shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 247 You are about to be evicted from the house

Chapter 247 You are about to be evicted from the house

The phone on the bedside table vibrated at this moment.

Zheng Huaizhou walked over and saw Father Zheng's number displayed on the lit screen, he subconsciously frowned.

Father Zheng's calls to him these few times were all accusations, which made him very disgusted.

After watching the phone vibrate for a while, Zheng Huaizhou slowly picked it up to answer it.

As soon as the phone was connected, father Zheng's angry voice came out without any surprise: "Zheng Huaizhou! Are you going to provoke Nalan Shaojin without knowing what to do!"

Thinking of the misunderstanding caused by his random suspicion, Zheng Huaizhou didn't know how to reply Zheng's father for a while, so he could only deny powerlessly: "No."


Zheng's father raised his voice and sneered, obviously not believing Zheng Huaizhou's sophistry.

"Then explain to me why the Nalan Group started targeting our Zheng family crazily? Do you know that they are aggressive, as if they want to run our Zheng family to death! Do you know that just this morning, the company How much damage has been suffered? Bad news comes one after another.

And that old bastard from the Mu family!ah?Obviously it was his daughter who cheated on you and betrayed you first, so you have to act like a victim, even if you are a bitch, you still have to set up a memorial archway!Jumping up and down behind the Nalan Group, without caring about the old relationship between the two families, they have been targeting our Zheng family! "

Hearing Zheng's father's angrily complaining, Zheng Huaizhou raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, admitting that he misunderstood Mu Si's cheating and couldn't say anything.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, followed by Jun Ning's well-behaved and gentle voice: "Brother Huaizhou~ have you finished your bath? I specially asked the people in the hotel to prepare hangover soup for you. You open the door Open it, and I'll bring it in for you."

Jun Ning's voice came faintly into Zheng's father's ears through the phone's microphone, and he immediately yelled: "Zheng Huaizhou, you bastard! The company at home is about to catch fire, but you are fine, and you are still in the mood to enjoy the gentleness in Yuncheng?! You bastard! Good! You are so cruel! Why did I raise such a useless and bastard like you!"

After Zheng's father finished scolding, he didn't give Zheng Huaizhou a chance to speak, and hung up the phone angrily.

Jun Ning stood outside the door and waited for a while after speaking. Seeing that the door was not open, she raised her hand to knock twice, but the door suddenly opened.

Zheng Huaizhou's angry face appeared in front of her eyes, before Jun Ning's brain could function, Zheng Huaizhou overturned the hangover soup in his hand.

Jun Ning looked at Zheng Huaizhou at a loss, but Zheng Huaizhou said angrily: "Can you stop pestering me all the time!"

Jun Ning pursed her lips, and explained in a helpless and aggrieved way: "Brother Huaizhou, I'm just afraid that you'll wake up from a hangover and feel uncomfortable, so I want to send you some hangover soup."

Obviously, when she left just now, Brother Huaizhou treated her very well. After only a short while, what happened to make Brother Huaizhou so angry...

Jun Ning couldn't guess the reason, so she could only look at Zheng Huaizhou aggrieved and pitifully.

According to her past experience, as long as she behaves pitifully and weakly enough, Zheng Huaizhou will definitely take pity on her.

Sure enough, after seeing her pitiful and helpless look, the anger on Zheng Huaizhou's face dissipated a little.

The phone that had just been hung up also vibrated again at this time.

Zheng Huaizhou glanced at the screen, motioned Jun Ning to keep quiet, and then put the phone to his ear to answer.

Mother Zheng's angry voice came out: "Zheng Huaizhou! You are going to piss me off! Didn't I tell you a long time ago, hurry up and drive away that country girl! You actually played with me the trick son, right?!
Do you know that now because of that bitch, your father is so angry that he wants to revoke your status as the heir of the Zheng family, kick you out of the Zheng family and sever ties with you!
He... he is going to bring back the illegitimate child outside to admit his identity!He wants to replace you with the bastard born to that bitch! "

Zheng's mother's words hit Zheng Huaizhou's heart like a bolt from the blue. He grabbed his hair in frustration and said in a hasty tone, "Mom, help me stabilize my dad first, and I will find a way to turn the situation around as soon as possible!"

After Zheng's mother finished speaking angrily, her tone eased a bit: "Huaizhou, Mom has devoted all her efforts to you, and you can't let me down. Don't say anything else, let's get you out of here now." Drive away the poor girl next to you who wants to fly on a branch! Not to mention that her status will not help you, it will only drag you down, and she is not worthy of being your lover!"

Jun Ning was very close to Zheng Huaizhou, and she vaguely heard some of Zheng's mother's words.

She lowered her head, biting her lower lip unwillingly.

Why do you look down on her so much!
What's wrong with her?Her origin is not her choice!
Is it true that if one is born badly, one has no right to pursue happiness? !

She has given her most precious and pure first time to brother Huaizhou, brother Huaizhou can't let her go!

No matter what, she will never leave Brother Huaizhou!

No matter how difficult it is, she will definitely be the one who stands beside Brother Huaizhou and shares glory and wealth with him!

She, Jun Ning, wants to fly up the branches and become a phoenix!
Zheng Huaizhou glanced at Jun Ning, who was bowing her head, and said to Zheng's mother on the phone: "Mom, I understand. Don't worry, I will make arrangements."

Zheng's mother said angrily: "Arrange what arrangement! Just drive her away!"

"Well. I see."

Zheng Huaizhou responded perfunctorily.

Mother Zheng didn't say anything, and simply hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, Zheng Huaizhou looked at Jun Ning and rubbed his hair irritably.

"Jun Ning, I'll book a plane ticket for you now, you go back to the imperial capital first."

Jun Ning's hand hanging by her side tightened slightly.

She didn't want to leave Yuncheng, and she didn't want to leave Zheng Huaizhou's side.

She was afraid that something would happen if she left, and that Zheng Huaizhou and Mu Si would resurface.

She and Zheng Huaizhou have skin-to-skin relationship, then Zheng Huaizhou is her man!

She absolutely does not want to see her man and ex-girlfriend come back to life!

Jun Ning raised her head, looked at Zheng Huaizhou pitifully, and begged: "Brother Huaizhou, I am very worried about you now, please let me stay with you, okay?"

Regarding Jun Ning's entreaties, Zheng Huaizhou did not soften his heart this time.

He frowned, said irritably and resolutely: "Jun Ning, you will only make things worse if you stay. Be obedient, can you go back to the capital first?"

Jun Ning bit her lip with tears in her eyes, and suddenly stepped forward and hugged Zheng Huaizhou's waist tightly: "Brother Huaizhou, you won't want me, right?"

Zheng Huaizhou hesitated for two seconds, then nodded: "Yes."

Jun Ning had already seen Zheng Huaizhou's resolute attitude in sending her away, and knew that if she insisted on staying, not only would she not get any benefits, but she would also arouse Zheng Huaizhou's resentment. After getting Zheng Huaizhou's promise, she immediately smiled through tears and said obediently: : "Then I'll listen to brother Huaizhou, return to the capital and wait for you."

(End of this chapter)

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