Chapter 253 It's Cheap!

In the quiet car, several people were speechless for a while.

After a while, it was Yu Lingchu who was the first to break the silence with a dry laugh: "Uh... what happened just now?"

Han Zexin: "Well... junior sister, you got out of the car with the people in the hotel, and then "swish~" and jumped back into the car at a hellish speed."

Mu Si: "Everything happened so unexpectedly, I didn't realize it..."

Chu Qing: "So Lingchu, why are you running?"

Yu Lingchu thought about it seriously: "Instinct told me to run quickly, so I ran."

Chu Qing glanced out the car window.

Yu Lingchu also glanced out of the car window.

Withdrawing her gaze, she looked at the three people in the car: "What should I do?"

Chu Qing lowered her eyes.

Don't ask her, I don't know.

Mu Si smiled in embarrassment and shook her head.

Don't ask her, I don't know.

Han Zexin blinked, looked outside, and then at Yu Lingchu: "Junior Sister! Senior Sister believes that you can handle it yourself!"

Yu Lingchu twitched the corner of her mouth: "Hehe..."

After all, she still has to fight against everything alone...

Nalan Shaojin didn't go to the set for a day, but he actually gave her a big trick in the hotel...

Brain pain...

There was a knock on the car window, and Nalan Shaojin stood outside the car holding a black rose.

Yu Lingchu shifted his gaze horizontally and met him through the car window.

Nalan Shaojin outside the car window smiled softly and affectionately.

Yu Lingchu in the car window looked depressed and hopeless.

Seeing that Yu Lingchu seemed to have no intention of coming out, Nalan Shaojin knocked on the car window again.

The car door opened, and Yu Lingchu's eyes fell on the bouquet of flowers that Nalan Shaojin was holding. Before Nalan Shaojin could speak, he said, "I don't buy flowers, thank you!"

(°°) Chu Qing: "..."

(⊙o⊙) Mu Si: "..."

Han Zexin: "6!"

Isn't this a pure romantic killer!

She knew that no matter what the situation was, her junior sister would be able to deal with it witty...

Nalan Shaojin's expression froze for a moment, and he looked down at the bouquet he was holding in his arms...


What went wrong now that Lingchu mistakenly thought that he was going to sell her flowers? !
Pushing the bouquet in his hand forward, Nalan Shaojin's eyes were fondling, and his voice was soft and magnetic: "If you don't buy it, you can give it as a gift. I will only give it to you in this life."

Yu Lingchu pushed the flower into Nalan Shaojin's arms, and said righteously: "I don't want to give it to me for free! I don't like to take advantage of others, and it is easy to suffer big losses if you are greedy for petty gains! Take it back! Take it quickly!" go back!"

Chu Qing→_→

Lingchuzhen 6, a few words will make the romantic confession atmosphere "嗖儿~" gone...

I don't know how Brother Jin will deal with this embarrassing situation...

Mu Si: "..."

If Lingchu is single, it must be based on her strength. Yuelao would worry about seeing her strength. I wonder how Brother Jin will react...

Han Zexin: "..."

Her junior sister is really a...uh...little witty ghost~
It depends on how Nalan Shaojin will deal with it.

Yu Lingchu's refusal was so obvious, Nalan Shaojin could feel it naturally.

He looked at Yu Lingchu with deep eyes and said with a smile: "Some advantages should be taken or should be taken, isn't there such a saying, if there are advantages, don't take advantage of the bastard!"

As Nalan Shaojin was talking, he pushed the bouquet in Yu Lingchu's arms into Yu Lingchu's arms, and then left gracefully.

Feeling the bouquet slipping from her body, Yu Lingchu subconsciously raised her hand to hug the bouquet of black roses.

Among the bouquets of black roses sprinkled with gold powder, there are several exquisite gift boxes interspersed.

Holding the flower in her arms, Yu Lingchu turned to look at the three people beside her: "This I have to accept it?"

Chu Qing looked at the bouquet in Yu Lingchu's arms, and blinked: "Brother Jin just said that if you have an advantage, don't take advantage of the bastard..."

Han Zexin answered: "To put it bluntly, Nalan Shaojin said that if you don't take advantage of him, you are a bastard..."

Yu Lingchu: →_→

Han Zexinㄟ(▔,▔)ㄏ

Mu Si leaned forward and stared at the flowers in Yu Lingchu's hand: "But why did Brother Jin send black roses to Lingchu?"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "You don't know that, do you? The flower language of the black rose is that I am a devil, and I belong to you~ It represents loyalty, uniqueness, and unwavering love~"

"Devil?" Yu Lingchu sneered: "It seems that Nalan Shaojin's position on himself is quite clear."

Han Zexin raised her hand, pawing at the black rose in Yu Lingchu's hand: "I'm a little curious about what's in the gift box interspersed among the flowers."

"Open it and have a look~" Chu Qing looked at Yu Lingchu with sparkling eyes.

Yu Lingchu took advantage of the situation and pushed the flower into her arms: "Here, just look at it!"

Chu Qing was so frightened that she pushed the flower back into Yu Lingchu's arms: "Brother Jin gave you this, don't push it towards me, hey!"

Yu Lingchu pursed her mouth: "But I don't want any of it! There is a gift box inside the flower, who would have thought that would be a bad move?"

Chu Qing was speechless: "What's a bad move? Isn't this... isn't it called hard work?"

Yu Lingchu rolled her eyes: "I didn't see it with my heart, it's really tricky. If there is only one bouquet of flowers, I can just throw them away. There are gifts mixed in, do I have to find a way to return them?"

"How to withdraw?" Mu Si asked hesitantly.

Just now Lingchu was able to safely reject brother Jin's confession, in her opinion, it was already very powerful.

If Lingchu keeps losing face like that, will he annoy Brother Jin?
After all, Brother Jin is in a high position, capable and resourceful, the consequences of annoying him are simply not something ordinary people can bear...

Yu Lingchu held the bouquet in her arms and was silent for a moment, then said: "It is definitely not possible to retreat with a big fanfare holding the flowers, that would make it too difficult for Nalan Shaojin to get off the stage."

Mu Si and Chu Qing quickly nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes, yes! You can't be so reckless!"

Even if the tiger doesn't show its power, you can't treat other people as sick cats.

"So, Lingchu, what are you going to do?" Han Zexin asked curiously.

Yu Lingchu glanced down at the bouquet in her arms, thinking about it: "I plan to take out the gift and return it privately, and throw the flowers into the trash can!"

After Yu Lingchu finished speaking, the car was quiet for a while.


A moment later, Han Zexin broke the silence with a high five.

Everyone's eyes fell on Han Zexin, and Han Zexin smiled and said: "Wonderful! Quietly return the gift in this bouquet to Nalan Shaojin, which can be regarded as saving some face for Nalan Shaojin.

Throwing the flowers away again showed Lingchu's rejection of Nalan Shaojin even more clearly.

A noble person like Nalan Shaojin must have his own pride. If Lingchu has repeatedly and clearly rejected him, there is a high probability that he will not continue to stalk Lingchu. "

After Han Zexin finished speaking, Chu Qing sighed and said, "Then have you ever thought that a proud and noble person like Brother Jin, who is repeatedly rejected and slapped in the face, has a high chance of becoming hateful because of love, and will have a heart of revenge... "

(End of this chapter)

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