shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 276 I don't think she is a good person

Han Zexin also looked sideways at Yu Lingchu, and said with a smile, "I think Qingqing is right. If you had entered the circle earlier, Junior Sister, you might have become a hot actress by now."

Yu Lingchu smiled brightly: "Then I will borrow your good words, and hope that we will all succeed in our careers and have a bright future!"

"Okay!" Han Zexin responded heartily.

"It will definitely!" Mu Si's eyes sparkled.

"If you are rich, don't forget each other!" Chu Qing looked at the three of them with a smile, "When you all get rich, I will have three rich women and best friends. Remember to support me when the time comes~"

Mu Si looked at Chu Qing and sneered: "With the three of us working hard, you should lie flat, right?"

Chu Qing winked playfully: "I don't call it lying flat, I call it a clear division of labor~
The three of you are in charge of working hard, me!Logistics~!Responsible for cheering~!

The four of us are sure to be invincible, quacking random killings ~ you are responsible for random killings, I am responsible for quacking ~"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, Yu Lingchu and the others couldn't help laughing out loud.

In the blink of an eye, the setting sun fades, and the willow shoots rise above the moon.

The staff of the film crew lit a bonfire in an open place. Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin sat side by side around the bonfire, and the evening scene was officially ready to shoot.

Mu Si sat on the outside, chatting with Chu Qing casually, while looking down at the makeup video on the phone.

Suddenly, a news push message jumped into view.

Mu Si glanced at it indifferently, her eyes froze for a moment, and then quickly clicked on the message.

After taking a quick look, she handed her mobile phone to Chu Qing: "Look, Qingqing, Lingchu is on the hot search again!"

Chu Qing smiled nonchalantly: "What's so new about this? Hasn't Lingchu been on trending searches for a day since the morning? Let me guess, it was the horse riding tidbit that was sent out by the crew again in the evening Yet?"

"No!" Mu Si frowned: "I feel that someone is deliberately rubbing Lingchu's heat!"

Chu Qing took Mu Si's mobile phone and looked at the screen: "Who is it? Are you crazy about wanting to be famous? Lingchu has just emerged, so she posted it here to gain popularity, shameless!"

While talking, Chu Qing looked at the content on the screen.

After reading it, she looked at Mu Si speechlessly: "What a guy! This guy, Ruanhedu, claims to be Lingchu's cousin!

Hey~?How do you say it?oh!No one asks you if you are poor in the busy city, but you have distant relatives in the mountains if you are rich~!As soon as the spirit was about to become popular, someone couldn't wait for Baba to come to recognize his relative? "

As Chu Qing said, she returned Mu Si's cell phone, picked up her cell phone and clicked on the webpage: "I want to see, where did this Zheng Yashuang come from~"

While speaking, Chu Qing's fingers fluttered, and she quickly entered Zheng Yashuang's name in the search box.

Entries related to Zheng Yashuang popped up one by one.

【Who is the capital behind Zheng Yashuang】

[The unpopular Zheng Yashuang, who is behind it? 】

[Zheng Yashuang's second generation of wealthy family? 】

Looking at the entries about Zheng Yashuang one after another, Chu Qing directly clicked on the encyclopedia introduction about Zheng Yashuang:

[Zheng Yashuang, an actress from mainland China, participated in Star-Making DreamWorks. After winning the gold award from director Feng Yi, she officially entered the showbiz and made her debut. Gained more attention by acting in the TV series Tumi Blossoms, representative work: Tumi Blossoms]

After reading the encyclopedia, Chu Qing then clicked on Zheng Yashuang's Weibo, and it was just before noon that Zheng Yashuang specially posted on Yu Lingchu's weibo about recognizing relatives.

Yu Lingchu's side has not given her any response so far.

But because of Yu Lingchu's lack of response, Zheng Yashuang's weibo about professing relatives became fermented!
Starting in the evening, many people began to repost Zheng Yashuang's weibo, and went to Aite Yulingchu to ask her to claim Zheng Yashuang's younger sister.

After reading the news on Weibo, Chu Qing looked up at Yu Lingchu who was filming.

Is this Zheng Yashuang really Lingchu's cousin?After a while, when Lingchu came back from filming, she had to ask Lingchu.

If it's really his own person, then Lingchu will give the other party a response on Weibo, and just interact with each other.

But if the other party is here to touch porcelain, then you have to find a way to deal with it quickly.

Chu Qing thought about it, and was about to quit Weibo temporarily, but found that Zheng Yashuang updated the post at this time.

Zheng Yashuang V: Please don’t @玉玲初姐姐, she may be busy with work and don’t have time to reply to me, please don’t bother her, I hope that cousin Lingchu can bring the audience a perfect work/Come on// come on/!
Chu Qing frowned after reading Zheng Yashuang's new Weibo post, and handed the phone to Mu Si: "Sisi, look, the woman who came to meet Lingchu posted another Weibo post."

Mu Si looked down at the phone screen.

Chu Qing waited for a while, then said, "Sisi, from this Weibo, do you smell the smell of old tea?"

Mu Si raised her eyes to look at Chu Qing, then lowered her eyes to look at Zheng Yashuang's weibo post, pondered for a while and said, "On the surface, this weibo seems to be speaking for Lingchu, but I feel that she is actually Bring hatred to Lingchu."

Mu Si said, raised her finger to the screen and said: "Look at this sentence, Qingqing, she said that Lingchu might be busy with work, so she didn't have time to reply to her. This sentence seems to be fine, but I just think it's wrong .”

"Of course it's not right!" Chu Qing smiled coldly, "Sisi, don't forget that Lingchu is just a newcomer in the entertainment industry."

Mu Si looked at Chu Qing: "The public's general perception is that a newcomer who has just become popular cannot have a lot of work to do, so the real meaning of her words is actually implying that everyone, Yu Lingchu Are you deliberately putting on airs and ignoring her?"

Chu Qing nodded: "Also, Lingchu interacted with passer-by fans in the comments in the morning. According to normal people's thinking, a newcomer in the entertainment industry who has just become popular, what is the most he can't help but want to pay attention to?"

Mu Silue thought for a while: "A newcomer who has just become popular, what he can't help but want to pay attention to is his own popularity?"

Chu Qing nodded: "So no matter how the public analyzes it, Lingchu is deliberately ignoring this Zheng Yashuang. If Zheng Yashuang has nothing to do with Lingchu, it's okay if she just came to touch Cici to gain popularity. Lingchu is related to relatives, so after her operation, Lingchu is afraid that she will be labeled as ruthless and disrespected by her relatives!"

Mu Si bit her lips: "If she is really related to Lingchu, why would she do this? Lingchu is just a newcomer in the entertainment industry, doesn't she know that what she did might hurt Lingchu?" Can you recruit black people for the first time, or even destroy Lingchu!"

Chu Qing shrugged her shoulders: "Sisi, you are still too simple. There are really some strange relatives who hate you for having one and laugh at you for not having one. Seeing that you are doing well, they wish they could make troubles for you everywhere~
There are good people in this world, so naturally there are all kinds of ghosts and monsters with sinister and dirty minds! "

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