After listening to Zhao Hengyu's third point, Nalan Shaojin chuckled and said nothing.

How could he fail to hear that Zhao Hengyu's third word was just to comfort him.

Thank you very much.

As rational as he is, he was not comforted at all.

Although the truth was painful, he never thought of escaping.

In this world, only by going forward bravely can we get the results we want.

Zhao Hengyu wasn't sure if the third point he said would comfort Nalan Shaojin.

He has eaten too much of Nalan Shaojin's emotional life when he first arrived, so it is obviously unwise to continue talking about emotional topics with Nalan Shaojin.

Zhao Hengyu's eyes fell on the book in the corner of the table again.

He pointed to the book and smiled heartily: "Brother Jin, is that book a novel?"

Nalan Shaojin looked in the direction he pointed, his eyes fell on the book "The Domineering Female President's Little Lover", and he replied perfunctorily, "It's a novel."

"I've been interested in that book since just now, Brother Jin, can you lend me a read?"

"Yan Yue put that book there. If you want to read it, you have to borrow it from Yan Yue."

Just as Nalan Shaojin finished speaking, Yan Yue came over with two cups of brewed tea.

He put the tea in front of Nalan Shaojin and Zhao Hengyu respectively, and was about to turn around and retreat when he was stopped by the smiling Zhao Hengyu.

"Yan Yue, lend me your book~"

Yan Yue looked at Zhao Hengyu suspiciously: "Young Master Yu, what book?"

Where does he have any books? !
Zhao Hengyu raised his hand and pointed: "Here, it's the book "The Little Husband of the Domineering Female CEO".

Yan Yue looked in the direction he pointed, and blurted out: "That book? That book no"


Nalan Shaojin picked up the tea on the table and cleared his throat.

Yan Yue wanted to say that the book was not mine, but when he heard Nalan Shaojin coughing lightly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and the words came to his lips: "No, it's not a nutritious book."

Call ~
It's so risky, I almost made a mistake!

How could Yu Shao think that the book belonged to him?That must be what Master Jin said!

Master Jin didn't want people to know that he read that kind of romance novels, and wanted him to take the blame. He answered in a flash, and almost sold Master Jin...

Fortunately, his brain turned the corner in time.

"Really?" Zhao Hengyu smiled slightly: "That's just right, I just want to read idle books that are not nutritious to pass the time. Yan Yue, don't be stingy, just lend me the book."

As Zhao Hengyu said, he leaned over to get the book.

"I came all the way to Yuncheng to read idle books to pass the time, don't you feel that I have let down the delicious food and beauty of Yuncheng?"

Nalan Shaojin put down his water glass, chuckled and looked at Yan Yue.

Yan Yue understood immediately.

Master Jin probably meant that the book would not be borrowed!
He hurriedly stepped forward and pressed Zhao Hengyu's hand that wanted to take the book: "Young Master Yu, I'm sorry, I've only read a few pages of this book. If you want to read it, why not lend it to you after I finish reading it?"

Zhao Hengyu glanced at him, then at Nalan Shaojin who was thinking about something, and withdrew his hand knowingly: "Okay, you read your book first."

After saying that, he stood up and stretched his waist: "Oh~~~! I'm really tired after sitting on the plane for too long. Brother Jin, I'll go back to my room to rest first~"

Nalan Shaojin smiled faintly: "Go ahead. I'll welcome you tonight."

As soon as Zhao Hengyu left, Nalan Shaojin waved his hand.

Yan Yue received the signal and stepped back respectfully.

After everyone left, Nalan Shaojin hurriedly pulled out the book "The Domineering Female CEO's Little Wife".

With the book in his hand, he opened the drawer and wanted to put it in directly, but seeing the title of the book, he hesitated for a moment, then silently closed the drawer and opened the book.

He simply has nothing to do now, he will just see how domineering the female president is, and how cute the little lady is.
Opening the book, Nalan Shaojin's eyes fell on the black and white words in the book.


Yu Lingchu was dressed in a bright red dress, and she jumped on her horse neatly.

The wind blows, turning up the sleeves of the clothes, and the girl blooms like the scorching sun, riding the horse and raising the whip, with a heroic and heroic posture, bringing up billows of dust and smoke.

Han Zexin followed closely behind, riding the horse and raising the whip, the two of them chased each other, galloping freely in the wild like the wind passing through the forest.

Not far away, the sun sets over the long river, and the sky is full of sunset.

Yu Lingchu, who was walking by the river, tightened the reins of the horse, the horse's hooves flew up, and the red clothes were hunting like fire. The girl looked back and smiled lightly, gathering all the brilliance in the world: "Sister, I won~"

Han Zexin also tightened the reins, and looked sideways at Yu Lingchu, with doting eyes.

After a while, the doting look in her eyes was replaced by worry, and she frowned, looking at the sky like a bloody sun, as if ordering, as if begging: "Sister, go back."

Yu Lingchu tilted his head and smiled: "Okay, let's go back."

After saying that, she turned around.

Han Zexin looked at her: "You know exactly what I mean when I say go back."

The bright smile on Yu Lingchu's face faded.

In the setting sun, she stared at Han Zexin with her clear eyes, and said slowly and firmly: "Sister, I have the same blood as you! Who said that women can only live in the back house all their lives? Women can also go to battle to kill enemies and defend their families country!

Sister, I won't stop you from realizing your ideals, nor can you stop me from protecting what I want to protect!
On this boundless territory, our dear relatives, folks, I want to guard it with you! "

After the words fell, Yu Lingchu turned around on his horse, and his figure was as chic as when he came.

Han Zexin looked at her figure riding away with complicated eyes.

"Good! Card!"

When the director's voice sounded, Han Zexin withdrew her gaze from looking at Yu Lingchu, and quickly got off her horse.

Yu Lingchu, who had already ridden far away, turned the horse's head and ran back again. He also dismounted neatly and handed the reins in his hand to the staff beside him.

The director looked at the two with a smile and said, "The filming was good. You two should rest for a while and wait until it gets dark, and then shoot a scene where you drink and drink around the campfire. You can call it a day."

Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin nodded.

Chu Qing pulled Mu Si and ran over cheerfully, and handed them a bottle of water each, Chu Qing chirped: "Wow, Lingchu! The part where you rode a horse just now was so beautiful, you know that!

I dare say that if your crew uses this episode as a promotion, your popularity will go up to several floors. Maybe you can live on the front line directly! "

Yu Lingchu took a sip of water and smiled: "Qingqing, you really have too much confidence in me. I'm just a newcomer who has just entered the circle, and I don't even have a single piece of work. Why should I be in the first line."

Chu Qing took it for granted and said, "When this movie is finished and released, won't you have a work!
You must have confidence in yourself!You say that you want to have good looks and good acting skills. Isn't this purely God chasing and breaking your mouth to feed you? "

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