Chapter 296 Nalan Shaojin, Be Normal!

Yu Lingchu frowned and looked at Nalan Shaojin, and took out her mobile phone: "Be patient, I'll call you for an ambulance."

"No need!" Nalan Shaojin endured the pain and said, "Lingchu, help me up first. I'll go to the living room and make a call. Yan Yue will arrange for the doctor to come."

Yu Lingchu nodded, knelt down and put Nalan Shaojin's arm on his shoulder, wrapped his arm around his waist, and helped him up from the ground.

Nalan Shaojin leaned his whole body on Yu Lingchu's body, turned his head slightly, and sprayed some scorching breath into Yu Lingchu's ears.

Yu Lingchu carefully helped him to the sofa in the living room, Nalan Shaojin took out his phone and called Yan Yue.

After ordering Yan Yue to find a doctor, Nalan Shaojin hung up the phone and looked at Yu Lingchu uncomfortably: "Lingchu, I think it is necessary for me to talk to you about... you taking off my clothes .”

Yu Lingchu blushed: "Mr. Nalan, I have explained just now that I thought you were burned, so I took off your clothes. And you can't talk nonsense, I will take off your shirt! No You take off... take off..."

You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately!

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu's flushed cheeks, and said quietly, "You still want to strip me naked?"

"No! I swear! I really didn't think about anything when I took off your clothes! I just pulled them off because I was afraid that the clothes would aggravate your burns!"

Fearing that he would be misunderstood as a hooligan, Yu Lingchu hurriedly explained in a panic.

What is this called!

She was forced to come to have a meal, and she didn't take a few bites of the meal, how could she eat away her reputation? !
Sure enough, sure enough, she and Nalan Shaojin were born at odds!

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu's flustered explanation, tried to hold back a smile, and pretended to be a wronged little daughter-in-law: "Besides my mother, you are the first woman to see my body. I am innocent. , a good man who is clean and self-respecting is seen by you, you have to be responsible..."

Yu Lingchu: "..."

"Nalan Shaojin, it's the 21st century! Besides, you're still a big man..."

"What happened to the big man!"

Nalan Shaojin interrupted Yu Lingchu: "A man who doesn't love himself is a rotten cucumber!"

Yu Lingchu: "..."

System: "I'll go! Host, a living model of male virtue!"

"Mr. Nalan, there's no need to raise this question to such a height, right? I didn't do anything to you..."

"Then what does Lingchu want to do to me? Anyway, I will be yours from now on, what do you want to do to me... I... I will listen to Lingchu~"

Nalan Shaojin smiled purely and shyly, and made a look that you can pick and choose: "Will Lingchu be gentle with me?"

Jade Lingchu T^T
Can you stop giving her a hard time?She's not a hooligan who molested decent women and men, no!

Yu Lingchu looked at Nalan Shaojin sadly and angrily: "Nalan Shaojin, don't pretend to me! What do you want?!"

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu with reproachful eyes, as if he was looking at a heartless man who refused to admit it after eating: "Lingchu just finished stripping my clothes, so you don't plan to admit it?"

Yuling looked at Nalan Shaojin at the beginning, and Nalan Shaojin looked back at her with his dark pupils, and said weakly: "You ruined my innocence, and you asked me what I wanted, and you refused to recognize me after eating, I didn't expect You are such a person..."

Yu Lingchu: %$&/Ahhhhh! ! !

"My innocence is gone, who will want me in the future..."

Yu Lingchu.·`(>▂<)`·.
Who can come and accept this evildoer!

"Mr. Nalan..." She gritted her teeth, "Nothing happened between us!"

"Nothing happened, so why are my clothes missing?"


"Didn't you pick it up?"


The door opened, and Yan Yue led the doctor quickly into the room from the outside.

Seeing Yan Yue, Yu Lingchu seemed to have seen a life-saving straw, and hurriedly said: "His leg seems to be injured, and the hot porridge is still sprinkled on him. I don't know if he is burned. I will urgently take off his porridge-soaked shirt. Now, you should ask the doctor to give him a proper diagnosis and treatment, I will avoid it first."

After Yu Lingchu finished speaking, she quickly rushed out of Nalan Shaojin's room without giving Yan Yue a chance to react.

She really couldn't stay here for a minute!

The moment Yu Lingchu rushed out of the room, a system voice sounded in his mind: "Congratulations to the host for completing the task and reciprocity. Now reward the host with a high-level energy shield. Please continue to work hard."

"Advanced energy shield? What's the use?" Yu Lingchu asked curiously.

"Advanced energy shields can resist a series of physical damages such as impacts from cars with a speed of less than 160 per hour, bullets, hammers, falling objects from high altitudes, and typhoons of level [-].

When the host's life is threatened, the energy shield will open automatically, and the host can also manipulate the energy shield to protect the target it wants to protect. "

A satisfied smile rose from the corner of Yu Lingchu's lips: "This thing is very useful. Ah~ It's not in vain that I got a headache from being entangled by Nalan Shaojin."

"Host, your points plus the system points given to me by the main system for completing this mission, I have enough points for upgrading, now I want to upgrade, the upgrade time is three days, host, see you in three days."

"Three days? So long?"

The system quickly explained: "After this upgrade, the system will open all mall permissions, so it will take a longer time to sort the items in the mall."

"Oh." Yu Lingchu expressed his understanding.

The system continued to explain: "The more the system is promoted to a higher level, the longer the promotion time will be."

After listening to the systematic explanation, a question suddenly appeared in Yu Lingchu's mind.

In the spirit of asking if she doesn't understand, she asked, "What about downgrading from a high level?"


"Host, you have to keep which pot unopened and which pot to carry, right?"

Yu Lingchu blinked innocently: "I'm just curious. As the saying goes, you are sensitive and eager to learn, so don't be ashamed to ask~" ('-'*)
The system said faintly: "Crack~ It's down in one click!"

Yu Lingchu sighed: "Regression is indeed easier than progress."


Its host really knows how to pierce the heart...

It feels that it needs a Nalan Shaojin who can restrain the host...

Oh, if there is no Nalan Shaojin, then it will be able to immediately retreat and upgrade immediately!
At this time, Nalan Shaojin's room.

Seeing Yuling fled in despair, Nalan Shaojin couldn't help but laughed softly.

Yan Yue looked at the direction Yu Lingchu had left, and then at Nalan Shaojin who was smiling lowly, his brain was running fast.


The atmosphere between Master Jin and Miss Lingchu is very wrong!

Miss Lingchu looked like she was running away just now, Master Jin smiled so happily, could it be that when she was with Miss Lingchu, she took advantage of her?
(End of this chapter)

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