shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 254 She May Really Not Like You

Chapter 254 She May Really Not Like You

Han Zexin thought about Chu Qing's words seriously, and looked at Yu Lingchu: "What Chu Qing said makes sense. So, Junior Sister, have you thought about what to do?"

Outside the car, all the people who witnessed the failed confession just now had dispersed.

Yu Lingchu took off all the gift boxes interspersed in the bouquet, put them in the backpack she was carrying, jumped out of the car with the bouquet in her arms, turned her head and smiled at Han Zexin: "If you think about it, just do as I said .”

After finishing speaking, she glanced at the flowers in her arms, then at the trash can not far from the hotel entrance, thought for a while, threw the flowers back into the car, and said to Mu Si and the others: "This flower, tomorrow Let’s find a trash can farther away.”

Just throwing it downstairs in the hotel would hurt Nalan Shaojin's face too much.

Her ultimate goal is to get rid of the marriage and regain her freedom, not to become enemies with Nalan Shaojin.

Upstairs in the hotel, Nalan Shaojin returned to his room with a blank expression.

On the sofa in the room, a young man stood up awkwardly when he saw him come back.

Nalan Shaojin walked to the chair seat on the sofa and sat down, looking calmly at the man standing aside, with a warm and harmless smile on his lips, and smiled in the calmest tone: "You taught me the way, It's of no use at all."

The man swallowed his saliva nervously, thought for a while and said, "Mr. Nalan, don't be impatient. Many confessions are not successful at one time! Failure...failure is the mother of success, sincerity...sincerity is the key to success." , this... this girl is easily moved, as long as you are willing to persevere, that beauty will be yours sooner or later!"

"With sincerity, gold and stone are opened~" Nalan Shaojin smiled slightly: "It makes sense, so in your opinion, what should I do next?"

The man thought for a while, then looked at Nalan Shaojin hesitantly, as if he didn't know what to say.

Nalan Shaojin said lightly, "Just say what you want, I don't blame you."

The man swallowed: "From her refusal of your confession just now, she doesn't like you. But the refusal words she said clearly wanted to save you some face and didn't want to offend you.

There are two possibilities in this situation. One is that she has a little bit of interest in you, and she doesn't want to embarrass you too much, and wants to continue catching you so that she can enjoy your pursuit of her. "

"What about two?"

Seeing the man stop, Nalan Shaojin asked in a deep voice.

The man gave him a cautious look, and said, "Second... Second, she really doesn't like you, and she really doesn't want to offend you too much."

After all, the status of the person in front of him is here, so whoever wants to offend him if he is full and full is not because of his life.

After the man finished speaking, he took a cautious look at Nalan Shaojin.

Beauty, power, and wealth are all online.

The point is, he is willing to spend a lot of money for a smile on the beauty!
Tens of millions of gifts, when you confess, you can give them as soon as you say, without blinking an eye.

How many women can resist such a high-quality man who is willing to spend money?
Don't say that he confessed on his own initiative, even if he stood still and hooked his fingers, there would be a lot of fat, swallow and thin beauties flying towards him.

Under such superior conditions, the girl who refused his confession probably really didn't like him...

Women are mostly emotional.When you don't like a man, no matter how good you are, no matter how good your conditions are, you won't be able to win her eyes.

She likes a man, no matter how ordinary he is, no matter how many flaws he has, in her eyes he is still shining and outstanding.

Nalan Shaojin asked calmly, "In your opinion, is Lingchu treating me in the first case, or in the second case?"

The man's heart began to panic. a proposition, right?

Telling the truth will cost you your life, telling lies... The master in front of you is not easy to deceive, if your lies are exposed, you will still die...

Nalan Shaojin looked at the man indifferently, and said with a smile, "I want to hear the truth."

The man swallowed hard, and said with a feeling of death: "I think... it's the second situation..."

"How do you know?" Nalan Shaojin asked again with a calm expression.

The man glanced at him carefully, seeing that he showed no sign of anger, he said: "Mr. Nalan should also know how good his qualifications are. For a person like you, if the other party is interested in you, she can't help but worry, afraid You are taken away by others, even if you want to be a little arrogant to you, it is impossible to be arrogant enough to directly refuse your confession. Because of this move, it is very likely that you will really lose you. People who want to be with you , is unwilling to take any risk of losing you."

Nalan Shaojin rubbed his forehead and smiled wryly: "You're right, she just doesn't like me. But what should I do? I just like her! Then tell me, what should I do in this situation?"

The man thought about it seriously, and said: "I think, the first step is to figure out what type of girl she is.

If she is a Yujie-type girl, you can try, uh. Take the little milk dog route, and act like a baby with her occasionally.If she is an introverted girl, then you have nothing to do to chat with her more. If you communicate with her more, she will unconsciously regard you as one of her own and become more and more dependent on you.If she is a high-cold girl, then you can make her happy occasionally, and then hit her appropriately, and treat her with a hot and cold attitude, so that she will doubt her own charm, and then take advantage of it."

As the man was talking, he noticed that Nalan Shaojin's eyes were getting colder and colder, his heart trembled, and his voice became smaller and smaller, until he couldn't help but shut his mouth.

He shouldn't have said anything wrong, right?
He's just seriously teaching this man how to get a girl he likes
The man looked at Nalan Shaojin cautiously: "Mr. Nalan. I. Did I say something wrong?"

Nalan Shaojin chuckled: "Are you using these despicable tactics to treat girls?"

The man bit his lip, not knowing how to respond.

Obviously it was the master in front of him who asked him to teach him how to get a girl, and he taught him everything without reservation, so why isn't he happy?
"When you like someone, you can't help but care about her. If you want to treat her well, you want to see her all the time, instead of using some unscrupulous tricks on her to control her!"

Hearing Nalan Shaojin's words, the man nodded quickly: "Yes! Yes! Yes! Mr. Nalan is very right, I am narrow-minded!"

Nalan Shaojin glanced at the man and waved his hand.

The man nodded and bowed farewell and left.

Nalan Shaojin sat lazily on the sofa, stroking his chin subconsciously.

Although what the man said just now was despicable, there was some truth to it.

If you like someone, don't you have to understand the other person's personality and preferences first, and then prescribe the right medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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