As Yu Lingchu became popular overnight, not only Yu's family knew that she had entered the entertainment industry, but everyone who knew or knew her knew the news one after another.

Zheng Yashuang, who was filming an advertisement, stared at the Weibo interface of her mobile phone in disbelief.

Yu Lingchu actually entered the showbiz? !

When did this happen?Why hasn't she heard anything!

What does Yulingchu mean? !

She obviously already has so much, why should she greedily enter the show business circle to compete with her for resources!

Looking at the trending searches on Weibo, Zheng Yashuang was so angry that her heart heaved.

A rookie who has just entered the entertainment industry can be airborne and hotly searched. I think the Yu family must have spent a lot of money on her!
Sure enough, this biological daughter is different, she worked extra hard when spending money~!

What did you say to treat her like a family, bah!

She has been in the showbiz for so long, if the Yu family is willing to spend money on her like they do Yu Lingchu, she will already be popular!
Staring at the content on Weibo, Zheng Yashuang's eyes flushed with anger.

She took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and posted a post on her Weibo account.

Zheng Yashuang V: "@玉玲初, my cousin is awesome~ I look forward to having the opportunity to work together~/Qiaoqi//Qiaoqi/"

Didn't the Yu family say they want to treat her like their own daughter?Now she just made a small mistake and they want to get rid of her, how can it be so cheap!
snort!Since the Yu family is not willing to spend money to praise her well, then she will come to take advantage of Yu Lingchu's popularity!She just wants everyone to know about her relationship with Yu Lingchu!
She couldn't believe that under the watchful eyes of everyone, Yu Lingchu dared to tear up her face and deny her as a younger sister!The Yu family dared to shamelessly deny her as a niece!

As long as they recognize her, Yu Lingchu's enthusiasm will have to be obediently given to her!
The Yu family wanted to just praise Yu Lingchu and get rid of her, but there was no way!

Oh~ If they are not afraid of being called cold-blooded and ruthless, then just ignore her!
If she's not doing well, then Yu Lingchu shouldn't even think about it!
Wu Feifei also noticed Yu Lingchu's enthusiasm.

She never thought that Yu Lingchu, a person who had just entered the show business circle and had no works yet, would become so inexplicably popular just because of the filming footage released by a small crew, it was pure luck!
Wu Feifei was upset, thinking of the attitude towards her in Yulingchu, the film crew, and posted a Weibo that was quite connotative but ambiguous.

So what if it becomes popular overnight!
Oh, the higher you climb, the worse you will fall in the future!
Yu Lingchu dared to disrespect her in the film crew, she will make her pay the price sooner or later!

Wu Feifei V: "Learn to be a person first, and then learn to do things. Character is more important than ability. I wish you well."

After all, Wu Feifei is a popular traffic person. As soon as her Weibo with connotation was posted, it immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Her support club sister immediately sent a private message to her asking: "What's wrong with Sister Feifei? Did someone make you angry?"

Seeing a private message sent by her big fan to care about her, Wu Feifei smiled, pretending not to care, and said, "It's nothing, I just met a rude newcomer a few days ago, and I just sent it out of my feelings."

Having been in the entertainment industry for so long, Wu Feifei knows that there are some things that need not be said clearly. As long as some clues are revealed, these brainless fans will follow the clues to trace, and then lock the suspects. They only wait for an opportunity to form a group attack~
What is an instant hit?She will use the most profound lesson to tell Yu Lingchu that the entertainment industry is not so easy to mess with!

Yu Lingchu soon noticed Zheng Yashuang Aite's Weibo post, but she just sneered and didn't reply.

However, the system was aggrieved: "Host, what on earth is that little green tea face made of? She stabbed you in the back so much, how dare she pretend to have a good relationship with you now, Baba came here Rubbing heat?! Bah! It's shameless!"

"What are you angry about?" Yu Lingchu smiled calmly: "If she wants to get hot, let her do it, let's ignore her."

"Just let her take advantage? Host, have you forgotten how she smeared you? When did you become so talkative!"

The system was still aggrieved, and couldn't figure out when her host became so weak and bully.

"System, why are you so restless~" Yu Lingchu said with a shallow smile, "I hope you can figure it out, I don't call it easy talk, I call it cold treatment~"

"What do you mean?" The system couldn't figure it out for a while.

Yu Lingchu sighed helplessly: "Be honest with the system, is there a bug when you leave the factory?"

System o_O???
"Host, what are you talking about? Are you talking about your business? Why do you want to involve me? What bugs do I have! I am the best system!"

Yu Lingchu ( ̄'i ̄;)
"It was so good that I chose the wrong host several times, which caused the mission to fail and was almost swallowed by the main system, right?"


"Host, why don't you open which pot and lift which pot!"

Yu Lingchu sighed: "Because I really can't figure out why other people's systems are so rich, they are not good, they are smart, and here they are the poor, the weak and pitiful, and the stupid and cute."

The system was surprised: "Other people's system? Besides you as the host, is there someone else with the system? Who? Where is it? Why didn't I notice it?"

Yu Lingchu blinked: "There is a kind of novel called System Stream, which describes the system in other people's books. It goes to heaven and earth, travels through time and space, and is omnipotent~Treasures of heaven and earth are inexhaustible."

"Are you envious?" The system interrupted Yu Lingchu in a faint tone.

Yu Lingchu gave a shallow smile: "I want to say I'm not envious."

"I don't believe it!" The system snorted and rushed to answer.

Yu Lingchu rolled her eyes: "Who asked you if you believe it or not? What I want to say is that if I say I don't envy it, it is really against my conscience."

The system angrily said: "It's useless to be envious! Because fairy tales are full of lies! So host, you should read less novels about the system in the future!"

It is afraid that if the host sees too much, it will become more and more distasteful for its uselessness
It doesn't want to be so weak
It also wants to upgrade as soon as possible to become a system that can provide powerful assistance to the host, but is this a matter of urgency?

The points it needs to upgrade, the points are not deducted in one day, and naturally they need to be accumulated bit by bit, right? !
The system lamented that points are hard to earn, and didn't want to continue this heart-wrenching topic, so it said, "Host, what do you mean by the cold treatment you just said?"

When Yuling first heard the system ask again, she stopped being a joke, and said with a smile: "The system will give you a metaphor. A person suddenly won a lottery with a huge amount, and then it was a bit of a festive relationship with this person before." People want to gain fame, and those who want to gain fame will tell everyone how good they were with the lottery winners in the past.

As for the person who won the lottery, she neither denies nor affirms the person's words of wanting to be favored, and just has an attitude of saying whatever she likes to say and completely ignoring it.

At this time, as a bystander, what would you think of the two of them? "

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