After the phone rang twice, it ended, and it continued to ring after a while, over and over again, with perseverance.

Zheng Yashuang's cloudy and confused eyes finally fell on the phone, saw the note on the screen, slowly stretched out her hand, picked up the phone and put it to her ear.

Zheng Yashuang's manager, Sister Zhang, also heard the audio released by Yu Lingchu.

She never expected that Zheng Yashuang really had something in Yu Lingchu's hands.

Stealing other people's things, such a solid stain on an artist, is undoubtedly fatal.

Especially at a time like this, if this kind of real hammer is exposed, Zheng Yashuang may not be able to protect Zheng Yashuang even if the gods come!

The brokerage company has issued a notice to give up Zheng Yashuang.

Sister Zhang called Zheng Yashuang at this time, just to remind her for the sake of taking care of her for so many years.

"Sister Zhang, Sister Zhang, help me! Help me!"

As soon as the phone was connected, Zheng Yashuang's helpless crying came over.

Sister Zhang sighed: "Ya Shuang, this is the end of the matter, I'm afraid I can't help you much. The company has officially notified me and decided to give up on you."

"No! No! Sister Zhang, I've been with you for so many years, you can't leave me alone! Help me find a way! I'm still so young! My future can't just be ruined like this!"

Sister Zhang supported her forehead and sighed: "What's the point of saying this at this time? Back then, you knew the relationship between the Yu family and the Nalan family, so you shouldn't have provoked Yu Lingchu! Not to mention that you still have something in his hands , in this case, if she doesn't come to trouble you, you should burn incense and pray to Buddha, thank God, you even came to find trouble!"

Sister Zhang sighed heavily when she said this: "I want to help you too, but my ability is really limited. Why don't you try to beg the people of the Yu family, maybe they will soften their hearts and be willing to help you persuade Yu Ling Chu, let her let you go. Seek good luck."

After Sister Zhang finished speaking, she didn't give Zheng Yashuang a chance to speak again, she took the phone away from her ear, and hung up neatly.

There was no more sound from the phone, Zheng Yashuang threw the phone on the ground, her face was distorted, and she was scratching her hair in a broken state.

After venting wildly for a while, Zheng Yashuang gradually calmed down.

She forced herself to be calm.

Her stardom must not be ruined like this!

Sister Zhang is right, she can go to ask her aunt again.

She didn't believe that Yu Lingchu had done so badly to her, that her aunt could continue to stand by and watch!

Zheng Yashuang knelt and crawled to pick up the cell phone thrown on the carpet, found Yu Mu's number, and dialed it as if she had caught a life-saving straw.

The phone rang for a while before being answered by Yumu.

Zheng Yashuang immediately cried: "Auntie! Save me! Save me! Cousin is trying to force me to death!"

Yu Mu raised her heart in an instant: "What's wrong?"

"On the Internet! Woohoo~ Didn't I take a gift from Brother Nalan for my sister in a moment of confusion last time? She... She actually recorded it and posted the audio on the Internet!

Now everyone is calling me a thief, Aunt Wuwuwu!I have no face to be a human being!I feel like I'm dying, woo woo woo."

Yumu frowned: "What you said is true?"

"Auntie, I'm almost being driven to death by her, if you don't even believe me, I might as well go down and find my parents earlier.
woo woo woo.
If my mother was still alive, no one would bully me like this! "

Hearing Zheng Yashuang mentioning her dead sister, Yumu felt uncomfortable immediately, sighed and comforted her: "Ya Shuang, don't worry, I'll call and ask Lingchu what's going on!"


Zheng Yashuang cried and said: "Please help me to beg my cousin, I really know I was wrong, please don't continue to target me! I really dare not make her unhappy anymore, do you really want me to die? Is she satisfied?"

"Ya Shuang, don't worry, I'll call Lingchu and ask Lingchu. If she really did too much, don't worry, Auntie will give you justice!"

"How do you want to uphold justice!"

Father Yu's cold voice sounded.

Mother Yu turned her head to look, and saw Father Yu standing on the stairs looking at her with angry eyes.

Seeing Mother Yu looking over, Father Yu sneered: "Lu Huaqing! Tell me, why are you going to help that white-eyed wolf this time and wrong my daughter!"

Mother Yu felt the overwhelming anger suppressed by Father Yu, her breath was stagnant, and she forced herself to calm down: "Husband, what are you talking about, Lingchu is my biological daughter, how could I wrong her indiscriminately. I said, I'll get things straightened out first."

"and then?"

Father Yu looked at Mother Yu indifferently, and without waiting for her answer after asking, he followed up, "If it's Lingchu's fault, then punish her severely; if it's your good niece's fault, then turn around and persuade Lingchu not to worry about it." , Dadu, right?"

Mother Yu wanted to argue, but she lacked confidence, so she could only say weakly: "Poor Yashuang, she lost her parents since she was a child. As an aunt, I can't help pity her more."

"Pity? I think you just can't figure it out!"

Yu's father was furious: "It's not my Yu family who caused her Zheng Yashuang's death! Why should my parents have to suffer my daughter to humiliate her when she dies!
If she knows how to be grateful, my daughter will give up, but she eats, drinks, and spends my Yu’s, and wants to step my daughter into the mud. Where is she? Come with such a big face!

If I had known earlier that she was such a wolf-hearted thing, I would never have said anything for your sake, so I let you take her home and raise her!

Poor for her without parents, huh!Isn't my daughter pitiful?It's even more pitiful for my daughter to have a mother like you who turns her elbows outward! "

Mother Yu's eyes were red from being told: "Husband, what are you talking about. Lingchu is a piece of meat that fell off my body, how could I not love her and love her."

Yu's father interrupted Yu's mother coldly: "I think Zheng Yashuang is the meat that fell from your body! My daughter, you don't hurt me, but I do!
Haven't hung up yet?That white-eyed wolf also listens to me?

OK!Then you all listen to me, Zheng Yashuang, you dare to incite public opinion on the Internet to bully my daughter, you deserve it right for being beaten to death by her!My niece did a great job!
And you, Lu Huaqing!Since you protect Zheng Yashuang's white-eyed wolf so much, I will grant you, let's divorce!From now on, go with your niece wholeheartedly! "

Yumu looked at Yufu in shock.

Father Yu came down the stairs and looked at Mother Yu with a serious expression: "I will let the lawyer hand over the divorce agreement to you. You have been with me for so many years and gave me a pair of children. I will not treat you badly. This villa is I will leave it to you, and I will give you a sum of alimony that is enough for you to live comfortably for the rest of your life."

After saying that, Yufu turned his head and told the housekeeper not far away: "Have someone pack my personal items, and have the driver send them to the company later.

Also, Lingchu's belongings are also packed, thinking that after the divorce, Ms. Lu will focus on Zheng Yashuang, so I don't feel at ease leaving my daughter to her to be tortured by others!
As for Cheng Ze, whether to go or stay is up to him to decide! "

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