Chapter 298
Yu Lingchu thought for a while and said, "You mean Mu Si?"

"Musi?" Yu Chengze repeated Mu Si's name, and said with a chuckle, "This name is quiet and nice."

Yu Lingchu looked at Yu Chengze's nympho, and instantly had a guess in his heart.

Could it be that her brother Hong Luan has moved? !

Sisi is such a lively beauty, if she were a man, she would be tempted.

It is Zheng Huaizhou's kind of stupidity, who is stupid and doesn't know how to cherish it!

Yu Chengze stared at Yu Lingchu through the screen, and asked nervously, "Does Mu Si have a boyfriend?"

Looking at Yu Chengze's appearance, Yu Lingchu couldn't help but want to tease him, and replied decisively: "Yes!"

Hearing this answer, Yu Chengze felt a sense of loss, and his whole body visibly wilted.

The love he fell in love at first sight withered before it even started!
Yu Lingchu saw Yu Chengze listless, and said with a leisurely smile, "But we just broke up a few days ago, and now she's single again."

Turning around, Yu Chengze's extinguished eyes lit up again in an instant, he looked at Yu Lingchu, and said happily: "Divided?!"

It's good to divide!

After breaking up, wouldn't he have a chance to pursue his love?
Yu Lingchu looked at Yu Chengze speechlessly: "Brother, why are you so happy to break up? You are so gloating, you are easy to be beaten if people know you, do you know?"

Yu Chengze quickly restrained the smile on his face, put on a steady and elegant look, cleared his throat and asked, "Lingchu, what do you think of me, brother?"

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "So-so, just like that."

Yu Chengze-_-||
"What do you mean so-so? Isn't your brother handsome in your heart? Isn't he majestic? Isn't he tall?"

Yu Lingchu looked at Yu Chengze inexplicably, and blinked after a moment and asked, "Brother, where did you get your confidence? Or maybe you have some misunderstanding about the relationship between us, which made you able to get along with me?" Asking such a shameless question?"

Yu Chengze: "."

What is this girl talking about!

But because she is his younger sister, he doesn't know her as well.


Yu Chengze maintained the smile on his face, and said with a chuckle: "Your brother, I have been single for so many years, and now I have finally met the right girl, so you can tell me whether you can help me or not!"

Yu Lingchu looked at Yu Chengze: "Which girl do you want to harm, let me hear."

The smile on Yu Chengze's face subsided, and Yu Lingchu glanced at him and said: "What is evil? Your brother and I take our feelings very seriously! Just Mu Si, you can lead my brother and build a bridge." ?
We brothers and sisters are closely related by blood, you must not have the heart to see your brother playing a bachelor, right? "

Yu Lingchu looked at Yu Chengze silently for a while, and then asked solemnly: "Do you really want to chase after Mu Si?"

Yu Chengze nodded: "Of course it's true! It's truer than real gold!"

"Sisi is my best friend!"

Yu Chengze chuckled: "Isn't that just right, the moon is the first to be close to the water!"

Yu Lingchu looked at him with a heavy face: "Do you know why Sisi broke up with her ex-boyfriend?"

Yu Chengze shook his head: "Where do I know about this!"

Yu Lingchu sneered sinisterly: "Because that scumbag was merciful everywhere and wanted to step on two boats, Sisi was seriously injured!

Therefore, I will never allow my friend to be hurt by a scumbag again, not anyone!Yu Chengze, feelings are not just a whim, some things you have to figure out before you decide.Otherwise, even if you are my elder brother, I will still beat you up if you make a mistake! "

Yu Chengze immediately said: "Lingchu, what did you say! You can't think that your brother and I are blind just because some men are blind! Don't worry, brother, I am absolutely serious about relationships and not rash!

Good sister~ your brother, I finally moved the red luan star, so you can help me~ I am your brother, and Mu Si is your friend. If the two of us are together, then you and Mu Si Wouldn't it be more kissing?

Letting Musi become your sister-in-law doesn't mean you put her under your nose and protect her? "

Yu Lingchu looked at Yu Chengze: "It makes sense."

Yu Chengze looked at her with sparkling eyes: "Then sister, did you agree to help make the match?"

Yu Lingchu thought for a while: "Don't worry about that, you and Mu Si haven't met formally, so it's too early to talk about pursuing him.

How about this, if I have a chance, I will introduce you to meet her formally, and if you still think it is her, then I will give you support.

But let's say it in advance, we will do our best to succeed or not, the final result depends on the will of God, we can't cause trouble for Musi! "

Yu Chengze nodded: "Good!"

After chatting with Yu Chengze for a few more words, Yu Lingchu hung up the phone, put the phone aside, turned off the lights and went to sleep.

The moon is dim at midnight.

Yu Lingchu, who was sleeping, didn't know at all that a post maliciously speculating about her was quietly posted on the Internet in this quiet late night.

After the post was published, under the deliberate promotion of the navy, it became the top trending search overnight.

Sister Feng quickly noticed the dynamics on the Internet, and after a while, she couldn't wait to call Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu was woken up by the phone ringing.

She opened her eyes in a daze, glanced at the caller ID, slid the screen and put the phone to her ear: "Hey, Sister Feng, why are you calling me so early?"

Sister Feng smiled helplessly: "Lingchu, you're on the hot search again!"

"Huh?" Yu Lingchu's hazy eyes gradually cleared up.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes with her hands, then listened to Sister Feng on the other side of the phone and continued: "Someone posted a post on the Internet, saying that the fight between you and Zheng Yashuang before was a well-designed drama, the purpose is to increase your popularity and popularity." fame.

This post was premeditated, and it was posted at midnight when everyone was resting, and it was reposted by many big Vs as soon as it was posted.

Afterwards, someone found out that Zheng Yashuang used to rely on your family to set the rhythm, saying that you were asking for a favor and deliberately asked Zheng Yashuang to post on Weibo on the Internet, with the purpose of stepping on Zheng Yashuang's position. "

Sister Feng sighed at this point, and continued: "Now there are a lot of sailors on your Weibo following the rhythm, scolding you for being scheming and vicious!
I'm calling you because I want you to be mentally prepared.

Don't take it too seriously, the entertainment industry is like this, there are many people who are popular.You don't have to pay too much attention to those comments on the Internet. Now the company's public relations department is already thinking about a solution. You should not log in to your social accounts for the time being. "

"Sister Feng, can you still find the original post? I want to see it."

Sister Feng was silent for two seconds, and replied: "I will forward it to you. Lingchu, you are an artist under my command, you must believe that I will protect you with all my strength."

"Yes. I believe it." Yu Lingchu responded very happily.

(End of this chapter)

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