shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 284 The Enthusiastic Little Sister

Yu Lingchu looked at the novel in front of him, thought for a while and suggested weakly: "System, there are many ways to understand the entertainment industry, um... you can read more news about the entertainment industry, that... it should be more reliable than reading novels... right?"

"Host, you don't know this, right? Art comes from life, it's higher than life, and reading novels is the same~
Oops~ Knowing about the entertainment industry is not important~ The important thing is that you have to be careful as the host, after all, Little Green Tea has been in the entertainment industry for a few years longer than you, if she seizes the opportunity, you will be miserable?

You listen to me, hurry up and see what she posted again, so we can respond quickly! "

"Since you want to see it so much, let's see it."

Yu Lingchu took out her phone, unlocked it, and clicked on Weibo.

Zheng Yashuang's latest news came into view.

Zheng Yashuang V: @玉玲初, cousin, everything before was a misunderstanding, I let you beat and scold me, don’t be as knowledgeable as me~/naughty//naughty/
The system looked at Zheng Yashuang's Weibo, and said angrily, "Let me tell the host, this little green tea is playing tricks on you! What to do! What to do! She secretly kept the gift from Nalan Shaojin, secretly went to Nalan Shaojin to make appointments for you, we have no proof!"

Yu Lingchu smiled: "Evidence, as long as you want to find it, there will always be it."

At the beginning of Yu Ling's words, the system's task announcement sounded in his mind: "Ding~ The system has detected that someone wants to prevent the development of the host's acting career, and now triggers the system's counterattack mission. Please try to preserve your reputation and let the other party pay for your actions. After the mission is completed, the reward system will score [-] points, and the host will get a random mission reward."

Yu Lingchu had already walked to the elevator at this time, and she pressed the elevator while listening to the system's task announcement.

After the system finished broadcasting, she asked with a smile, "System, did you release this task, or the main system?"

The system truthfully said: "It is a mission command issued by the main system."

While speaking, the elevator door opened.

Mu Si, Chu Qing and Xiao Niannian appeared in front of Yu Lingchu.

"Wow! Sister Lingchu watched dozens of times more than in the video!"

Seeing Yu Lingchu, Xiao Niannian rushed out of the elevator enthusiastically, put his arms around Yu Lingchu's arm, and leaned his head on her shoulder familiarly: "Beauty sticker~"

Caught off guard by the enthusiasm, Yu Lingchu was a little overwhelmed.

Mu Si looked at Xiao Niannian helplessly and amusedly, and quickly explained to Yu Lingchu: "Lingchu, this is my sister Niannian, she has seen the tidbits of your filming, and she likes you."

Xiao Niannian answered with a smile: "Seeing me, I think I like it more~ No! I love it so much! Sister Lingchu, I will be your die-hard fan from now on!"

Yu Lingchu: "Well, thank you for your liking. Although I don't have any works yet, I will definitely try my best to make good works in the future to live up to your liking."

This little sister's fiery enthusiasm made her feel a little overwhelmed for a moment.
"Yeah!" Xiao Niannian nodded, "I believe in Sister Lingchu!"

"Okay, Niannian, don't cling to Lingchu like a koala, she will finish her breakfast in a while, and she has to hurry to filming."

Xiao Niannian let go of Yu Lingchu's arm, and said expectantly: "Sister Lingchu, can I follow you to the set to watch your filming later?"

"Yes." Yu Lingchu readily agreed.

"Sister Lingchu, you are so kind~" Xiao Niannian took the opportunity to act like a baby.

Chu Qing covered her eyes.

Didn't see it!Didn't see it!Is this cheap and coquettish woman in front of me the Xiao Niannian who was full of combat power when facing Zheng's mother and son just now~
Seeing that Yu Lingchu was only talking to Xiao Niannian at this moment, and seemed to have completely forgotten about Zheng Yashuang, who was acting as a demon on the Internet, the system couldn't help reminding: "Host, don't be in a hurry to get intoxicated with Wenrouxiang, you should first think about how to fight back against Zheng Yashuang, who is acting as a demon. Just the Weibo she posted, implying that others are bullying her. If you are taken seriously by people who don't know the truth, you might really be raped by the Internet!"

"What's the hurry~" Yu Lingchu smiled lightly: "I said, let the bullets fly for a while. Zheng Yashuang just posted Weibo, and I immediately replied, it seems that I put her in my eyes and stared at her all the time!
If you follow too closely, it will appear that we are guilty, don't you think? "

The system thought for a while and said, "Host, what you said seems to make sense, doesn't it?"

Yu Lingchu smiled: "So I'm going to have breakfast first, if there's anything else, I'll talk about it after I finish breakfast."

Qianying Entertainment Company.

As Yu Lingchu's manager, Sister Feng naturally noticed Zheng Yashuang's latest Weibo post immediately.

Looking at this microblog with ulterior motives, Sister Feng couldn't help but sneer.

If it wasn't for touching porcelain Yu Lingchu, she really wouldn't have noticed that there is another person named Zheng Yashuang in the entertainment industry.

After calling Yu Lingchu last night, she went to look up Zheng Yashuang's information on purpose.

I have been in the industry for many years, and I seem to have capital behind me. Unfortunately, it has been lukewarm. I have hardly produced any works that can be sold. I have also accepted one or two variety show invitations. Unfortunately, the performance is mediocre and the response is mediocre.

You don't need to focus on how to enhance your professional ability, but on how to be a monster and make troubles to bully others. This kind of person is not popular, and he deserves it!

Glancing at the time, guessing that Yu Lingchu should have woken up to start work at this time, Sister Feng picked up the phone and called Yu Lingchu.

She wanted to ask Yu Lingchu if he had any opinions on how to deal with this matter.

If not, she will have to deal with it in her own and the company's way.

The call was connected quickly, and Sister Feng didn't talk nonsense, and said straight to the point: "Lingchu, Zheng Yashuang posted another Weibo, did you see it?"

"I saw it."

"Do you have an idea on how to deal with it? If you have an idea, the company will fully cooperate. If you don't want to deal with it, then let me and the company handle it."

"Sister Feng, I will post a Weibo in a while, please help me keep an eye on the dynamics on the Internet."

"it is good."

Sister Feng readily agreed.

Yu Lingchu smiled, and then said: "Yesterday, the navy that Sister Feng brought in to control and criticize is very good."

When Sister Feng heard what she said, she also smiled and said: "The two Weibo posts you posted yesterday were also very powerful, and they attracted a lot of fans for you. Many netizens now praise you for being honest and cute. I just wanted to ask you, should we go this route in the future?"

If you don't accept it, you will do it. She is an upright and straightforward beauty. Sister Feng thinks that this person should be pleasing if she is used on Yu Lingchu.

After listening to Sister Feng's suggestion, Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "Sister Feng, it is very tiring to make up a frame for yourself and then live in it.

And all camouflage masks are at risk of being torn off at any time.If I have to have a character, I hope it is not defined, I am me, the most authentic me. "

After listening to Yu Lingchu's words, Sister Feng couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay! I support you! You will face the public with your most authentic appearance."

As for the setting up of people, there is indeed a possibility that the house will collapse at any time if it cannot be installed.

After all, even if a person is good at disguising, it is impossible to disguising, there will always be a time when we are tired and let go of the disguising.

Huh~ Swimming class is finally over, do you know how I spent the past ten days T^T, I am so tired that I doubt life, who knows!

Also, the water in the swimming pool is not good at all T^T. Fortunately, after swimming farther and deeper, I can finally swim. I am very grateful to the coach for not dismissing my stupidity.Finally, I saw a few new students in the swimming class, and I really wanted to say take care to the coach.

Seeing the helpless look of the coach holding a glass of water and sighing while teaching, I really can't help but want to laugh, forgive me for being unkind, hahahaha

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