Chapter 266 It's Unnecessary...

She shifted her gaze to suppress the turbulence in her stomach, and said a little weakly: "Senior sister, let's go."

Han Zexin shuddered, and turned around to help Yu Lingchu carry her luggage to the door.

Just when the two were about to reach the door, there was a knock on the door.

Yu Lingchu snatched the suitcase from Han Zexin's hand, threw the suitcase back to the bedroom neatly, and then pushed Han Zexin to sit on the sofa.

Han Zexin looked at her puzzled: "Junior Sister, you are..."

Yu Lingchu made a gesture of silence to Han Zexin, and then whispered: "Senior sister, please cooperate, I am worried that Nalan Shaojin will leave and return outside."

She couldn't frighten Nalan Shaojin away after all the tossing and saying, if Nalan Shaojin sees her intimidating and rebellious appearance again, wouldn't it increase the morale of the enemy and destroy his prestige!
The knocking on the door continued.

After settling the suitcase and Han Zexin, Yu Lingchu tidied up her clothes, pulled herself together and went to the door and opened it.

Seeing the group of people standing outside the door, Yu Lingchu was taken aback.

The leading man saw her, and hurriedly smiled to express his intention: "Miss Lingchu, hello, I am Master Jin's bodyguard and my name is Han Yang. Master Jin sent me to bring someone to help you clean up the room."

After Han Yang finished speaking, he signaled the people behind him to enter the room.

Yu Lingchu blocked the door and did not move: "No need, I will find someone to clean up my own room."

Nalan Shaojin sent someone to clean up her room, but he didn't know what kind of medicine was in his gourd!

Seeing her unwillingness to cooperate, Han Yang quickly said sincerely: "Miss Lingchu, don't worry, the cleaning staff I brought here are very professional cleaning staff with very good professionalism.

Our master Jin said that it must be very hard for you to prepare so many delicacies to entertain him. He should have helped you clean up after the meal, but he really has something to do, so we can only find these cleaning staff to help you clean up instead of him. I hope you don't refuse the room. "

Han Zexin also stood up from the sofa at this time, and said to Yu Lingchu: "Lingchu, Mr. Nalan is all about it, so you don't have to find someone to clean it yourself, so you can let them come in and clean it up for you."

Yu Lingchu glanced at Han Yang indifferently, and turned sideways to get out of the way.

Han Yang followed a group of cleaning staff into the room.

Looking at the messy room, he opened his eyes slightly.

He sort of understood why Master Jin asked him to bring a few more cleaners over...

If he remembers correctly, the entire crew just moved to the hotel today, right?
This... made such a mess in the room in one day, this Miss Lingchu is really... uh... talent...


What's the smell in this room?

Could it be that the toilet in Miss Lingchu's room exploded?

Han Yang subconsciously frowned at the smell.

Thinking about Yan Yue's explanation when he came, he walked into the restaurant with the two cleaners.

According to Yan Yue, Master Jin vomited when he returned home. After vomiting, he brushed his teeth more than a dozen times, and now he is desperately drinking tea to rinse his stomach and intestines...

Yan Yue was curious about what Miss Lingchu had eaten for Lord Jin, which caused such a big reaction to Master Jin, so she asked him to take a look.

Han Yang was also curious.

Not to mention what Miss Lingchu gave Master Jin, just the smell in the air, it has seriously affected the appetite, okay? !

Following several cleaning staff into the restaurant, Han Yangdun felt that he was small and the layout was small the moment he saw the pile of food on the dining table...

What's the bad smell, what's on the table is the highlight, okay?
what is that?
Fried centipede?Fried spider?Fry all kinds of bugs?Oh~ The source of the smell in the air, which is comparable to fried toilets, also comes from this crowded dining table...

Han Yang covered his nose and took a closer look. Grilled durian, snail noodles, an opened bottle of Wangzhihe stinky tofu...

This taste is really hot and spicy~
Master Jin was not fainted on the spot, so it was not easy to hold back and vomit when he went back...

Taking out his mobile phone, Han Yang quietly took two pictures of the dining table.

"What? Are you taking pictures to collect evidence?"

Yu Lingchu folded her arms, stood behind Han Yang and spoke with a smile.

Han Yang trembled in fright, and turned around in embarrassment to look at Yu Lingchu who was standing behind him at some point: "Hehehe Miss Lingchu really knows how to joke."

"Are you kidding me?" Yu Lingchu chuckled, "I thought Nalan Shaojin got food poisoning after eating, just because of your sneaky way of taking pictures~ Hey~ Could it be that Nalan Shaojin specially sent you to take pictures? Get evidence, and ask me for compensation, right?"

Han Yang quickly shook his head: "Uh no, no! Miss Lingchu, please don't get me wrong!"

"It's okay, you don't have to be so nervous, because I won't compensate you a dime! See that pile of things on the table?"

Han Yang nodded.

He was not blind, of course he saw it.

Yu Lingchu smiled brightly: "That pile~ it's my favorite~ I ate it too~ Look at me now, don't I look like a dragon and a tiger?
So, if your Master Jin has any diarrhea, it has nothing to do with me!Everyone eats the same food, and if he has problems, it can only show that he is in poor health and too delicate, let him strengthen his physical fitness and exercise more when he goes back~"

Han Yang shook his head: "No! Ms. Lingchu, you misunderstood. I took pictures because Master Jin said that the food we ate at your place was delicious after returning. I... I took pictures to buy something to taste when I go back!"

If Miss Lingchu misunderstood that Mr. Jin was weak and weak because of his taking pictures, then Mr. Jin would kill him if he knew it.

After all, in order to show off his favor in front of Miss Lingchu, Master Jin endured it until he returned to his room before he vomited.
"Oh, do you want to try it?" Yu Lingchu smiled brightly.

Han Yang nodded: "Yes, I want to try it."

"That's just right, I still have some unpacked ones here for you to taste, so as to save you from buying again."

Han Yang refused in his heart.

He just said something nonsense, Miss Lingchu doesn't have to take it so seriously, okay? !
He doesn't want to taste any of the dishes on this table, okay?
If he really tasted it, he didn't guarantee that he would have the endurance of Master Jin, and he would not vomit until he went back!

"No need." Han Yang quickly waved his hands to try to stop Yu Lingchu from going to fetch food.

"Miss Lingchu, you don't have to be so polite with me, I just go out and buy it myself if I want to!"

"I just have this, what else do you want to buy~" Yu Lingchu said enthusiastically, "Just take it as my thanks for bringing someone to clean my room~"

Han Yang: "This is what I should do. Miss Lingchu really doesn't need to be polite to me!"

Really, no need to be so thankful T^T
After Han Yang finished speaking, Yu Lingchu was already smiling and walking back from the dining table holding a fast food box.

She walked up to Han Yang and opened the fast food box in front of Han Yang: "No one has touched this fried bug. It is left after I put it on the plate. Don't be too little~"

(End of this chapter)

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