shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 285 Jumping between the pit and the non-pit

Chapter 285 Jumping back and forth between pits and not pits
After listening to Yu Lingchu's words, Sister Feng couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay! I support you! You will face the public with your most authentic appearance."

As for the setting up of people, there is indeed a possibility that the house will collapse at any time if it cannot be installed.

After all, even if a person can pretend again, it is impossible to maintain the disguise all the time. There will always be times when he is tired or neglects to take off the disguise.

Hearing that Sister Feng agreed with her opinion easily, Yu Lingchu said from the bottom of her heart: "Sister Feng, my senior sister said that you are a very good manager, you are really not wrong at all!"

Hearing Yu Lingchu's praise of herself, Sister Feng smiled happily: "Then you have to do business well, work hard, and don't let me down as a good manager~"

"Of course!" Yu Lingchu responded with a smile. Just as she was about to end the call, Sister Feng said seriously: "Lingchu, my dream is to bring out a grand slam actress. I think your goal of entering the entertainment industry must also be to reach the pinnacle of acting, right? I, you, Zexin, we are all dream chasers, let's work together!"

After Sister Feng's words fell, Yu Lingchu's mind suddenly heard the system's mission prompt.

"Ding~ The side mission of entering the entertainment industry is now released, please host to do business well, pursue the dream with the agent, and win the Queen's Grand Slam, come on, dream chaser!"

Yu Lingchu: "."

Who knows the family members!

One second she was still feeling guilty towards Sister Feng for the reason why she entered the entertainment industry, and the next second the task of cheating the system came!
She gritted her teeth: "System! When you release a mission, the main thing is to know how to match it, right? First release a mission that is not cheating, and then post a cheating one! Do you think that the Queen's Grand Slam is a Chinese cabbage in the field, and it is easy to get if you have it?!"

Yu Lingchu: "Huh?! Confidence?! I think I can pull down the moon from the sky, do you believe it?!"

The system smiled: "Trust me! My host is invincible and the most powerful in the world!"

Yu Lingchu: "."

This sudden flattery made her feel a little bit helpless.
"System." Yu Lingchu sighed: "It is very difficult, very difficult to become the queen of the Grand Slam! Luck, strength, and fairness are all indispensable.

Tell me honestly, did you assign this task yourself, or was it assigned by the main system? "

"It's the main system!"

The system dumped the blame without hesitation.

It wouldn't tell the host that it was the one who was moved to issue such a task to the host after listening to Sister Feng's words.

If the host knew about it, he would definitely say it was a fraud
Yu Lingchu raised his forehead: "What is the main system doing? It issued a task to let me enter the entertainment circle, and now it has issued a task to make me a grand slam actress. Next time, it will issue a task to let me dominate the entire entertainment circle and become the big sister that no one in the entertainment circle dares to mess with?!"

After Yu Lingchu finished speaking, a screen suddenly appeared in his mind, and a mess of garbled codes and radio waves jumped on the screen.

The villain incarnated by the system is beside the screen, shaking his head and looking dizzy.

About two seconds later, the garbled characters and radio waves on the screen disappeared, and a line of eye-catching words appeared: "I won't take this blame! ——Main System"

Yu Lingchu o_O???
This is……

Her system was taken over by the main system?
What blame?What does main system mean?
Could it be that the mission just now...

When Yu Ling was thinking for the first time, a calm male voice suddenly sounded: "Don't let the little idiot know that I have been here, and the reward for completing the task will be doubled."

"Main system?" Yu Lingchu tried to call.

"Hmm." The other party responded, and then said: "Nice to meet you, Yu Lingchu. You go to deal with your affairs first, and we will talk again when there is a chance."

After the main system finished speaking, the words on the screen disappeared, and the dizzy little man in the system also regained his clarity, looking at Yu Lingchu stupidly.

what just happened?
Why does it feel like it suddenly crashed?
"Lingchu, are you listening to me?"

Seeing that Yu Lingchu didn't respond to her for a while, Sister Feng couldn't help calling out.

Yu Lingchu hurriedly smiled and said, "Sister Feng, tell me, but I'm listening."

Sister Feng smiled: "Lingchu, I'm sorry, did what I just said put too much pressure on you? You must not be under pressure. Let's do our best and obey the destiny. You don't have to push yourself too hard. As long as you work hard, so what if you don't achieve the desired result in the end? At least we have worked hard and worked hard for our dreams!"

The system was moved: "Woo~Host, I think your manager is doing well!"

Yu Lingchu ignored the system and said to Sister Feng on the phone: "Sister Feng, the filming of my crew is almost finished, do you have any plans for my work next? I'm a newcomer to the industry. Is it not easy to take on new plays in a short time?"

"how come!"

Sister Feng said confidently: "As long as you want to shoot, we can shoot!"

"Of course I want to continue filming." Yu Lingchu smiled: "If you want to win the Grand Slam, you have to hone your acting skills and work hard."

After hearing what Yu Lingchu said, Sister Feng said happily, "Okay! I'll find resources for you now, and I'll bring you a few more scripts for you to choose."

"Thank you, Sister Feng. If there is nothing else, then I will hang up first."

"Well, let's go."

Sister Feng hung up the phone with a smile, and when she looked up, she saw the company's PR manager walking towards her quickly.

The other party quickly came to her, stood still, and called out with a smile: "Sister Feng."

Sister Feng looked at the PR manager in surprise.

What did this person call her just now?
Miss Feng?sister? !
What gust of evil wind is this blowing? !
Although she has worked in Qianying Entertainment for many years and is regarded as an old man in the company, because she failed to bring out popular artists, her status in the company has always been in the same position.

Some people who joined the company later than her would like to call her sister respectfully.But this public relations manager joined the company earlier than her, and he called her by name or Xiaofeng before.

This. What do you think of today?Call her sister? !
Moreover, she did not hear any mockery or joking meaning from the other party's tone.
After being surprised for a moment, Sister Feng calmly smiled and said, "Brother Lin, don't make fun of me. You have more seniority in the company than I do. I have to ask you for many things that I don't understand. Just call me Feng Xi or Xiao Feng."

Manager Lin chuckled: "What are you asking for advice? If you need help in the future, just say hello. I came here to ask you about the [-]th line Zheng Yashuang's microblog about your artist, how do you want to deal with it? Our public relations department will fully cooperate!"

Seeing Manager Lin's inquiry, Sister Feng didn't hide anything, and said bluntly: "Lingchu said that she would send a Weibo response in a while, and I hope we can help her keep an eye on the trend of public opinion on the Internet, so as to prevent the other party from deliberately leading public opinion to blackmail her."

(End of this chapter)

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