Chapter 264 Two Ruthless People
Under Yu Lingchu's enthusiasm, Nalan Shaojin's dinner plate was filled with fried bamboo worms, fried bee pupae, fried centipedes, fried scorpions and fried flower spiders that are very stimulating to the senses. .

"Mr. Nalan, you are welcome, eat quickly! Eat quickly!"

Yu Lingchu held the vegetables, but still urged Nalan Shaojin enthusiastically.

Nalan Shaojin pressed Yu Lingchu's hand that wanted to continue serving him vegetables, and said with a gentle smile, "Lingchu don't just take care of me, you eat too."

"Okay." Yu Lingchu picked up a fried locust, put it into his mouth and chewed it carefully in front of Nalan Shaojin, with a happy expression on his face enjoying the food.

Looking at the abundant insects on the dinner plate, Nalan Shaojin took a deep breath.

It's really embarrassing for Yu Lingchu. During this afternoon, he didn't collect such a rich variety of bugs anywhere to entertain him.

It is the bird that flies outside to catch insects and eat them. After working for many days, it may not be possible to catch so many types of insects...

"Mr. Nalan, eat quickly~!" Yu Lingchu swallowed the locust in his mouth, and while urging Nalan Shaojin, he became ruthless, picked up a fried spider and put it into his mouth.

"It's delicious, Mr. Nalan eat it!"

Little boy, let you pester me not to withdraw from the engagement, I will scare you to death!

Mommy~ goosebumps all over my body T^T
This cloud city bug banquet is really not something ordinary people can bear T^T
Yu Lingchu pretended to enjoy the spider as much as possible while chewing on the spider in his mouth, and at the same time picked up a centipede and sent it directly to Nalan Shaojin's mouth.

I and she are going all out to send spiders in their mouths, so why not give Nalan Shaojin a centipede?
She bet that Nalan Shaojin would not dare to open his mouth, she bet that Nalan Shaojin would not be able to bear it!

Under Yu Lingchu's gaze, Nalan Shaojin was silent for a second, and opened his mouth to eat the centipede that Yu Lingchu handed over to him.

Yu Lingchu's eyes were instantly stained with disbelief.

"The system...he...he...really...really ate..."

System →_→: "You dare to eat a spider, why is it so strange that he eats a centipede, hey~ they are all ruthless people~"

After the centipede finally swallowed it, Nalan Shaojin smiled and said to Yu Lingchu: "It's really delicious, Lingchu really took the trouble."

"As long as Mr. Nalan likes it."

"I love so much!"

Nalan Shaojin smiled, picked up a fried spider and put it in his mouth.

The system looked up at the sky and sent out a soul question: "Host, what kind of new human are you and Nalan Shaojin? You are really more ruthless than the other~"


At present, it seems that Nalan Shaojin is more ruthless, eating spiders after eating centipedes.


If the host also ate a centipede, the two would be considered a tie.

After eating the fried spiders, Nalan Shaojin calmly ate the insects on the table one by one in front of Yu Lingchu.

Seeing this pile of grotesque fried bugs could no longer deter Nalan Shaojin, Yu Lingchu picked up a chopstick and put the ear root in Nalan Shaojin's dinner plate: "Mr. Nalan, eat so many fried things Tired, come eat this light to adjust the taste."

Nalan Shaojin, who had just broken through the worm barrier, looked at the coriander on the dinner plate and folded his ears, and his temples jumped up.

He looked at Yu Lingchu, and was about to express that he didn't like coriander, but Yu Lingchu said before him: "Mr. Nalan, why doesn't he move his chopsticks? Does he not like it?
Hey~ It's my fault that I didn't ask Mr. Nalan what he likes to eat before the treat, so I prepared such a table according to my favorite.

If Mr. Nalan doesn't like it, don't insist on it. After all, people have different tastes. What I like, you may not like it, right? "

After finishing speaking, Yu Lingchu seemed to want to prove that she really likes Zhe Er Gen, so she also picked up a chopstick and put Zhe Er Gen into her mouth.

Nalan Shaojin smiled lightly, picked up the folded ear root mixed with coriander salad with his chopsticks and brought it to his mouth, looked at Yu Lingchu and said with a smile: "I like everything Lingchu likes!"

After saying those words, Nalan Shaojin's heart sank, and he put the food into his mouth without changing his expression.

He figured it out, the little girl was trying to frighten him off with her different living habits and food tastes.

Then he will tell her with actions, what is love is stronger than gold, unwavering!
Isn't it just that the living habits and dietary tastes are different?
Not to mention that these methods were deliberately devised by Yu Lingchu to dissuade him, so what if she really likes to eat them?
He is willing to accommodate her, without a bottom line!
The two sitting at the dining table looked at each other with a smile on their faces as they ate the cold salad.

Swallowing the zheergen in his mouth, Nalan Shaojin calmly picked up the juice on the table and brought it to his mouth to take a sip.

This kind of bottled juice drink, which he would not touch normally, feels so healing and redemptive after drinking it in his mouth.

Yu Lingchu also picked up the juice drink on the table and took a few sips to suppress the churning feeling in her stomach.

Too bad to eat T^T
This blood bar is halved.

She would like to call the cold Zhe Ergen a dark dish, and deeply admires the warriors who like to eat...

Seeing the two pretending to be calm and calm, the system couldn't help but said to Yu Lingchu: "One thousand wounds to the enemy, eight hundred self-sufficiencies, host, why don't you stop~"

Judging from the current situation, these things prepared by the host may not be able to deter Nalan Shaojin.

"Close hand?"

Yu Lingchu narrowed his eyes slightly: "The process is more than half done, how can we give up halfway at this time?"

At this time, she gave up halfway, so didn't she eat the fried spider for nothing? !
Since the worm feast and cold salad can't scare away Nalan Shaojin, Yu Lingchu fixed his eyes on the pot of boiled snail noodles.

She picked up a bowl of snail noodles and handed them to Nalan Shaojin: "Mr. Nalan, this is snail noodles. It smells bad and tastes delicious. You should try it."

As the snail powder was put in front of him, the sour smell rushed straight to Nalan Shaojin's head.

Before he got used to the taste, a piece of roasted durian was handed to him by Yu Lingchu again: "Mr. Nalan, roasted durian and snail noodles are perfect~"

Looking at the two smelly foods in front of him, Nalan Shaojin felt that the real test was coming!

If frying all kinds of bugs is a mental attack, and coriander is a physical attack, then the roasted durian and snail noodles in front of you are magical attacks.

I don't know this smelly smell, I thought the toilet was blown up...

The strong smell stimulated the sense of smell, and Yu Lingchu who was on the side had already moved his chopsticks with a smile.

Nalan Shaojin stretched his chopsticks towards the bowl of snail noodles, picked up a piece of noodles and put them into his mouth.

Yu Ling looked at her at the beginning: "Mr. Nalan, you have to stutter to enjoy yourself~"

Nalan Shaojin smiled and nodded.

Just when he thought that snail powder with roasted durian was Yu Lingchu's ultimate move, Yu Lingchu silently handed over a steamed bun with Wang Zhi and stinky tofu sandwiched between it.

"This steamed bun is delicious, Mr. Nalan, try it."

Nalan Shaojin took the steamed bun with a gentle and polite smile, put it in his mouth and took a numb bite.

(End of this chapter)

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