shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 299 Are you looking for death!

Yu Lingchu's answer without hesitation made Sister Feng suddenly feel that her chest was filled with something. The absolute trust Yu Lingchu gave her moved her, and at the same time, she felt a huge sense of responsibility in her heart.

She felt that no matter what, she could not live up to Yu Lingchu's trust.

"Miss Feng."

Yu Lingchu called her and continued: "Since I choose you as my agent, I regard you as my trustworthy partner.

I am not a flower in a greenhouse. If there is any problem, I will face it with you.

Wait for me to read the posts on the Internet, and then we will discuss what to do. "

"Okay." Sister Feng agreed with a smile. After hanging up the phone, she immediately sent Yu Lingchu a link to the relevant content.

Yu Lingchu clicked on the link.

The person who posted the first post questioning her co-acting with Zheng Yashuang was a well-known gossip blogger named Diao Xing Xing.

Yu Lingchu opened his article and read it word for word.

The other party analyzed her and Zheng Yashuang's exchanges between her and Zheng Yashuang on Weibo one by one, and finally questioned them.

First, Zheng Yashuang is a starlet on the [-]th line, and Yu Lingchu is a newcomer who just entered the circle and got some popularity by chance.Even if Zheng Yashuang posted a weibo to gain her popularity, with the status of these two people, it is impossible for Zheng Yashuang to post this weibo to attract so much attention.

But how did this incident become such a hot topic?It's very simple, there must be a pusher behind it!

Second, Yu Lingchu and Zheng Yashuang are indeed cousins.Normally, even if the two of them are at odds in private, the family ugliness will not be publicized, not to mention that Yu Lingchu and Zheng Yashuang are still in the entertainment industry, so they must cherish their feathers even more.

There are plenty of people who are at odds with each other in the entertainment circle. Zheng Yashuang's initial Weibo post may have had some motives to gain popularity, but it was not malicious. So why did she, Yu Lingchu, respond aggressively and aggressively when she responded? ?

What kind of deep hatred made her just ignore it and tear it up?
If there is really such a big hatred, and she Yu Lingchu is really wronged, why is she unwilling to post a detailed article, but has to hang on to the public's appetite with ambiguity?
Thirdly, Zheng Yashuang apologized inexplicably!On the surface, it seems that she is afraid of the so-called handle in Yu Lingchu's hands, but if you think about it carefully, if Yu Lingchu is really holding her handle, she is really so afraid of Yu Lingchu, why would she jump in front of Yu Lingchu in the first place? Looking for a sense of presence?
If you are really afraid of a person, shouldn't you be trying to avoid contact with the other person instead of rushing to gain a sense of presence? !

After reading the first post, Yu Lingchu clicked on several other more popular posts.

Without exception, they all questioned that she and Zheng Yashuang acted together to gain popularity and attention, implying that she wanted to step on Zheng Yashuang's superiority.

In these posts, Zheng Yashuang has become a good girl who knows how to repay her kindness, and she is the bad person who is willing to repay her kindness with no limit.

After reading a few posts, Yu Lingchu put the phone aside and sneered.

Putting herself in the position of the victim, pretending to be weak and pitiful, is really Zheng Yashuang's style of doing things as always.

She wondered why Zheng Yashuang had confessed and apologized so easily, so she was waiting for her here!

Since she doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back, then she will fulfill her!
There was a turmoil on the Internet, but Zheng Yashuang in the hotel was sleepy.

Yesterday she called Yumu and Yu Chengze one after another, pretending to be pitiful and pleading with them, but she didn't get a satisfactory result.

Especially Yu Chengze, that cousin who used to be gentle and caring to her, was on the phone yesterday, mocking her with such sharp words!
He said those heart-wrenching words so smoothly, without considering her feelings at all, it was heartless!
Angry, angry and anxious, Zheng Yashuang tossed and turned for most of the night, and barely fell asleep when it was almost dawn.

It's just that she hadn't slept for a long time when she was woken up again by a rush of phone ringing.

Zheng Yashuang groaned irritably, fumbled to pick up the phone and put it to her ear, and said slightly: "Who is it!"

"Zheng Yashuang!"

Manager Sister Zhang's gnashing of teeth came from the receiver, revealing a monstrous anger.

"Didn't I tell you not to do anything after posting an apology Weibo, just wait for the storm to pass! What are you going to do, huh? You have to hit the rock with a pebble and don't play yourself to death. You are really uncomfortable, right?"

Zheng Yashuang was in a daze, and was scolded for no reason, and innocently said angrily: "What did I do? I didn't do anything..."

At the end, her voice dropped down, with an inexplicable hint of guilt.

She suddenly felt that maybe the two phone calls she made to Yumu and Yu Chengze yesterday had the opposite effect...

Not only did those two phone calls not help her, but it might have aroused Yu Lingchu's rebellious psychology, which made Yu Lingchu even more ruthless to trouble her...

Sister Zhang sensed Zheng Yashuang's lack of confidence, she sneered and said: "Zheng Yashuang, I tried my best to deal with the aftermath for you, but you are good enough to keep stabbing me in the back?
OK!Are you disobedient?Aren't you going to strike a stone with an egg?If you want to die, die quickly, I don't care about you! "

"I didn't expect things to develop like this..."

Zheng Yashuang explained weakly.

Sister Zhang smiled angrily: "You didn't think about it? You did it all, and you said you didn't think about it? Zheng Yashuang, I really underestimated you!"

Zheng Yashuang felt aggrieved in her heart, and couldn't help but speed up her speech: "I called my aunt and cousin, the intention was to ask them to help me plead with Yu Lingchu, but I don't know how the two of them talked to Yu Lingchu Yes, it actually made Yuling Chugeng angry with me."

"So." Sister Zhang took a deep breath: "If the plea fails, you just smash the jar and find someone to post such an article on the Internet? Heh! Do you think that you are dead anyway, and half dead is worse than dead." ?!"

"Post an article? What article?" Zheng Yashuang caught the point of Sister Zhang's words and asked in doubt. "

"Stop pretending to me!"

Sister Zhang snorted coldly: "Do you dare to say that those posts on the Internet were not sent by you?!"

"What did I tell you!" Zheng Yashuang was inexplicable: "I didn't do anything! Sister Zhang, it's not because Yu Lingchu used some means to deal with me when you called me early in the morning to inquire about my crimes?"

Sister Zhang asked in a questioning tone: "Those posts on the Internet saying that Yu Lingchu coerced you to act with her to blog traffic, you really didn't ask someone to post them?"

Zheng Yashuang was also a little anxious: "Like I said, I don't know what post! After you watched me post that Weibo post yesterday, I never opened any social software at all!"

"Who else could it be if you didn't post it? Those posts clearly put you in the position of the victim, and intentionally lead the public to sympathize with you. The cyberbullying Yu Lingchu"

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