shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 263 Good cow, this can be praised

Yu Lingchu tried to keep smiling, and secretly poked at the system, saying: "Nalan Shaojin is not an easy person to deal with, how can he expect to defeat the enemy with one move? Don't worry, there are so many moves waiting in the future." As for him, I want to see how much he can endure!"

"But..." the system bit the handkerchief: "He...he not only put up with you getting his clothes dirty, but also took the opportunity to tease you."

Yu Lingchu sneered: "Don't worry, I will let him know what it means to be immobile!"

She turned sideways to make way for Nalan Shaojin: "Mr. Nalan, please come inside."

Nalan Shaojin nodded and smiled, and stepped into the room.

As soon as he stepped into the room with one foot, he only felt a pain in his foot.

Looking down, he saw a slightly dirty women's shoe under the foot that he stepped into the door first.

Nalan Shaojin: "..."

Is this... a step-by-step trap?
Lifting his foot, Nalan Shaojin silently changed his footing.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Nalan, I wanted to brush these shoes half a month ago, but I was too busy and didn't have time, didn't I bother you?"

"No. It's my fault that I didn't look at the road and stepped on Lingchu's shoes. It seems to be broken? I will pay you a few new pairs later."

System T^T: "Host, suddenly I feel that he is fine..."

Jade Lingchu→_→

"System, please be more principled! Don't be easily fooled by the enemy's sugar-coated shells, okay?!"

System: "Okay, I ate the candy, and returned the shells, bah~!"

Yu Lingchu: "..."

Seeing Nalan Shaojin walk into the room, Yu Lingchu closed the door behind his backhand.

After walking two steps into the room, Nalan Shaojin felt that strange smell became more intense, and he felt that his breathing was also affected.

When he came here, he thought that there would be no good banquet, but according to the analysis of the current situation, the situation may be worse than he expected... er... "dangerous"...

This pungent smell kept attacking his sense of smell...

Nalan Shaojin felt that he had reason to believe that Yu Lingchu deliberately blew up a toilet in order to "treat him well"...

Walking into the living room from the entrance, the first thing that catches the eye is the messy clothes on the sofa, even among the pile of clothes, there is a sneaker with the sole up.

Yu Lingchu also saw the shoe, and hurried over to pull the shoe to the ground, looked at Nalan Shaojin with a smile and said, "Mr. Nalan, I'm sorry, I'm really too lazy to clean it up, just let it go."

Nalan Shaojin smiled and nodded: "It's okay, Lingchu is really cute."


"Good boy, he can boast about this... I don't think you can deter him, host..."

"Don't curse me!"

Yu Lingchu warned the system unconvinced, and then said: "These are just appetizers, and the dinner hasn't been served yet!"

Yu Lingchu looked at Nalan Shaojin with a smile, and raised his hand to signal: "Mr. Nalan, this way please. I have specially prepared an afternoon to treat you, and you must eat more later. "

"it is good."

Nalan Shaojin nodded with a smile, and followed Yu Lingchu's footsteps through the messy living room.

The closer to the restaurant, the stronger the pungent head-banging smell, so strong that Nalan Shaojin finally couldn't help it, and frowned slightly.

The system noticed the change in Nalan Shaojin's expression, and immediately notified Yu Lingchu: "Host, your tricks seem to be starting to show results!"

The corners of Yu Lingchu's lips curled up slightly.

It works!She specially spent the whole afternoon preparing these, how could it have no effect at all!
Nalan Shaojin followed Yu Lingchu into the restaurant, and the first thing he saw was a trash can that was overflowing with garbage, and beside the trash can were several greasy disposable lunch boxes.

The floor of the restaurant has long been stained by the oil stains from those lunch boxes. The entire restaurant, no, the entire room of Yu Lingchu can be perfectly summed up in two words: dirty and messy.

The two walked around the trash can, and a table full of strange food came into Nalan Shaojin's eyes.

The pungent smell that you smell as soon as you enter the door is also from the food on this table.

The closer he was to the dining table, the more Nalan Shaojin wanted to hold his breath and stop breathing.

He expected that Yu Lingchu would prepare a Hongmen banquet for him, but he didn't expect that this Hongmen banquet was really here to kill him.
Just eat the food on this table, if you don't die, you have to die
Yu Lingchu was already helping Nalan Shaojin pull the chair in front of the dining table with a smile, and greeted him, "Mr. Nalan, please sit down."

Nalan Shaojin looked down, and a very obvious stain on the chair came into view.

Nalan Shaojin suddenly wanted to laugh.

It can be seen that Lingchu really took great pains in the layout of the room, it really made things difficult for her.
Yu Lingchu followed Nalan Shaojin's line of sight, pretending to have discovered the stain on the chair, and smiled embarrassedly: "Maybe when I served the food just now, I accidentally stained the chair, Nalan Shaojin Don't mind Mr. Lan, I'll wipe it for you."

While talking, Yu Lingchu took out two paper towels that were placed on the table, wiped the chair vigorously a few times, and then threw the paper towels on the ground casually.

That's right!Her purpose is to be as sloppy as possible!
After doing all this, Yu Lingchu looked up at Nalan Shaojin with a smile: "Okay, wipe it clean, Mr. Nalan come and sit down~"

Nalan Shaojin stepped forward calmly, leaning on the back of the chair with one hand, and gestured modestly and politely with the other: "The guest can do whatever he wants, even Lingchu can sit."

"Sit, sit, sit! Do it together!"

Yu Lingchu casually pulled away a chair next to Nalan Shaojin, sat down carelessly, pointed to the dishes on the table and said, "I specially prepared these dishes for Mr. Nalan, Mr. Nalan, don't be polite to me. , you must eat more later!"

"Okay! I will live up to Lingchu's good intentions." Nalan Shaojin smiled and nodded.

When Yuling first saw his unconvinced look, he immediately picked up the chopsticks, picked up two fried locusts and put them into Nalan Shaojin's bowl: "Mr. Nalan, try this, these little locusts are cute , the taste is also very good~”

Looking at the two fried locusts in the dish, Nalan Shaojin swallowed secretly. Facing Yu Lingchu's expectant gaze, he picked up the chopsticks, picked up a locust after hesitating for two seconds, and then gracefully and calmly Put the locust into your mouth and chew it carefully.

Yu Lingchu blinked her eyes, and asked with a smile begging for praise, "Mr. Nalan, how does it taste?"

Nalan Shaojin swallowed the fried locust in his mouth and said with a smile, "Very good."

"Really?" Yu Lingchu smiled even brighter: "I knew that Mr. Nalan would like it, you can try this again."

While talking, a deep-fried scorpion was caught by Yu Lingchu on Nalan Shaojin's dinner plate.

"Oh, and this one, it's delicious, Mr. Nalan, try it!"

Yu Lingchu followed with a fried centipede and put it on Nalan Shaojin's dinner plate.

"This is not bad~"

A fried white worm then fell onto the plate in front of Nalan Shaojin.

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