shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 283 Do you want to declare war on Lord Jin? !

Zheng Huaizhou was very depressed.

Mu Si became ruthless, how come she really doesn't miss any old love at all!

Did she forget that when her mother passed away, he was the one who accompanied her through that dark time!

Isn't their past relationship worth nostalgia at all!
Mother Zheng thought for a while, then gritted her teeth and said to Zheng Huaizhou, "Let's just wait at the entrance of this hotel! I want to see how grand she is, how dare I, an elder, wait outside the hotel for her summons!"

She is waiting here, as long as Mu Si is not afraid of being stabbed in the back, then keep hiding and don't come to see her!

The security guard at the door seemed to see Mother Zheng's plan, and stepped forward and said, "If you two have nothing else to do, please leave!"

Mother Zheng looked coldly at the security guard who persuaded her to leave: "What? This hotel belongs to your family? What does it matter to you whether I leave or not!"

The security guard smiled slightly: "The hotel does not belong to my family, but now the right to use the entire hotel belongs to our crew. Standing here will have an impact on the staff of the crew, so we have the right to ask you to leave."

Speaking of this, Anbao glanced at Zheng Huaizhou with contempt: "If you two don't want to leave and want to play tricks here, then we have no choice but to call the police!"

Mother Zheng said with a cold face: "Who said we are going to play tricks? Can I just stand here?"

The security guard said without hesitation: "Private venue, no!"

Mother Zheng sneered: "Okay! You are not allowed to stand at the entrance of the hotel, so I can stand on the open space over there!"

Security glanced at the place Zheng's mother pointed at: "Over there, the land over there also belongs to the hotel."

The three security guards behind discussed in a low voice that could be heard by Zheng's mother: "It's really that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked."

"Hey, I've gained a lot of experience too. It turns out that harassing others is a kind of family tradition~"

"Everyone looks like a dog, the forest is really big and there are all kinds of birds!"

Mother Zheng heard the discussion of the three security guards not far away, her anger welled up, and she asked sharply, "Who are you talking about!"

A security guard said with a smile: "Whoever is in a hurry will tell."

Mother Zheng pointed at the answering security guard and said, "Do you know who I am! A smelly security guard dares to be rude to me! Believe it or not, I will let you lose your job tomorrow!"

"I don't believe it!" The security guard smiled proudly.

"Madam Zheng is so majestic!" Yan Yue came out of the hotel and spoke almost at the same time as the security guard.

Mother Zheng didn't know Yan Yue, and when she saw him suddenly stand up to talk, she asked coldly, "Who are you? Do you have a place to speak here?!"

Zheng Huaizhou hurriedly tugged on Mother Zheng's arm, frowned and reminded in a low voice, "Mom, he is Nalan Shaojin's special assistant!"

Mother Zheng's eyes froze when she heard Zheng Huaizhou's reminder, and when she raised her eyes to look at Yan Yue, she had a flattering smile on her face.

Yan Yue looked at Zheng's mother coldly: "Let me introduce, I am the assistant to the president of Nalan Group. This hotel is owned by Nalan Group. Mrs. Zheng is making trouble here, but what dissatisfaction do you have with Nalan Group?!"

"No!" Zheng's mother hurriedly explained, "How could I be dissatisfied with the Nalan family. Speaking of which, we Huaizhou and your Lord Jin are still friends."

Yan Yue glanced at Zheng Huaizhou mockingly, and said with a sneer, "Mrs. Zheng, be careful! Our Lord Jin never makes friends casually. However, some people have contacted our Lord Jin several times through various relationships, and they spread everywhere that they are our friends. It's really ridiculous!"

Yan Yue's straightforward words are equivalent to a direct slap in the face.

The expressions of Mother Zheng and Zheng Huaizhou became embarrassing visible to the naked eye.

Yan Yue looked at the two of them coldly: "You are not welcome here! If the two of you don't want to become enemies with the Nalan Group, leave immediately and don't show up again!

Of course, if the two of you want to compete with the Nalan Group, we are also happy to accompany you.I just don't know that your Zheng family's property can withstand several times of siege by the Nalan Group! "

After Yan Yue finished speaking, he raised his hand and glanced at his watch: "I'll give you 5 minutes. If you don't leave after 5 minutes, then I will assume that you declare war on the Nalan Group. When the time comes, let's see the truth in the mall~!"

Zheng Huaizhou stared at Yan Yue: "If we leave immediately, can the Nalan Group stop targeting the Zheng Group!"

Yan Yue sneered: "Young Master Zheng, don't tell me why the Nalan Group targeted the Zheng family before, you really don't have any idea in your heart!

Master Jin's anger has calmed down. As long as you don't fight again, Master Jin won't bother to trouble your Zheng family anymore. "

Speaking of this, Yan Yue paused, glanced at the Zheng family's mother and son, and then continued: "But if you don't know how to live or die, and insist on getting in the eyes of Master Jin, then the ending of the Zheng family will be hard to say~
It is still forgivable for God to do evil.Self-inflicted, can't live!

Young Master Zheng, please do it yourself! "

After Yan Yue finished speaking, he raised his hand and glanced at his watch: "You still have 3 minutes."

After reminding the time, Yan Yue turned and returned to the hotel.

The mother and son of the Zheng family looked at each other, not daring to stay any longer, they could only resign themselves to their fate and leave.

Upstairs in the hotel, Yu Lingchu had just finished washing when she received a message from the security downstairs that the mother and son of the Zheng family had left.

After reading the message, she was about to put down her phone and go to the restaurant when a message popped up on the screen to remind her.

This early in the morning, Zheng Yashuang posted on Weibo again.

"Host, hurry up and see what little green tea is posting to arrange your words!"

The system noticed the reminder on the phone screen and hurriedly urged Yu Lingchu to say a word.

Yu Lingchu turned off the screen directly, and said with a leisurely smile: "Whatever she said, let the bullets fly for a while~!"

The system was a little speechless: "Host, why are you not in a hurry when your cousin, who will revenge her kindness, is targeting you so much?
Let me tell you that words are awesome!Especially in places like the entertainment industry, if the other party accidentally takes advantage of the loopholes to occupy the high ground of public opinion, then there may be cyberbullying waiting for you! "

Yu Lingchu opened the door and walked out of the room, and said: "The system said that if I was raped by the Internet, then I would spend money to hire a ~ large ~ group of professional sailors to help me scold the Internet abusers. What do you think?"

System →_→: "Host, why are you so naive? Those keyboard warriors who claim to be righteous will not only scold you on the Internet, some radical ones will also send you blood dolls, dead mice, blades, spray letters on your door with red paint to curse you to death, and even crazier ones will splash you with sulfuric acid and drive you into a car. Anyway, all kinds of human flesh you, harass you, and destroy you!"

Yu Lingchu chuckled: "How do you know the system in such detail?"

The system proudly said: "I read it from a book!"

"Which book?" Yu Lingchu was curious.

After she asked, a beautifully packaged novel immediately appeared in her mind.

The villain in ancient costume incarnated by the system danced around the book, while introducing: "This is "Rebirth of the Shadow Queen"! Host, don't you want to join the entertainment industry recently, I specially found a book related to the entertainment industry to study ~ If you encounter anything at the time, I can also give you advice!"

Thank you for the reward of time. The story may not be exciting enough, and the update is a bit slow, but I will try my best to finish it. Thank you for all the supporting friends.

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