Sister Zhang was silent for a moment, then asked solemnly: "Ya Shuang, have you offended anyone recently. For example, reporters or people in the circle."

Zheng Yashuang turned on the computer, recalled it carefully, and replied: "Probably not."

Sister Zhang breathed out: "If you didn't send these posts, then the person who posted them would be damned! This is misfortune, and it will hurt both you and Yu Lingchu!"

"Sister Zhang, what post made you so nervous? I've turned on the computer now, send me the link and I'll take a look."

Zheng Yashuang was really curious about what happened online that made her manager so nervous.

"I'll send you the link, you can take a look yourself." Sister Zhang felt that she couldn't explain a few sentences, so she asked Zheng Yashuang to go and see it by herself.

If Yu Lingchu didn't have such a strong background, then these online posts that put Zheng Yashuang on the weak side would undoubtedly be beneficial to Zheng Yashuang.

As long as it is done properly, maybe Zheng Yashuang can take advantage of the sympathy of public opinion and successfully step on Yu Lingchu's position.

However, Yu Lingchu's background is strong, stepping on her position, it is tantamount to courting death!

On the bright side, the public opinions of these posts are all in favor of Zheng Yashuang, and Zheng Yashuang is the biggest suspect in secretly manipulating everything.

It wasn't Zheng Yashuang who was stupid enough to make people post these posts, but who the hell was so vicious, who wanted to destroy Yu Lingchu, but also wanted to make Zheng Yashuang take the blame for it!
Thinking of the possible revenge of the Nalan Group in the future, Ms. Zhang felt her eyes darken for a while.

If Zheng Yashuang can't get rid of the suspicion in this matter, then her acting career will be over.

And as Zheng Yashuang's manager, she might suffer the same fate as Zheng Yashuang!
Qianying Entertainment Company.

Facing the overwhelming posts on the Internet that slandered Yu Lingchu for wanting to be popular and crazy, Sister Feng, who is Yu Lingchu's agent, immediately asked the company's public relations department to find someone to post a few posts.

Didn't Zheng Yashuang ask someone to post a post, putting herself in the position of the victim, saying that Yu Lingchu was begging for kindness and using her as a stepping stone?

Then they posted a post to analyze that Zheng Yashuang was uneasy and kind, deliberately putting herself in the position of the victim, and the purpose was to use Yu Lingchu to earn a high traffic position!
Zheng Yashuang's posts are well-founded, and Sister Feng's small composition edited by others is not far behind.

Don't you make empty-handed analysis?
It's as if no one knows how to analyze!
Soon, the post that Sister Feng asked someone to post also became popular on the Internet. For a while, the two views were at odds with each other, and there was a lot of excitement.

At the same time, Yu Lingchu also posted an audio message on Weibo, with the text: "Ask for a hammer!"

The tension between the two sides had already attracted a lot of attention. As soon as Yu Lingchu's Weibo was posted, the number of views soared.

Zheng Yashuang had just finished reading the online posts complaining about her, and found that Yu Ling had just posted on Weibo, so she quickly clicked on it.

Seeing the audio link played by Yu Ling Chu, she frowned uncomfortably, and manipulated the mouse to click on the audio.

The audio was turned on, and her crying voice sounded out of embarrassment first: "In your room! They are all in your room! Who cares!"

Yu Lingchu's voice followed: "I don't care if you are rare or not! Since you moved those gifts, then you follow me to count them, and you are the only one who asks!"

"I'm not going! I've put everything back for you, so let me go!"

"It doesn't matter whether you put it back or not, I have to check it!"

"Aunt~ Cousin caught me in so much pain~ Woooo~ Auntie, please help me! Cousin is going to break my arm..."

"Lingchu!" Mother Yu's anxious voice sounded, "Speak well if you have something to say."

Yu Lingchu suppressed her anger and said, "I have nothing to say to her now! Mom, don't worry, as long as she doesn't die, I won't beat her again. I just let her take me to count the gifts! If you don't Don't worry, you can follow me to my room."

Then came Yumu's compromising voice: "Ya Shuang, you are the one who did something wrong. How could you take a gift from someone else for your cousin without permission? You can go and count the gifts with your cousin."


Zheng Yashuang heard herself calling out in a crying voice, followed by the sound of footsteps and her intermittent voice. After a while, Yu Lingchu's questioning voice sounded again: "Are all the presents here?"

In the audio, Zheng Yashuang said without confidence: "The headband from last still in my bedroom."

"Okay, I'll get that later, let's look at these first."

After a while of turning things over, Yu Lingchu's voice sounded again: "In addition to the headband you said was still in your room, there is also a pair of yellow diamond earrings missing!"

Zheng Yashuang's sophistry sounded: "I don't know what kind of yellow diamond earrings!"

"You don't know? Okay, then I'll call the police and let the police come to find you!"

"Uncle ~ woo ~ aunt ~"

After Zheng Yashuang begged for help, Father Yu's voice sounded: "Call the police! After all, it's a family scandal, let's solve it ourselves."

"That also requires the cooperation of some people!" Yu Lingchu's cold and stern voice sounded.

Yumu followed to calm things down and said: "Ya Shuang, if you take it, give it back to your sister."

After Yumu finished speaking, what followed was Zheng Yashuang's whimpering cry.

The crying lasted for a while, and Yu Lingchu's impatient voice sounded again: "If you don't howl, don't blame me for calling the police!"

After a while, Zheng Yashuang sobbed: "They are all... all in my room..."

Yu Lingchu said sarcastically: "I really don't cry when I see the coffin! Zheng Yashuang, you are such a big man, don't you even know the reason why you are a thief if you don't ask yourself!"

After another brief silence, it was Zheng Yashuang's questioning voice: "What else do you want!"

Yu Lingchu said coldly: "Give me back what you took away!"

"Send it back and send it back! Who cares about you!"

The audio came to Zheng Yashuang's ears sentence by sentence, the more she listened, the paler her face became.

This was the conversation Yu Lingchu had had when she found out that some of the gifts from Nalan Shaojin had been withheld privately, and she came to ask her for them.

Yu Lingchu actually recorded it?She actually recorded it!
What kind of mind is she in, such a thing is actually recorded and left as evidence!


Annoyed, Zheng Yashuang knocked the computer on the table to the ground!
Did Yu Lingchu put this recording online to completely destroy her? !
Why did Yu Lingchu treat her so viciously!Why is she so vicious!
Zheng Yashuang felt that she was finished.
Her future was ruined by Yu Lingchu!

The phone rings at this point.

Zheng Yashuang fell to the ground, scratching her hair helplessly.

Why, why did you target her so viciously!

They are cousins, they are related by blood!

Yu Lingchu. She already has so much, why should she be so cruel to her!

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