Chapter 287

While filming, Yu Lingchu took the time to glance at Weibo, seeing that there was no movement from Zheng Yashuang, she couldn't help laughing.

She didn't believe that Zheng Yashuang didn't see her Weibo.

I haven't responded for so long, are you afraid?
Come here to provoke her, really think she will be like before, for the sake of mother, how much will she tolerate her? !

From now on, no one will lose face!

Where is this, why are you so cowardly?
"Host, this little green tea hasn't moved for a long time, is there some more disgusting trick brewing?"

Looking at Zheng Yashuang's Weibo interface that hasn't been updated, the system couldn't help guessing.

Yu Lingchu smiled: "Who knows? It's indecent if you come and don't reciprocate, why don't we give her a compliment?"

"What gift? How do you return it?" The system was curious and excited.

Yu Lingchu didn't answer, but just took screenshots of Zheng Yashuang's several Weibo posts about her, edited them with the image processor on her phone, and then uploaded the pictures to her own Weibo.

Yulingchu V: [Besides filming, we have a small class on tea tasting, please see the picture below for details]

After posting Weibo, Yu Lingchu didn't care, put down his phone and went to filming again.

On the other side, Zheng Yashuang, who was concerned, quit Weibo depressedly, changed her clothes and was about to go out, but her manager rushed to find her first.

Seeing her manager, Zheng Yashuang smiled softly: "Sister Zhang, you're here, I'm going to find you, didn't I say I'm going to shoot an advertisement this afternoon? I'm ready, let's go."

Sister Zhang stood still, frowned at Zheng Yashuang and said, "What are you still shooting! The other party just notified the cancellation of the cooperation, and they changed people for that commercial!"

"Substitution?" Zheng Yashuang frowned: "The contract has already been signed, how can they just change the person? Don't you have any spirit of the contract?"

Sister Zhang looked at Zheng Yashuang with some annoyance: "Now I have to ask you what you are doing! Not only did the commercial you want to shoot change, but the next talk show also told you not to go, even the script I finally got for you, the other party also notified to change the cast!

I entrusted various relationships, and begged my grandpa to sue my grandma, and only then did I find out some news, saying that there is a big man who doesn't like you and wants to teach you a lesson, Yashuang, tell me honestly, who have you offended recently? "

Zheng Yashuang frowned, thought about it more seriously, looked at Sister Zhang and said, "Did you find out. Who is that big man?"

Sister Zhang frowned and shook her head: "I can't find out, I only know that the other party is an existence that can never be offended, Zheng Yashuang, who have you offended yourself, don't you know?!"

Zheng Yashuang clenched the hand hanging by her side.

Seeing her reaction, Sister Zhang was a little displeased and said, "Ya Shuang, if you don't tell me the truth, I can't help you!"

Zheng Yashuang looked at Sister Zhang, was silent for a while and said, "I've only offended one person recently."

"Who?" Sister Zhang hurriedly asked.

Zheng Yashuang gritted her teeth bitterly: "Yu Lingchu!"

"Yu Lingchu" Sister Zhang repeated the name, and then said, "Isn't she your cousin? Although the Yu family is rich, it doesn't have that much power, right?"

Zheng Yashuang pursed her lips: "Do you know the Nalan family in the imperial capital?"

Sister Zhang nodded and said in confusion, "Why did you suddenly mention the Nalan family? Is there any connection between the two?"

Zheng Yashuang took a deep breath and said reluctantly: "Master Yu's family has saved the life of Mr. Nalan's family. In order to repay his kindness, Mr. Nalan made a marriage contract with Yu's family. The marriage partner is Yu Lingchu."

"Wait a minute, I'll be quiet."

The sudden and explosive news made Sister Zhang a little incapable of accepting it for a while.

She was silent for a while, looked at Zheng Yashuang and said, "Your cousin Yu Lingchu has a marriage contract with someone from the Nalan family. Do you know who her marriage partner is?"

Zheng Yashuang bit her lip, as long as she thought of Yu Lingchu's unknowable luck to be able to make a marriage contract with such an expensive person as Nalan Shaojin, jealousy would burn her heart and lungs like wildfire.

Why did all the good things and all the happiness fall on her Yu Lingchu!

Wouldn't she just be reincarnated than she is!

Zheng Yashuang's eyes were full of reluctance, and she said slowly: "The marriage contract with Yu Lingchu is about the ruler of the Nalan family, Nalan Shaojin!"

"The person in power of the Nalan family?" Sister Zhang suddenly raised her voice.

Because of Zheng Yashuang's relationship with the Yu family, she also knows a little about the Yu family.

But she never dreamed that the ordinary wealthy family she always thought of had such a background relationship!
Sister Zhang stared fixedly at Zheng Yashuang, thinking of what Zheng Yashuang had done on Weibo in the past two days, a wave of iron-clad anger suddenly rose from the bottom of her heart.

She pointed at Zheng Yashuang with trembling fingers, gritted her teeth, and said, "Zheng Yashuang, let me tell you what's good about you! Are you stupid! You have such a good resource background and don't want to maintain it properly, but you actually acted like a monster and wanted to fight the opponent!
ha!Are you crazy!If you really don't want to hang out in the entertainment circle, just say it, there's no need to make such a big death!
ha!Mess with the fiancée of the ruler of the Nalan family, how many lives are you playing like this? !

I see that not only do you want to quit the entertainment industry, you also don't want to stay in the biosphere!If you want to die, you can hang yourself from a tree with a crooked neck, so as not to hurt others! "

Zheng Yashuang gritted her teeth: "I just wanted to rub Yuling Chu's heat, who knew that she didn't care about family affection at all, but she had such a vicious connotation on me!
I don't even want to argue with her anymore, she even sued Nalan Shaojin and destroyed the resources I got! "

"Get hot! Heh!" Sister Zhang sneered: "You really dare to talk about any kind of enthusiasm! Do you really have no idea if people wait to see you?!
And you don't care about others!ha!Ha ha!You really treat yourself like a dish! "

Zheng Yashuang was annoyed: "What's the use of talking about this now! Things are already like this, what should we do next!"

Sister Zhang let out a foul breath, looked at Zheng Yashuang and said, "Isn't Mrs. Yu's aunt your aunt? Try to contact her and say something nice.

As for the incident you caused on Weibo."

Sister Zhang pondered for a while before slowly saying, "Apologize!"

Zheng Yashuang grimaced unwillingly.

Apologizing to Yu Lingchu, isn't that tantamount to slapping yourself in the face!

Sister Zhang looked at her upset: "What's the matter? Don't want to? Let me tell you, this is the fastest way to calm things down! If you get it right, you have a great chance to protect yourself. If you continue to fight with the other party, you will only die! Don't mention me, the company won't be able to keep you either!"

Zheng Yashuang's eyes were red, she was silent for a while and said softly: "Okay, I will listen to Sister Zhang."

Seeing that she was willing to be obedient, Sister Zhang couldn't help softening her attitude.

She patted Zheng Yashuang on the shoulder: "My sister won't hurt you. You open Weibo and I'll watch you post it. After you post it, you should contact your aunt. The sooner this matter subsides, the less impact it will have on you, you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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