shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 29 Don't be afraid, I'm here

Chapter 29 Don't be afraid, I'm here
Tian Tian took a deep breath, and said quietly: "Their family are all vampires, they keep oppressing me.

They not only snatched my scholarship, I earned money from part-time jobs, and later they said that college students are valuable, and wanted to sell me for a bride price. I was forced by them to go on a blind date, and I was lucky. However, the rich blind date turned out to be Fang Yu.

Sister Lingchu, I know that my life is a mess, and I shouldn't drag Fang Yu down.

But he is such a sunny, handsome, honest and honest person, I can't help being moved, I despicably hide my past from you, and greedily want to stay by his side for more time...

I know it's not good for me to do this, but who wants to live in a pool of suffocating mud for the rest of their lives.

Sister Lingchu, do you know... I feel that I can't hold on many times...

Many times, I have stood on the edge of the roof, thinking that jumping down might be the end of everything...

But I am not reconciled, I always feel that only living has hope, can you understand?I yearn for the light..."

Yu Lingchu got up and walked to Tian Tian's side, reaching out to hug her.

"Tian Tian, ​​it's not your fault that you are in such an environment. You worked so hard to go to the light and save yourself. It's really good and great! Sister Lingchu is proud of you!"

"Sister Lingchu, woo~ woo~!!"

Tian Tian couldn't help crying again.

Yu Lingchu gently patted Tian Tian's back.

She couldn't imagine how Tian Tian survived in such a family all these years, and it was good to cry like this.

Negative emotions held in the heart for too long without venting out can easily cause physical and mental problems.

After a while, Tian Tian gradually stopped crying.

Yu Lingchu picked up the wipes on the table and gently wiped away the tears on her face.

"Tian Tian, ​​what are you going to do next, do you have any ideas?"

Tian Tian sniffed: "Sister Lingchu, I have been collecting evidence that the Tian family oppressed me, and I want to dissolve the adoption relationship with them! Even if I will be scolded as a wolf, I will do it!"

"Very good." Yu Lingchu patted Tian Tian's head: "Sister Lingchu will help you, don't have any burdens.

The relationship between the Hetian family is due to their inhumanity first, you have nothing to do with it, you know? "

"Yeah." Tian Tiantian nodded, and couldn't help but shed tears again.

It turns out that being unconditionally favored and supported by others feels so wonderful.

Yu Lingchu helped Tian Tian wipe away her tears: "People from the Tian family want to ask you for money. I beat that Tian Baogui again today, and they will definitely trouble you. Don't go back to the place where you lived before. I will give you money again." Arrange a place to stay."

"Useless elder sister Lingchu." Tian Tian shook her head: "They will still try to find them. You don't know how rascal they are, and they will bring you a lot of trouble."

Yu Lingchu patted her hand and smiled: "Don't worry, the last thing your sister Lingchu fears is trouble!"

After finishing speaking, Yu Lingchu took Tian Tian's hand and left the hot pot restaurant, walked around the mall, bought a few changes of clothes and daily necessities for Tian Tian, ​​and took Tian Tian back to her residence by taxi.

After Tian Tian settled down, Yu Lingchu left the room and called Fang Yu directly.

The call was answered quickly.

Fang Yu's impatient voice came: "Yu Lingchu, I'm at work, you better have something urgent!"

"Master work!" Yu Lingchu said something, which made Fang Yu startled: "Yu Lingchu, you ate gunpowder for dinner, why are you so angry?"

"Your girlfriend is about to be bullied to death, don't you care?"

"Ah?" Fang Yu didn't realize it.

"Oh, your uncle! I said that your girlfriend is about to be bullied to death. If you don't care about it, just go away and cool off. I care! Just don't say that I didn't give you a chance to be a hero!"

"Tian Tian? What's wrong with her?" Fang Yu's voice was tinged with tension.

Yu Lingchu briefly told Fang Yu what Tian Tian told her.

"...Now I have brought the person back to the company. If you are willing to take care of this matter, then come here now. Let's discuss what to do next and resolve the matter as soon as possible.

If you don't want to take care of it, I still say the same thing, just stay where you are cool, and I will take care of it. "

"Yu Lingchu, listen to what nonsense you are talking about! Tian Tian is my girlfriend! If I don't care about her being wronged, then I can still be considered a man?! Wait, help me take care of Tian Tian , I will go there now."

"You're a man!" Yu Lingchu hung up the phone with a smile, turned around and went back to the house.

Tian Tian sat on the edge of the bed anxiously, holding the phone in her hand.

"They called you again?" Yu Lingchu asked.

Tian Tian bit her lip, nodded, the screen of the phone in her hand lit up, and one message after another was pushed into the phone.

"Call me."

Yu Lingchu stretched out her hand.

Tian Tian didn't move.

She could fully imagine how unsightly it would be for the angry Tian family to send a message cursing her.

She didn't want Yu Lingchu's eyes to be dirty with those dirty abuse.

Yu Lingchu maintained the movement of reaching out.

Tian Tian's phone rang again.

Tian Tian hung up in a panic, looked up at Yu Lingchu pleadingly: "Sister Lingchu..."

Don't be optimistic...

She really didn't want those foul words to dirty Yu Lingchu's eyes...

She is more afraid of...

Yu Lingchu will dislike her because of those obscenities...

Yu Lingchu's eyes were gentle and peaceful, with comfort: "Be obedient, don't be afraid, leave it to me..."

Tian Tian hesitated and handed the phone to Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu took it and patted Tian Tian's head: "Be obedient, go take a bath and relax, and leave the rest to sister Lingchu."

After Yu Lingchu finished speaking, she looked down at Tian Tian's phone.

The members of the Tian family used civilized words to form the most vicious and dirty words, and kept abusing and attacking a weak girl.

This girl is their adopted daughter, but because she doesn't want them to suck blood endlessly on her body, she is regarded as a sworn enemy by them...

Yu Lingchu was looking at those vicious text messages when a phone call came into Tian Tian's cell phone.

She swiped the screen to answer without hesitation.

The vicious and mean voice of the middle-aged woman came from the other side of the phone.

"You little bitch, you still know how to answer the phone, I think you are dead!"

"When you die in a puddle of mud and attract flies to eat, your aunt and grandma will live well!"

Yu Lingchu immediately retorted.

Mother Tian on the other side of the phone came to her senses: "Aren't you Tian Tian? Where did that little bitch go? Did you ask her to answer the phone?"

"Who are you? What do you think you are, because you are worthy of teaching me how to do things!"

"I'm Tian Tian's mother! Why is my daughter's mobile phone in your hands? Are you the bad woman who beat my son?"

(End of this chapter)

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