicated.

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