Zheng Yashuang lowered her eyes, trying her best to conceal the unwillingness and resentment in her eyes.

She took out her phone, unlocked the screen with her fingerprint, and opened the Weibo software.

As soon as the software was opened, Zheng Yashuang discovered that Yu Lingchu had updated another Weibo.

Out of curiosity, she clicked on the picture Yuling Chu posted, only to find that what the other party posted was a screenshot of her Weibo interface, and she also marked it next to the text she posted with software.She gave all the netizens a very detailed analysis of her tea talk and tea talk.

Seeing this, Zheng Yashuang's face turned green with anger.

Sister Zhang saw that her expression was wrong, so she leaned over and looked at the content on the screen.

After reading the three pictures marked by Yu Lingchu, Zheng Yashuang pointed to the comment section of Yu Lingchu's Weibo with trembling fingers.

[I thought that Zheng Yashuang's Weibo was not right before, but it was immediately cleared up by the little sister]

[This is how many years old green tea is]

[Having such a green tea whore relative, Miss Lingchu is so heartbroken]

[Miss Sister is really a tea appreciator, do you consider opening a class for the exam, I will let my boyfriend sign up to learn]

Sister Zhang raised her hand and attached it to Zheng Yashuang's phone screen.

Zheng Yashuang raised her eyes, looked at Sister Zhang with red eyes, tears rolled around her eyes and said: "Sister Zhang, she is too much!"

Sister Zhang looked at her seriously, and firmly said a word: "Forbearance!"

Zheng Yashuang's breathing was a little short, and she looked so wronged.

Sister Zhang looked at her with deep eyes, and sneered: "Are you still wronged? Don't forget, you were the one who provoked others without knowing your life or death!
Take this incident as a lesson for you, and remember in the future, don't provoke people who you know you shouldn't provoke! "

Knowing that the other party's background can't be provoked, but still provoke, that is stupid!

For those who commit stupidity, forgive her, I really can't sympathize!
Under the watchful eyes of her manager, Sister Zhang, Zheng Yashuang felt extremely humiliated in her heart, typed out a word of apology word by word, and clicked send unwillingly but helplessly.

After personally supervising Zheng Yashuang's posting on Weibo, Sister Zhang calmed down and said, "I don't have any work arrangements for the time being, so you can take a good rest in the hotel for a few days. Also, don't log in to social accounts for the next few days, so as not to affect mentality."

It would be bad if he committed some stupidity on impulse.

Zheng Yashuang nodded with red eyes: "I see."

Sister Zhang glanced at her, sighed, opened the door and left.

She didn't think Zheng Yashuang was stupid, why did she do such a stupid thing!

Knowing that the relatives of Yu's family are backed by big trees, and they don't have a good relationship, why did they make the relationship stiff!

What a pity!

If Zheng Yashuang and Yu Lingchu have a good relationship, maybe they can borrow the power of Nalan Group!

With the help of Nalan Group, Zheng Yashuang's path in the entertainment industry will be much easier than it is now!

Because of Yu Lingchu's two Weibo posts in succession, many netizens are paying attention to Zheng Yashuang's movements.

As soon as her Weibo was posted, it quickly attracted many netizens to watch.

Zheng Yashuang v: @玉玲初, my cousin is sorry, for the mistakes I made in a moment of confusion, I hereby solemnly apologize to you.

【I go!Is this an admission that I have done something sorry for others? 】

[Obviously the relationship is not good, but you still go to catch people's heat, your face! 】

[Upstairs, her face was swollen from being slapped, hahaha]

[Why don't you continue to talk tea and tea?What a let down! 】

[Yeah, don't be cowardly and just continue!This kind of melon that has been eaten halfway and has no follow-up is not good to eat]

[Black and red are also red, why don't you expose what immoral things you have done]

【Exactly!Open the pattern, reveal your own black history, and let others have nothing to reveal! 】


While filming, Yu Lingchu also quickly noticed Zheng Yashuang's Weibo apology.

The system was a little incredulous: "Host, this little green tea actually apologized to you? Is she... cowardly?"

Yu Lingchu looked at Weibo with some doubts in her eyes.

She really couldn't understand Zheng Yashuang's operation.

Based on her understanding of Zheng Yashuang, even if she was really guilty and afraid that she would call Nalan Shaojin to confront her, Zheng Yashuang would at most just deal with it coldly and not post a response on Weibo.

It's not Zheng Yashuang's usual style of doing things.

Zheng Yashuang, this is... what stimulated her?
Or... is there any new conspiracy brewing?
Yuling couldn't figure it out in the first day of the junior high school, so she simply chose to wait and see what happened.

After filming two more scenes in a row, during the waiting break, Yumu called.

Yu Lingchu looked at the caller ID, thinking that she had fought against Zheng Yashuang on Weibo in the past two days, and everyone in her family should know about it. She guessed that her mother's call at this time was probably related to this incident. related.

Staring at the screen and hesitating for two seconds, Yu Lingchu connected the phone.

Yumu's voice came from the receiver: "Lingchu, do you have time now?"

"I'm waiting in the waiting room. Mom, what do you want?"

Mother Yu smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just miss you a little bit."

Yu Lingchu smiled: "Then I'll go home and see you after I finish filming."

"Okay." Yumu responded with a smile, was silent for two seconds, and said with a little hesitation: "Lingchu, I know that Yashuang did something wrong before, and she also knows it now. In terms of face, don't bother with her?
This time, she also saw you enter the entertainment industry and wanted to ease the relationship with you, so that she could support each other in the entertainment industry in the future, so she sent a Weibo to say hello to you, she didn't have any malicious intentions..."

"She knows if she is malicious, and I can feel it too!"

Yu Lingchu interrupted Yumu's words, and said: "It is because of your face that I have tolerated her for so many years! Now I don't want to bear it anymore! People don't offend me, I won't offend others, and if they offend me, they must be returned !"

"How can you be so serious, child, you are sisters after all..."

Mother Yu wanted to persuade her, but Yu Lingchu interrupted her again: "It's better to leave! I can't afford this kind of sister who wants to stab me openly and secretly at any time!
I don't know what is serious in your mother's eyes!As long as I don't get killed by Zheng Yashuang, it won't be serious, right? ! "

"Lingchu, that's not what Mom meant. You are Mom's biological daughter. You have to believe that you are the most important thing in Mom's heart. No one can take your place.

Mom hopes you can understand and understand me, I am only your aunt and a younger sister, we have depended on each other since we were young, she left early, leaving behind a daughter like Yashuang..."

"My aunt's death was not caused by me! It was not caused by our Yu family!
Our Yu family doesn't owe Auntie anything, let alone Zheng Yashuang!
If you really say who owes whom, heh!When my aunt was alive, our Yu family gave a lot of money. When she died, we helped her raise her child. In truth, they should owe our Yu family! "

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