Chapter 28 Tian Tian's Past
In the steaming hot pot restaurant, the boiling water in the mandarin duck pot gradually stopped tumbling, leaving only some leftover juice on the table.

Yu Lingchu asked the waiter to order two more desserts, and then sat quietly at the table, listening to Tian Tian talk about her past.

"Sister Lingchu, I am indeed not the Tian family's biological daughter, I was adopted by the Tian family couple from the orphanage.

The Tian family couple, that is, my adoptive parents, they have been married for many years without children, and then they went to the orphanage to adopt me, who was only two years old.
In the second year after I came to Tian's house, my adoptive mother became pregnant.

They didn't want to support me when they had their own children, and wanted to send me back to the orphanage.

But at that time, an old lady in the neighborhood told them that they had children after they adopted me, so I brought their children. If I were sent away, their children might not be able to keep them.

The child that my adoptive parents had been looking forward to for so many years, naturally couldn't tolerate any mistakes. Just because of that old woman's words, I was left in Tian's house, and I became a superfluous and obtrusive existence in that family.

As far as I can remember, my adoptive mother and adoptive father have been telling me that I was adopted by them, they are kind, and they are kind enough to give me a family. I have to be grateful and repay them well.

When I was young, the way I repayed my kindness was to do housework, cook, take care of my younger siblings, and coax them to play.

If my younger siblings were bumped and bumped, what awaited me would be a severe beating from my adoptive parents.

They disliked me for eating too much, and stipulated that their family should finish every meal, and I could eat the rest.

If there is no food left from that meal, I can only starve.

I remember when I was ten years old, one night I was so hungry that I couldn’t take it anymore, so I sneaked into the kitchen and stole a cucumber to eat, only to be discovered by my adoptive mother who got up at night. She pulled my hair, scolded me as a thief, and forced Slapped my mouth until my mouth was full of blood..."

Yu Lingchu held Tian Tian's hand and looked at her with distressed eyes.

She couldn't imagine how bitter, painful and sad Tian Tian must have been when she was ten years old.

Tian Tian tried her best to smile at Yu Lingchu, and comforted her in turn: "Sister Lingchu is fine, it's all over..."

"Yeah." Yu Lingchu held Tian Tian's hand: "You will have us in the future."

These words made Tian Tian's heart feel so warm that tears almost fell down again.

She sniffed and continued: "During the period from elementary school to the third year of junior high school, going to school became the most relaxing time for me every day. Although some classmates would laugh at me because of my shabby clothes, most of them Kind.

They would bring me their own clothes and shoes, and buy new stationery, and then they would say that they bought too much, or that they didn’t like buying the wrong ones, so they stuffed them for me.

In fact, I know that they want to help me, but they are afraid of hurting my self-esteem, isn't it cute? "

Yu Lingchu nodded.

Tian Tian smiled and continued: "In the first year of junior high school, after a physical education class, everyone was very thirsty, but the school's drinking water device was broken, so the students all ran to the school's canteen to buy water.

I had no money, and I drank all the water in the kettle, so I could only endure it.

A girl at my desk also went to buy water.

When she came back, she handed me a bottle of Coke, and said that the bottle of Coke she bought had been opened and she would have another bottle. She couldn't drink it, so she asked me to drink it for her.

I know that she didn't win the lottery at all, and she bought my bottle of Coke alone...

That was the first time I drank Coke. It was cold, sweet and delicious.

I thanked her very seriously, but she felt a little uncomfortable and had to tell me bluntly that she was really lucky and won the lottery, so I don't need to thank her. "

When Tian Tian mentioned this past event, she smiled sweetly.

In the countless moments when she was about to be swallowed by darkness and despair, it was the scattered warmth and kindness in these memories that supported her to survive.

"When I was in the third year of junior high school, compulsory education ended. Although I had excellent grades, my adoptive parents still asked me to stop going to school and asked me to find a factory to work to support the family.

Sister Lingchu, I was too suffocated in that house.Every day they think about how to squeeze me to death.

But I'm not reconciled, I don't want to accept my fate, I don't want to be squeezed and manipulated by them for the rest of my life.

I want to study, and only by studying can I have the chance to change my destiny.

Fortunately, my grades are good enough. My high school entrance examination score is the third in the city. The high school that admitted me promised that I would be exempted from high school tuition fees for three years, and also gave me an extra [-] yuan in scholarships.

But even so, my adoptive parents still didn’t want me to continue studying until the high school that admitted me sent someone to tell them that if I didn’t go to study, the school’s scholarship would not be awarded.

For the 5 yuan, they could only bite the bullet and agree to let me continue studying. As for the living expenses during the study period, they let me figure out what to do.

I have excellent grades, and I can get a scholarship from the school every year, which is enough to cover my living expenses.

It's a pity that every time the scholarship comes out, my adoptive parents will always ask me to leave for various reasons.

If I didn't want to give it, they threatened me that if I didn't give them the scholarship, they wouldn't let me continue my studies.As for how I will live in school after they take away all the scholarships, it is completely out of their consideration.

Without a scholarship, I can only use my spare time to pick up scraps and sell them in exchange for a meager income.

At that time, the steamed buns in the school cafeteria cost one yuan and three, and a bag of pickles was fifty cents. The combination of these two things was my daily food.

I have to save as much money as I can to buy study materials.

Because of this, I was malnourished and fainted in class, and the school teacher knew about my situation.

Since then, no teacher has contracted my study materials, and she never asked me to buy them myself. "

Thinking of her mentor, Tian Tian burst into tears: "I was taken care of by the teacher all the way to the college entrance examination. After the college entrance examination results, I could apply to the school in the imperial capital with my grades, but my adoptive parents were afraid that I would leave Their control did not allow me to go to other provinces to go to university.

Not only the provinces, they don't even want me to go to college at all.

I argued hard and even threatened with death.I told them I had grown up enough to make money.

If they promised me to go to university, then I would work-study. Not only would I not let them pay a penny of living expenses, but I would also give them all the scholarships and work-study money they got during school.

If they have to force me to drop out of school, then I will die. If I die, they will never get anything!

That day, my adoptive mother said that I threatened her, grabbed my hair and slapped me several times, saying that I had no conscience and was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

But in the end, they compromised... They were afraid that if I really died, they would no longer be able to benefit from me..."

(End of this chapter)

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