When Yu Lingchu said this, she was about to continue, but the director over there called her to go and film.

Yu Lingchu could only temporarily stop talking, adjust his mood, get up and walk to the shooting location.

The system is a little worried.

Yumu's phone call just now clearly affected the host's mood.

When an actor is emotionally disturbed during filming, he may not be able to enter the state well.

If the state is not good, the effect of shooting will naturally not be satisfactory.

"Host, are you in a good state now? Why don't you ask the director for a while and adjust your emotions for a while."

Yu Lingchu took two deep breaths, and said to the system: "System, not bringing the emotions in life to work is the self-consciousness that adults should have, and it is also a kind of respect for others!"

System: "I feel that what you said, host, seems quite deep."

Yu Lingchu smiled lightly, and after communicating with the director, she quickly entered the acting state.

After a scene was filmed, the director called the card, and the system couldn't help but ask Yu Lingchu: "Host, your aunt has already asked for a divorce, so what happened next?"

While walking towards the rest area, Yu Lingchu continued to recall: "Seeing that my aunt's attitude is really tough, my uncle can't do anything about my aunt, he can't stop my aunt from interacting with my mother, so he just ignores my mother and doesn't say hello when we meet. The kind of ignorance that completely treats my mother as air.

My mother also adopted the same strategy for her uncle's attitude of ignoring her. For a long time, my mother and my aunt walked around as they wanted, as if there was no one like my little uncle, and the other party ignored her, she also ignored her. other side.

This situation continued until my mother married my father.

As you know, my grandfather's generation started doing business, and my father's generation has already had a good financial situation.

My mother lived a good life by herself, so naturally she couldn't see her sister suffering, and she helped my aunt a lot in the open and in the dark.

Soft-handed and short-mouthed, my uncle followed my aunt and got my mother's attention, so how dare I continue to treat my mother coldly, this attitude warmed up, and followed my aunt to my mother. That's called an intimacy!
Later, my aunt served as an apprentice, learned the craft of making sauces, and started selling sauces in the market.

My aunt's cooking is solid, with good taste and quality, and her sauces quickly became famous in the market.

My mother praised my aunt for her ability, invested some money in her, rented a shop in that market, and opened a sauce shop.

My aunt is hardworking and hardworking. With her own efforts, her life has improved a lot, she has made some money, and she is pregnant again.

Because of the loss of her first child, my aunt was pregnant this time, so under my uncle's strong request, I went home to raise the baby with peace of mind. Most of the business of the sauce shop was handed over to my uncle. "

Speaking of this, Yu Lingchu sighed: "My little uncle has been working for a while, and he said that the business of the sauce store is booming, and he wants to open a branch.

He said that he would work hard to give his aunt and child a good life. My aunt was very moved and asked my mother to borrow some money for my uncle to open a branch.

Since then, my uncle left early and returned late every day. When my aunt asked, he said that he was busy opening a branch.

But this branch has been in preparation for several months, and it didn't open until my aunt was about to give birth.

In the end, under my aunt's repeated questioning, my uncle had to admit that he didn't take the money to open a branch at all. He listened to others and used the money he raised to invest in other things, but he was cheated and lost all his money.

The original soy shop, because he invested in other things, he had no intention of running it, and the business was bleak, and he couldn't make ends meet.Knowing the truth, my aunt was furious and gave birth prematurely.

Also because of anger, my aunt had no milk at all after giving birth to Zheng Yashuang. My mother didn't want my sister to suffer, so she took her back to Yu's house to take care of her.

My father knew that my mother and my aunts and sisters were deeply in love, and he was also supportive.

In this way, after my aunt gave birth, she sat at my house for confinement. After the confinement, my mother wanted to keep her at home, but my aunt was very determined to go home.

After returning home, my aunt was busy with the store while taking care of the children, and finally made the business of the sauce store pick up again.

I remember that every time my aunt came to my house when I was young, she would bring us a lot of sauces made by her, and would buy my brother and me favorite toys, play games with us, and help my brother and me when we were naughty and were scolded by our mother. We said good things to intercede, and took me and my brother to the playground on Children's Day.

My mother was good to her, and she also tried her best to be good to our family.

Every time my aunt came to my house, she would bring Zheng Yashuang with her.

While the adults were talking, we three children were playing on the sidelines.

Zheng Yashuang and I were born in the same year, and she was only a few months younger than me. She was delicate and timid when she was young, and she was very timid. If there was any trouble, her eyes would turn red and she would cry.

As for me, I belong to the naughty kind of kid. I don’t dare to do things like tearing down roof tiles, climbing trees and tearing down houses.

Although our personalities are different, I still like this delicate and timid sister very much.

When she was young, every time she came to my house and played in my room, whether it was clothes or toys, as long as she said she liked them, I would give them to her without hesitation. Every time she would smile sweetly and say thank you sister, soft The cute little one is really cute.

The accident happened when we were eight years old.

That summer night, my mother received a call saying that my aunt and uncle were in a car accident and they were being rescued in the hospital.

After my parents left my brother and me in the care of the nanny, they left the house in a hurry. They didn't come back with Zheng Yashuang until noon the next day.

I remember that when my mother came home, she seemed to have been sucked away by someone, and she was so depressed that she would fall down at any time.

My father told my elder brother and me with red eyes that my aunt and uncle were gone. He and my mother decided to take Zheng Yashuang home to take care of her. From now on, Zheng Yashuang will be a member of our family.

In those days when my aunt was gone, my mother was in a daze. My father ran back and forth to help her deal with the funeral affairs of my aunt and uncle. In the end, I gave all the compensation for the car accident to my uncle's parents. The other party agreed that my family would raise Zheng Yashuang.

After Zheng Yashuang officially moved into my house, she became very crying, and her eyes were always red.

My parents said that she was too sad to lose her parents, and told my brother and I to take more care of her.

I listened.

When she first came to our house, my mother slept with her. Later, when she felt that she was emotionally stable, my mother asked her to choose a room she liked at home.

Zheng Yashuang didn't choose, but asked my mother if she could live in a room that was exactly the same as mine. She really liked my room.She said that the most important thing is that my house is close to my mother's room. She said she wanted to live closer to my mother, so that when she fell asleep, she would feel that her mother was still by her side. "

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