Chapter 297
Seeing Nalan Shaojin who was naked but smiling happily, Yan Yue suddenly felt that there were cracks in Nalan Shaojin's image of elegance, self-restraint and courtesy in his heart for so many years.

The doctor came forward with the medicine box and said respectfully, "Master Jin, which leg of yours is injured, I'll take a look at it for you."

Nalan Shaojin slowly suppressed his laughter and looked at the doctor: "The right leg."

The doctor squatted down and examined Nalan Shaojin carefully: "Does it hurt here?"

"It doesn't hurt."

"What about here?"

"It doesn't hurt."

"Does this hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt."

"So what?"

"It doesn't hurt either."


What about playing?Why is there no pain anywhere?
He pinched Nalan Shaojin's thigh tentatively: "How about this? Does it hurt?"

The doctor asked, and when he looked up, he happened to meet Nalan Shaojin's deep eyes.

The sense of oppression hit instantly, and the doctor felt cold sweat bursting out of his head instantly.

He didn't want to pinch this man, but he said that his right leg was injured, and he asked where it didn't hurt. Painkillers didn't have that effect. Of course, he had to rule it out to see if he was a painless patient.

If it is, then he has to suggest that this master go to the hospital to have a good examination with instruments to see if there is any damage to his body.

Nalan Shaojin glanced at the doctor, and replied happily, "It hurts!"

The doctor carefully checked Nalan Shaojin's leg again, but found nothing unusual.

This also means...

This man's right leg was not injured at all!

But this is clearly not injured, why do you say injured?

The doctor couldn't figure it out, looked up at Nalan Shaojin, and suggested, "Master Jin, just to be on the safe side, your about...go to the hospital and have it checked by a machine?"

Yan Yue heard what the doctor said, and immediately asked nervously: "How is Master Jin's leg? Is it seriously injured?"

The doctor hurriedly comforted Yan Yue: "Don't be nervous, as far as I can see, there seems to be nothing wrong with Master Jin's leg.

But to be on the safe side, it's better to go to the hospital to take a film to make sure. "

"No problem?" Yan Yue frowned, looking at the doctor with doubts in his eyes: "No problem, Master Jin can say that his legs are uncomfortable?"

His master Jin couldn't be the one who moaned without illness!
quack!This man in front of him is definitely a quack!
Quack doctors mistaken people!

Yan Yue immediately made up his mind, looked at Nalan Shaojin and said, "Master Jin, I'll send you to the hospital right now!"

Nalan Shaojin raised his hand to stop Yan Yue from helping him: "The doctor's judgment is correct."

Yan Yue: "..."

What does Master Jin mean by this... is there really nothing wrong with his legs?


There's nothing wrong with his legs, why did Mr. Jin ask him to find a doctor?

Nalan Shaojin looked at the doctor: "I want to get an injury on my right leg, what kind of injury do you think is suitable?"

Yan Yue: "..."

Doctor: "What do you mean... just pretend to be sick?"

Nalan Shaojin nodded.

The doctor pursed his lips: "Light or heavy?"

"Not too heavy, but restricts movement."

"A sprained ankle?"

"How long will it take to recover? How to recuperate?"

"A mild sprain usually recovers in one to two weeks. During the recovery period, you should pay attention to rest and avoid improper exercise and undue force on the affected area."

Nalan Shaojin looked at the doctor: "Then look at my foot..."

Doctor: "A sprain!"

T^T I have practiced medicine for many years, and today I met someone who was not sick and was looking for a doctor...

The point is that he can't afford to offend this person, so he can only say that he is sick T^T
"If someone asks..." Nalan Shaojin glanced at the doctor and Yan Yue.

The two hurriedly said in unison, firmly saying: "Your foot is injured!"

Nalan Shaojin waved his hand.

Yan Yue took the doctor back out.

After the two of them left, Nalan Shaojin got up and walked to the study, opened the drawer, and took out the book "The Domineering Female President's Little Wife".

After flipping through a few pages, he took out his mobile phone, clicked on Yu Lingchu's WeChat, and sent her a message: "Lingchu, the doctor said I sprained my foot and it hurts a little, can you help me?"

After the message was sent, Nalan Shaojin waited for a while, but Yu Lingchu didn't reply.

He put the phone aside and frowned.

Ignore him, are you asleep?
Filming was really tiring, I must have fallen asleep.Then he will not disturb her rest today.

Nalan Shaojin picked up the novel on the table and continued to flip through it.

After reading a few more pages, the phone that was placed aside suddenly vibrated.

Nalan Shaojin looked at the phone screen, with a smile on his lips, he reached out and picked up the phone.

Yu Lingchu's reply came into view: "Seek a doctor if you are sick!"

After replying to the message, Yu Lingchu casually threw the phone on the bed, rolled her eyes and turned to dry her hair.

Don't go to the doctor if you are injured, send her a woolen message, she doesn't know how to see a doctor!

When Yuling came back from drying her hair, she saw another message from Nalan Shaojin: "The doctor has already treated the injury for me, but I need your help to relieve the pain. Say a few words to comfort me, and my heart aches." Sweet, maybe the injury on the foot won’t hurt anymore.”

Yu Lingchu rolled her eyes, thought for a while and sent a message to reply: "Pain is unavoidable, Mr. Nalan should stop deceiving himself!"

"Lingchu has never tried it, so how do you know you are deceiving yourself?"

"I haven't tried it, but I have self-knowledge! I'm not an anesthetic, but I don't have that pain-relieving effect!
Mr. Nalan has the time to think wildly, why not wash up and go to bed early, the pain will be gone after falling asleep. "

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu's message, and typed back: "Can't sleep, does Lingchu know why?"

Yu Lingchu gritted her teeth.

She doesn't know and doesn't want to know!
Whether Nalan Shaojin sleeps or not is none of her business!

Before Yu Lingchu could reply, Nalan Shaojin quickly sent another message: "Because Lingchu hasn't said good night to me yet~"

Yu Lingchu looked at the message from Nalan Shaojin, smiled helplessly, and typed two words: "Good night!"

Nalan Shaojin quickly replied: "Good night, sweet dreams."

After reading the last message from Nalan Shaojin, Yu Lingchu was about to put down her phone when Yu Chengze suddenly sent a video invitation.

Without hesitation, Yu Lingchu clicked on the screen to answer, and asked lazily, "What's the matter for you to make a video call to me so late?"

Yu Chengze stared at Yu Lingchu with bright eyes, and smiled flatteringly in his voice: "Sister, brother, I want to ask you something~"

Yu Lingchu looked at Yu Chengze vigilantly: "Just tell me what you want to ask, don't laugh like a dog's leg, just look like you haven't held your fart well."

The smile on Yu Chengze's face froze: "Yu Lingchu, how do you talk to your brother? How about education? How about manners? What about family affection?"

Yu Lingchu smiled perfunctorily, "If you have nothing to ask, then I'll hang up the phone and rest."

"Don't! Don't! Don't!" Yu Chengze smiled and begged for mercy, raised his hand to make a fuss, and coyly said: "That's right, brother just wanted to ask you, when I made a video for you this afternoon, the girl next to you , yes, who is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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