"Zheng Yashuang's expectant words made my mother feel a little embarrassed.

In the entire Yu family, except for my parents' room, my room is the largest and has the best lighting.All the furniture and furnishings in the house were carefully customized for me by my parents.

Whether it is the location or the layout of my room, there is no other room that is exactly the same in Yu's house.

My dad coaxed Zheng Yashuang, saying that the other rooms in the house are also very good, I can show her there, and when she makes a choice, I can decorate her room according to my room style.

Zheng Yashuang followed my father away, and asked pitifully, "Uncle, can't you really give me a room that is closest to you and your aunt like my sister?" '

I remember my dad coaxing her and saying: 'The other rooms are very close to mine and your aunt's. '

Zheng Yashuang said very disappointed: "But my sister's room is closest to you, and I live in the room closest to mom and dad at home."My parents are gone, I only have you... Can I make a bed in my sister's room?I just want to be closer to you. '"

When Yu Lingchu said this, he breathed out and said, "After Zheng Yashuang said this, my mother immediately started to cry uncontrollably, and my father's eyes were also red."

"Then they asked you to give up the room to Zheng Yashuang?" The system guessed, feeling faintly aggrieved by Yu Lingchu.

Although it felt that Zheng Yashuang, whose parents both died at that time, was indeed very pitiful, but who should tell the host who was kidnapped and robbed of the room by morality?
"No." Yu Lingchu overturned the system's guess: "My parents didn't ask me to give up the room to Zheng Yashuang, it was because I couldn't see Zheng Yashuang's pitiful and sad appearance, and wanted to make her happy, so I offered to give up the room to her .”

System→_→: "Host, was Zheng Yashuang happy then?"

Yu Lingchu recalled it seriously, and said: "Happy, she looked at me very gratefully, Ruan Mengmeng hugged me and said thank you sister."

"The host, were you happy then?" →_→

"Of course I am happy to comfort my sad sister."

"The host, have you never thought about it, the room that belongs to you is gone?"

"If it's gone, it's gone~" Yu Lingchu said nonchalantly: "With so many rooms in Yu's house, how can I lack a place to sleep?"

System: "Hmm... Makes sense! It's really hard to host you, you have such a big heart at a young age...

And that Zheng Yashuang, it turns out that the taste of tea is so strong at such a young age!

You are the host too, now you just do it if you don't accept it, how could you be so simple and silly when you were young? !

Also, there are so many rooms, there is no shortage of places for you to sleep?
Hehehe!Why don't you even give up your parental status to her when you're so generous! "

Really mad!

Yu Lingchu sighed: "System, do you think I am interested in Zheng Yashuang? I think she is my younger sister. I always wanted to take care of her, but why did she always think about how to bully me?

I can't figure out to this day where her hostility towards me comes from!

Is it because I'm not good enough for her?
Or did I offend her unconsciously?
I don't want to quarrel with her until today. Even after seeing through her unscrupulous methods against me, for the sake of my dead aunt and my mother, I still tolerate her a lot.

But my forbearance, in exchange for her pushing the boundaries again and again!
I figured it out, and if I don't give her some color, she won't have to ride on my head every day in the future? ! "

After listening to Yu Lingchu's words, the system hated iron and said: "You should have figured it out a long time ago! Let me tell you, the host, green tea bitch, white lotus bitch, and Holy Mother bitch, once you find them, you have to produce them quickly, otherwise You don't know how you will die in the future!"

The system is a living example...

If it hadn't been for encountering these three wonderful species, how could its sacred high-end white lotus system have been reduced to what it is today!

The system sighed sadly, and said to Yu Lingchu: "Host, I have a way to solve your doubts about why Zheng Yashuang is hostile to you."

"Oh?" Yu Lingchu said with interest: "What method? Let's hear it."

The system chuckled: "Host, have you forgotten that you got three truth-telling pills in the lottery last time? Next time we meet Zheng Yashuang, I will give her the pills at your command. She will answer your questions honestly." What!"

Yu Lingchu smiled: "It's a good idea."

The system is proud: "Of course! Why do we work hard to get rewards? Isn't it so that it can come in handy when needed!"

Qianying Entertainment Company.

Zheng Yashuang's sudden apology on Weibo surprised Sister Feng and the public relations manager who had been following the matter.

Is this an apology?Is the fighting power so low?

How dare Zhan Wuzang provoke troubles online?
I don't know how many catties I have?
Is there any conspiracy behind it?
The public relations manager discussed with Sister Feng, and felt that we should not take it lightly for the time being, and we should pay close attention to the development of public opinion on the Internet to see if Zheng Yashuang sincerely apologized, or if he wanted to play some conspiracy again.

In the evening, Yu Lingchu, who finished filming the last scene, was about to change clothes when Yu Chengze suddenly sent a video request.

Thinking of Yumu's phone call in the afternoon, Yu Lingchu guessed that Yu Chengze's contact with her at this time was probably related to Zheng Yashuang.

Exhaling a foul breath, Yu Lingchu clicked on the screen to connect to the video.

Yu Chengze's heroic face appeared on the phone screen.

Seeing Yu Lingchu, Yu Chengze curled his lips into a smile, and said awkwardly: "Tsk tsk tsk... I said girl, you are not a lady at first, but with this outfit, you look more like a tomboy...

Eh!The director chose you to act in this play because he wanted you to act in your true colors, right? "

Yu Ling gave him a first look: "If you have something to say, let it go! If you are really bored, find a wall and stand on your head!"

Yu Chengze raised his eyebrows: "Tsk tsk tsk...why is it that other people's younger sisters are caring little padded jackets, but mine are black-hearted little padded jackets? No! I haven't seen your handsome brother for so long. What do you think of your attitude? Don't you think of me at all?"

Yu Lingchu chuckled: "What do you mean you don't seem to miss you? Brother, you must be confident in life, I don't miss you at all, okay~"

Yu Chengze→_→: "Little heartless! I won't quarrel with you, let's get down to business. Let me ask you, did Mom call you today?"

"Hit." Yu Lingchu smiled sarcastically: "Mom told me not to be as knowledgeable as Zheng Yashuang, brother, what do you think?"

Yu Chengze blinked, his heart was just as he guessed, Zheng Yashuang must have called his mother first, asking her to put pressure on Lingchu.

It was because Lingchu didn't buy his mother's account, she begged him again!

Mom, she is really confused. Knowing that Lingchu doesn't want to see Zheng Yashuang now, but she still wants to speak for Zheng Yashuang again and again, is she really not afraid of hurting the relationship between mother and daughter? !
The same goes for Zheng Yashuang, who messed up things back and forth, so they have to mess up their family to be satisfied, right?

This white-eyed wolf who will avenge his favor!
Back then, Dad shouldn't have softened his heart and agreed to Mom taking her home to raise her!
She and the Zheng family's cold-blooded animals should go back!

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