Chu Qing looked at Yu Lingchu speechlessly: "So that's why you are so calm? Then you are really a good girl who listens to grandpa~"

Yu Lingchu smiled sweetly: "Thank you for the compliment~"

Chu Qing took a look at her: "Speaking of which, it seems that your grandfather made the divorce contract between you and Brother Jin, right? Since you are so obedient, why don't you want to fulfill your marriage contract with Brother Jin obediently?"

Yu Lingchu: "..."

It's just... a pretty little girl, why do you have to keep which pot unopened and which pot to carry...

"Because my grandfather also told me that people must have their own opinions, and what others say is not necessarily right, you have to learn to distinguish by yourself~"

Chu Qing blinked: "Okay~ I've been taught~"

The elevator arrived at the floor where the restaurant was located, and the elevator doors opened slowly.

Yu Lingchu stepped out of the elevator, found a seat in the hotel restaurant, and was about to start eating breakfast when the cell phone in her pocket rang.

Glancing at the caller ID, Yu Lingchu swiped the screen to answer the call.

Manager Sister Feng's excited voice came out of the receiver: "Lingchu, the crew's promotional tidbits have been released to the fullest effect, you became famous in an instant, you know! The company has now claimed you and Ze on the official Weibo. Xin, I also @ your social account, you should quickly log in to your social account, and the newsletter will start business!"

"it is good."

Yu Lingchu smiled and agreed, hung up the phone and clicked on her Weibo.

It was only after this that she discovered that her previously quiet social account now had 99+ unread messages, and the number of fans had soared from [-] before to [-]. Some of the posts she had previously posted had over [-] comments at some point. .

Yu Lingchu thought for a while, found a photo of Han Zexin's practice in the photo album, and wrote: "Hello everyone, I am Yu Lingchu, this is my senior sister @韩泽露~"

After posting the news, Yu Lingchu clicked on her previous Weibo and read the comments of netizens.

Riding a donkey to find a donkey: According to Weibo archaeology, Miss Lingchu really knows kung fu, the appraisal is complete!
Makabaka trolley: Do you need to talk about the one upstairs?All the Weibo content posted by the young lady before is either martial arts or weapons. It seems that she really loves it!

Woolly wow: Yay!Such a beautiful lady, she must be very good at fighting~
Yu Lingchu silently gave Wuliwala a thumbs-up, thought for a while and replied: It's amazing, there's nothing wrong with it.

Han Zexin also received a call from her agent. She just logged on to Weibo and was thinking about posting some business, when she suddenly found that Yu Lingchu @ her.

She clicked on Yu Lingchu's homepage, and saw Yu Lingchu's latest post at a glance.

Han Zexin smiled slightly, and instantly had an idea.

She found a photo of Yu Lingchu practicing sword from her mobile phone, and wrote: "Hello everyone, my name is Han Zexin, this is my junior sister @玉玲初~"

Yu Lingchu was flipping through the comments, when she suddenly found Han Zexin @她, so she quickly clicked to check it.

Seeing Han Zexin's Weibo post, Yu Lingchu smiled, put down her phone and began to enjoy breakfast.

Chu Qing was scrolling through Weibo, when she saw the news posted by Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin, she smiled and gave them a thumbs up.

Netizen Wuliwala just commented on Yu Lingchu's Weibo in the principle of being very happy, but she didn't want to be liked and replied by Yu Lingchu. She became excited in an instant, and commented again excitedly as soon as she saw the reply Said: "Ahhhh! Miss Lingchu turned me over!"

When Yuling first received her reply, she followed suit again: Yay~ Such a beautiful young lady, so high-pitched, she must be able to crack people's eardrums~
Wuliwala saw Yu Lingchu's reply, and immediately replied: Miss Lingchu, do you dare to perform martial arts in front of me, I guess you don't, you must be afraid that I will shatter your eardrums, hum~!

Yu Lingchu replied with a smile: If you have a chance, you must see how high your pitch is, and see if your reputation is well-deserved~
Netizens noticed the interaction between the two and joined in one after another.

Eating fish and spitting spines: Miss Lingchu, look at me!I have a higher pitch than her!
The swan who wants to eat bullfrogs: Don't brag upstairs, the one with the highest voice is obviously me!

Yu Lingchu didn't read Weibo anymore. After breakfast, she hurried to the new shooting location with the crew's car.

She no longer paid attention, but the popularity on Weibo continued to rise.

When it was approaching noon, she and Han Zexin both rushed to the Weibo trending list.

#Pretty Miss Sister Fights Super Powerful#
When the crew noticed this wave of traffic, they were pleasantly surprised.

Originally, the film they produced with such a small budget was not favored by others, but who would have thought that the goddess of luck would suddenly descend upon them. This film had not yet been shown on the screen, and it became so inexplicably popular just because of a small tidbit that was released in advance!

Taking advantage of the filming lunch break, Producer Li hurried over to discuss with the director, to see if he could release some behind-the-scenes footage on a regular basis in the future, trying to maintain the enthusiasm and whet the appetite of the audience until the film was released.

The director naturally wanted to maintain the enthusiasm, and immediately hit it off with Producer Li.

With the soaring popularity of Weibo, Yu's family far away in Haicheng finally discovered that Yu Lingchu, who claimed to be out on a trip to relax, actually joined the filming crew!

The first time Yu Chengze got the news, he took out his phone and contacted Yu Lingchu.

At this time, Yu Lingchu was taking a lunch break, and when she saw her brother calling, she put the phone to her ear to answer without thinking.

Yu Chengze's hurried voice came from the receiver: "Yu Lingchu! You'd better explain to me what's going on!"

"What's going on?" Yu Lingchu looked innocent: "Yu Chengze, let me tell you, I'm not in Haicheng now, if you are being teased by someone, it's definitely not me! It has nothing to do with me ah!"

With such a distance, don't throw any blame on her, she——no—back!

"Of course I know you're not in Haicheng! Yu Lingchu, let me ask you, what did you do when you went out? You tell me the truth!"

"Of course I came out to hide from Nalan Shaojin"

Yu Lingchu thought about it, and then smiled and said, "Brother, you saw the hot search on Weibo, didn't you? Hehe, that's right~ I was afraid that you would cut off my pocket money and force me to go home, so I went to the showbiz to play Work part-time, strive to earn some pocket money, and control your own economic lifeline~”

Yu Chengze gritted his teeth: "Yu Lingchu! You have the right idea! You can do whatever you want, and you really don't discuss it with your family at all~!"

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "Brother, look at what you said! Don't you know your sister and me after all these years?

If you agree with what I want to do, I have to do it. If you don’t agree, I have to find a way to do it. Doesn’t it matter whether we discuss it or not? "

Yu Chengze's momentum obviously weakened: "Then you have to tell your family in advance what you want to do!"

Yu Lingchu chuckled: "Okay brother, I remember it~ Then I will inform you in advance about one thing, I am going to divorce Nalan Shaojin, the advance notice has arrived~ I have notified several times~"

Yu Chengze: "."

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