Chapter 286
"No problem! I will let people keep an eye on the dynamics of public opinion on the Internet."

Manager Lin readily agreed, and then said: "It's just that the other party intentionally poured dirty water on Lingchu's body, we can't always be passive defensive, it seems like we are afraid of her!
I thought about asking my subordinates to investigate again to see if they could dig out some black material about Zheng Yashuang. "

"It's best to be able to turn passive into active. Brother Lin, you are a professional in public relations." Sister Feng gave a thumbs up to the public relations manager at the end of her speech.

The PR manager obviously took her words very seriously, and said with a smile, "Then I'll arrange someone to do it right away. If you need any help later, just let me know."

"Then I would like to thank Brother Lin first."

"Thank you." The public relations manager looked at Feng Xi and said with a smile: "If you become successful in the future, just don't forget Brother Lin's kindness."

Feng Xi's face was full of sternness, and he replied with a smile: "The appointment must not be forgotten."

The public relations manager was very pleased with Feng Xi's attitude, turned around and left with a smile.

People say that 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi are true.

To say that Feng Xi has been working hard in their company for so many years, she has worked hard without credit, but she is unlucky, and has never been able to bring out a popular first-line star, so that her status in the company is not high or low.

But this person, if he starts to get lucky, he won't be able to stop him!

You said that Feng Xi signed an artist with such a strong background without saying a word.

Last night, the higher-ups gave orders to these subordinates, no matter what, to protect Yu Lingchu with all their strength, and as long as Yu Lingchu needs it, they will use all their resources to support it!

Do you want to say that this is a resource cafe with a background? It is not uncommon in the entertainment industry.

But this place in the entertainment industry is very mysterious. Some people are praised by the capital, but after a lot of tossing around, they still get along in the end.

And some people, relying on a seemingly inconspicuous opportunity, became popular inexplicably.

This Yu Lingchu.
The public relations manager smiled. He felt that Yu Lingchu belonged to the type of person who needed a background, a background, and luck.

When she first entered the entertainment circle, she was able to become popular on the Internet with the tidbits released by a crew, and the Zheng Yashuang Weibo incident that followed immediately increased her exposure rate.

As long as the Weibo incident is handled properly and the resources catch up later, Yu Lingchu will definitely become popular.

As far as the current situation is concerned, apart from background and luck, Yu Lingchu also has brains.

As for the two Weibo posts she posted yesterday, she did not lose the wind in the slightest. While arousing the curiosity of netizens, she conveniently set up a straightforward persona for herself, and subtly raised her popularity to another level.

I don't know how she will respond to Zheng Yashuang's voice again.

Thinking about it, the PR manager took out his phone and clicked on Weibo, eager to see if Yu Lingchu's Weibo was updated.

Knowing that Yu Lingchu was someone the company's top management wanted to promote, the PR manager immediately followed Yu Lingchu's social account.

As soon as he logged into Weibo at this time, the follow list showed Yu Lingchu's dynamics. She just updated a Weibo a minute ago.

Yulingchu V: @郑雅霜, misunderstood?What do you mean?Is it to accept gifts from others while I am not at home, and then keep it for myself~~~ Or to ruin my reputation and tell others that I worship money and love money?I don't want to argue with you, but it doesn't mean that you can keep pushing yourself!Guess if you do this again, will I call out the party who gave the gift, and let everyone have a good talk?
Not long after Yu Lingchu posted this Weibo post, many netizens left messages.

Long live Meow Emperor: 【Watermelon, melon seeds, cola, mineral water are ready, waiting to eat melon. 】

Riding a horse and chasing a snail: [Then just talk about it, please~ My curiosity has been aroused, please~]

Eat melons without spitting out the skin: [That's right, if you have something to say, we will comment]

Lemon is super sweet: [Speak out, I'm so curious~]

Grumpy Sunflower: [Miss, as long as you say it, when your movie is released, I will take the whole family to support it! 】

Not long after Yu Lingchu's Weibo was released, the following comments were about to exceed [-].

Netizens saw that there was no movement from Yu Lingchu, and those who had something good to do rushed to Zheng Yashuang's Weibo to comment.

【Ya Shuang, try harder, it's up to you whether I can have a bite of hot melon】

[Ya Shuang, why don't you expose what you have done, whoever said it, I won't pick it]

[Yes, yes, expose your own information and let others have no information to disclose]

[Ya Shuang~ It's been an hour since I posted on Weibo on the other side, you should respond]

[If you don't respond, you won't feel guilty, right?If you’re not guilty, just respond~]

Zheng Yashuang noticed Yu Lingchu's Weibo immediately, and she wanted to respond forcefully, but she was guilty, afraid that Yu Lingchu would really call Nalan Shaojin to break up with her.

Ruo Nalan Shaojin is a person with little power and status, so she can naturally confront him without any pressure, completely denying what she has done.Anyway, she didn't believe what she did back then, and Yu Lingchu could have evidence to prove it.

Speaking of witnesses, heh!The Yu family is Yu Lingchu's close relatives, of course they are on Yu Lingchu's side, so what they say is not convincing.

But Nalan Shaojin is not an ordinary person, he is powerful and powerful, standing at the top of the pyramid, one sentence from him can easily convict her!

Don't say that she really did those things, but she didn't. As long as Nalan Shaojin said that she did, she couldn't deny it.

Most people would naturally think that the dignified person in power of the Nalan Group has no need to lie and slander her as a young [-]th-line actress. Since she has said it, she probably did it!

Looking at the latest comments on her Weibo that she had to respond to one by one, Zheng Yashuang suddenly felt a dilemma.

Pretending to respond to Yu Lingchu with confidence, if the other party reacts more strongly, the matter will probably become more uncontrollable, and she and Yu Lingchu will completely tear each other apart.

She is fledgling now, and Yu Lingchu has so many backers, the trouble is irreparable, and it will do her all harm but no benefit.

But if she doesn't respond, everyone will think that she is guilty and dare not respond, which is also a blow to her popularity and reputation.

Zheng Yashuang held on to the phone tightly, and couldn't help feeling a little regretful for provoking Yu Lingchu, and at the same time began to resent Yu Lingchu in her heart.

She just wanted to say hello to Yu Lingchu because she saw that Yu Lingchu also entered the entertainment industry, so why would Yu Lingchu harm her like this!
Really, I didn't think about the family relationship between them at all!
After scolding Yu Lingchu in her heart, Zheng Yashuang decided to deal with the matter coldly and no longer respond to Yu Lingchu's Weibo.

The lesser of two evils, this was by far the best solution for her.

The Internet has no memory, and netizens will soon be attracted by new incidents and forget the contest between her and Yu Lingchu.

(End of this chapter)

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