Chapter 265
With just this mouthful of steamed buns, Nalan Shaojin suddenly felt that his soul was about to break through the shackles of his body...

If it weren't for his strong concentration, the messy things he ate in his stomach before, and the life-threatening things in his mouth, would have to go back out the same way.

No matter how upset his stomach was and how painful his heart was, Nalan Shaojin, relying on his strong self-control, still swallowed that stinky and salty steamed bun without changing his face.

Swallowing the steamed buns, he quickly picked up the juice on the table and drank a couple of sips, trying to dilute the taste in his mouth.

Putting down the juice, Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu and said with a smile, "Thank you Lingchu for your hospitality, I'm full."

As if afraid of Yu Lingchu's words to persuade him to stay, Nalan Shaojin quickly stood up and said, "I still have some urgent documents to deal with, so I will take my leave first."

Yu Lingchu followed suit and stood up: "Then I won't keep Mr. Nalan, let's make another appointment when we have time."

"it is good."

Nalan Shaojin nodded with a smile, and calmly left the dining table and walked towards the door of the room.

Yu Lingchu followed behind him and sent him out of the room.

Han Zexin came from the other side of the corridor, just in time to see Nalan Shaojin walking towards him, and quickly greeted him politely: "Mr. Nalan, good evening."

After Nalan Shaojin nodded with a smile, he brushed past Han Zexin.

Han Zexin looked at Yu Lingchu who was standing at the door, and walked a few steps forward. Before she could speak, she smelled a strange smell coming from Yu Lingchu's room.

Han Zexin covered her nose with her hands, and said to Yu Lingchu in a low voice, "Junior Sister, what does your room smell like? The toilet exploded?"

Yu Lingchu ignored her, only watched Nalan Shaojin disappear in the hotel corridor, turned around and rushed back to the room at a very fast speed.

Finally, I don't have to bear it anymore!

Yu Lingchu rushed back to the room and went straight to the bathroom, pushed open the door of the bathroom, grabbed the toilet and opened his mouth: "Uh~! Ugh~!"

The system covers its eyes.

The host hurt one thousand enemies and eight hundred self-harms, it's really horrible!

In the corridor of the hotel, Nalan Shaojin walked around the corner and noticed that the sight behind him disappeared. He turned his head to make sure that there was no one there, and before he took another step, there was wind under his feet.

Yan Yue heard the sound of the door opening, saw Nalan Shaojin coming back, got up and was about to say hello, when he saw Nalan Shaojin rushing into the bathroom like the wind.

Yan read a question mark.

what's the situation?
Grandpa Jin looked anxious.
Is it because the bathroom in Miss Lingchu's room is broken?Or breaking the law by going to the bathroom while having dinner with Miss Lingchu, how could you hold back like this?
"Uh~! Ugh~!"

The sound of Nalan Shaojin vomiting in pain came from the bathroom.

Yan Yue frowned.

What exactly did Miss Lingchu invite Master Jin to eat?It's fine that Mr. Jin came back so quickly, and he vomited as soon as he entered the door.
Food poisoning?

no!Miss Lingchu really poisoned Master Jin, right?

What kind of hatred and resentment!

Yan Yue took out his mobile phone, quickly dialed a number, gave a few quick instructions, hung up the phone, and quickly poured a glass of warm water into the bathroom.

As soon as he entered the door, there was a pungent smell, and Yan Yue subconsciously frowned.

What exactly did Miss Lingchu invite Master Jin to eat?
He knew the vomit smelled bad, but he didn't bring such a bad smell, okay?

It's hundreds of times worse than shit!
It's really fatal!


Nalan Shaojin hugged the toilet and flushed it while vomiting. He vomited for a long time until he couldn't vomit any more. Then he finally rinsed his mouth several times with the water Yan Yan handed him.

But even so, the unpleasant smell in his mouth couldn't fade away much.

Nalan Shaojin pressed the toilet and stood up, picked up the mouthwash cup on the sink and began to brush his teeth and rinse his mouth.

After brushing his teeth several times in a row, he finally felt that the smell in his mouth had faded a lot, but the smell in his throat still lingered.

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yan Yue and ordered, "Hurry up! Make tea! The thicker the better!"

Yan Yue didn't dare to delay, and hurried to search for tea leaves to execute the order.

Yu Lingchu on the other side was not much better than Nalan Shaojin.

After holding the toilet to empty her stomach, she also rinsed her mouth several times in succession to feel better.

Han Zexin held her nose and stood aside to take care of her. Seeing that her condition was improving, she couldn't help but said, "It's not Lingchu, what did you invite Nalan Shaojin to eat? This taste~ my mother~~! Don't Tell me you asked someone to eat shit!"

After Han Zexin finished speaking, she couldn't help retching.

The smell in this room is really overwhelming!

Yu Lingchu covered her stomach and looked at Han Zexin, blinked her eyes and said pitifully, "Sister, I'm afraid I won't be able to live in this room tonight, please take me in~"

Han Zexin nodded, covered her nose and said in a buzzing voice, "You are such a talent after a room has been tossed like this! Come with me, your room will be cleaned up tomorrow before you come back."

"I'm going to get my luggage." Yu Lingchu clutched her stomach and walked towards the bedroom.

Han Zexin was really curious about what she invited Nalan Shaojin to eat, so she followed Yu Lingchu out of the bathroom and went to the restaurant to have a look.

The moment the food on the dining table came into Han Zexin's eyes, her breath stopped and her eyes widened in shock.

Just... Durian, snail noodles, cold Zhe Ergen, Wang Zhi and stinky tofu, etc., she can accept it.

But what the hell are those plates of bugs? !
Spider, centipede?Grasshopper, bee pupa?
Little black worm, big white worm?
Good guy!Birds that eat insects have never seen such a complete variety of insects!
Han Zexin swallowed hard.

The most important thing is, judging from the appearance of these dishes on the table, it is obvious that they have been tampered with...

Han Zexin stood at the door of the restaurant, looking at the dining table in surprise, Yu Lingchu had already walked out of the bedroom with a suitcase.

Hearing the movement, Han Zexin turned to look at Yu Lingchu, pointed to the pile of things on the table and asked, "You... just invited Nalan Shaojin to eat these things?"

Yu Lingchu nodded: "Yes."

Han Zexin looked at her inexplicably, and asked curiously, "Nalan Shaojin...have you eaten?"

Yu Lingchu replied weakly: "Eat."

Han Zexin's unbelievable tone changed: "Have you eaten?"

It was hard for her to believe that someone as dignified and prominent as Nalan Shaojin could be satisfied with such a table of things.

Swallowing with difficulty, Han Zexin couldn't suppress the curiosity in her heart, and asked again: "What did you eat?"

Yu Lingchu was a little frustrated and said: "I ate them all... What a pity~ I prepared so many things on purpose, but in the end they didn't have the same thing. It can scare Nalan Shaojin away..."

"Eat all?"

Han Zexin glanced at the things on the table again, then turned to look at Yu Lingchu again: "What about you? This bunch of ate too?"

Yu Lingchu nodded, and accidentally saw the plate of fried spiders on the table, and her stomach couldn't help but start to churn again.

(End of this chapter)

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