Wu Feifei thought it was impossible, and scrolled down the comment area, and saw that someone had already spoken to veto the previous guess.

[Could it be that the upstairs thinks that Yu Lingchu or Zheng Yashuang asked someone to blow up the black material?Hahaha...what are they trying to do!The public opinion on the Internet is completely favorable to Yu Lingchu, so she has no reason to spread other people's scandals to suppress her popularity, right?As for Zheng Yashuang, does she have the ability to blow Wu Feifei's scandals at the [-]th line? 】

[I agree with the opinion above, there is no need for a newcomer in Yulingchu who needs to be popular. As for the [-]th line, I am afraid that he has no ability to pull Wu Feifei out to block the gun. 】

Wu Feifei looked at these two comments and believed in her own judgment even more firmly.

It was impossible for Yu Lingchu to guess that she wanted to manipulate public opinion to attack her, so it was impossible for Yu Lingchu to find someone to expose the black material on the Internet.

As for Zheng Yashuang, that's even more impossible!
On the one hand, Zheng Yashuang had no grievances with her, but on the other hand, Zheng Yashuang simply didn’t have that strength!

But if it’s not them, who is it? !

Wu Feifei gritted her teeth.

The person targeting her had better pray that she doesn't find him, or she will make him look good!

Taking out her mobile phone, Wu Feifei contacted her agent angrily, ordering the other party to help her quickly deal with the negative news on the Internet.

When the manager received a call from Wu Feifei, she immediately stated that she had noticed the negative news about Wu Feifei on the Internet immediately, and took action as quickly as possible.

But no matter how she found someone to operate, the negative news showed no signs of being suppressed.

The agent sighed and asked tentatively: "Feifei, think about it carefully, have you offended some powerful people recently? I have used all the means I should use. Normally, after my public relations operations, these opponents Even if your unfavorable news does not disappear, at least it will not cause any waves.

But the current situation is that I have tried my best, but these black materials cannot be suppressed at all, and the heat is still rising.This can only show that there are forces more powerful than us behind the scenes.Fei Fei, think carefully about who you have offended. "

Wu Feifei frowned and thought about it carefully, but the more she thought about it, the more irritated she became.

There were so many people she disliked, and there were quite a few people who had conflicts with her. How could she know which despicable person was causing her such harm!
"I don't know either. Anyway, I don't care, you hurry up and find a way to suppress these negative news for me!"

Wu Feifei finished the command forcefully and hung up the phone impatiently.

Her manager stared at the hung up phone and sighed faintly.

Although Wu Feifei has the arrogant temper of a young lady, she is very measured in her actions.

It can be said that she offended some people after entering the industry, but those people's background, resources, and celebrity status were not as good as hers, and they did not dare to say anything after being suppressed by Wu Feifei.

Is it
It's the [-]th line in the circle who they don't like, who has fawned on some kind of big money master, and came back to them for revenge.

The agent took an irritated breath, picked up the phone and continued to find someone to help solve the black material on the Internet.

On Yu Lingchu's side, she also noticed that there was a lot of black information about Wu Feifei on the Internet.

She clicked on a few articles and looked at them, and she could only say that the scandals that Nalan Shaojin let people out were not fatal to Wu Feifei.

But you say they are not fatal, right? This is a hot search on the Internet, and it will definitely affect Wu Feifei's reputation.

To sum up, it is not fatal but enough to disgust Wu Feifei.

"Lingchu thinks this is okay?"

Nalan Shaojin held the water glass and asked Yu Lingchu with a leisurely expression.

Yu Lingchu turned to look at him, and smiled sweetly: "This is Mr. Nalan's counterattack against Wu Feifei's touch on your interests. Naturally, Mr. Nalan is in charge of the fire. Whether he can do it or not is naturally what Mr. Nalan said. Calculate."

Nalan Shaojin took a sip of the water in the cup, raised the cup in his hand to Yu Lingchu, bent his lips and said with a smile: "Wu Feifei offended me and you, and I am indebted to Lingchu for this situation. You care and take care.

To reciprocate, when dealing with our common enemy, it is also incumbent to help Lingchu vent his anger by the way.

So, if Lingchu has any thoughts, just say it. "

"I have no idea."

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "I am a person who likes to rely on myself in everything. I hate others being so sentimental and self-righteous meddling in my affairs, especially at work. I still like to rely on my own abilities to fight.

Only the achievements made step by step by oneself are the most reliable and reliable. What does Mr. Nalan think? "

Nalan Shaojin nodded: "What Lingchu said is very reasonable."

Yu Lingchu continued to laugh and said: "Mr. Nalan also thinks what I said makes sense, right? Let me tell you, after knowing that I entered the entertainment industry, my brother wanted to spend resources to praise me, and I refused decisively!
I chose the path myself, just wanting to see how far I can go with my own strength. If others intervene, I will not appreciate it, I will only feel disgusted! "

Nalan Shaojin lowered his eyes and took a sip of the water in the glass.

Yu Lingchu's words were clearly trying to beat him, telling him not to meddle in her affairs in the entertainment industry, let alone throw money and resources to praise her.

This girl is afraid that after he lifts her up, he will take the opportunity to manipulate her, right?

This really narrowed his thinking.

He just wanted to give her the best of everything, that's all.

since she doesn't want
Then he will provide it secretly, and be more restrained in doing things.

Nalan Shaojin put down the water glass in his hand and chuckled: "I respect and appreciate Lingchu's self-improvement and self-reliance."

What this means is, I know, I promise not to interfere in your career, not to manipulate you in vain, and not to force you to submit to me by improper means, I—— I like you so much, it’s just pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at it.

Yu Ling glanced at him for the first time: "You don't need to appreciate it, I don't really have any good points, really!"

At the end, she nodded quite sincerely, as if she was afraid that Nalan Shaojin would take her as a good person.

Nalan Shaojin smiled lowly: "Why should Lingchu underestimate himself, you are fine, really!"

Yu Lingchu pursed her lips: "Mr. Nalan's words are right, how can I not know what kind of thing I am?"

"Oh?" Nalan Shaojin chuckled, "What does Lingchu think he is?"

He didn't dare to say the word stuff.

Yu Lingchu himself said these two words were fine, and he wanted to say them out, fearing that Yu Lingchu would find a reason to turn against him.

"I have never known what the rules are. Fighting, drinking and dancing, cursing and beating, I am proficient in everything, and I know everything."

Nalan Shaojin smiled lowly: "Not bad."

Yu Ling Chu_?

Nalan Shaojin continued happily: "Lingchu is so frank and cute.

Yu Lingchu ⊙_⊙

no!Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

Or, do you not understand what I mean?
What I mean is, I have nothing to do with the virtuous and virtuous, elegant and dignified. I can't be the mistress of your Nalan family with my character!

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