Chapter 313
Facing Nalan Shaojin's cheerful smile, Yu Lingchu pursed her lips, and said with a blunt smile: "It is said that the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. With my temperament, I don't intend to change it in this life."

The implication is that I advise you to give up on my crooked-necked tree as soon as possible, and never dream of marrying me and asking me to restrain my temper.

Let me change for you, no way!
Not to mention doors, there are no windows!
Nalan Shaojin looked at her, his smile remained unchanged and he said, "Lingchu's personality is quite likable, why should he change it? Let's not change it."

Yu Lingchu: "."


Does this girl really not understand the meaning of her words or is she pretending not to understand?
Meeting Yu Lingchu's eyes, Nalan Shaojin smiled innocently.

Yu Lingchu let out a breath.

Since Nalan Shaojin didn't buy it, she decided not to continue this topic.

She lowered her eyes and glanced at the phone interface.

The social media software I just looked at now shows that the system has crashed.

Yu Lingchu's attention was instantly attracted. He stared at the phone screen for a while, then raised his eyes to look at Nalan Shaojin.

"What did you let people reveal? This social software seems to be unable to withstand the huge traffic and collapsed."

Nalan Shaojin glanced at the phone Yu Lingchu held up, and casually smiled, "The news about Wu Feifei is not enough to paralyze the network."

Yu Lingchu observed his expression: "Listening to what Mr. Nalan said, you seem to know the real reason for the system collapse?"

Nalan Shaojin nodded.

Yu Lingchu looked at him suspiciously, and after a moment of silence, he couldn't help but said, "I'm curious now, whether Mr. Nalan would like to clarify the confusion?"

Nalan Shaojin smiled lightly: "I'm so happy. Actually, it's nothing to say. Let me ask you, there are so many scandals about Wu Feifei on the Internet. If you were her, what would you want to do most now?"

"Suppress negative news, find out who is targeting me, what is the motive, and strive to solve the problem from the root cause."

Nalan Shaojin smiled and said: "Lingchu is right. Wu Feifei's team was actively working to solve the negative news as soon as it broke out. It's a pity..."

Nalan Shaojin glanced at Yu Lingchu, then raised his lips and smiled lightly.

He didn't say what it was a pity, but Yu Lingchu had already clearly understood what he meant by this pity.

It's a pity that Wu Feifei's team met him, Nalan Shaojin. They could neither trace nor solve the root cause of their scandal.

"If they can't find out who is targeting them, and they can't withdraw the search, then they can only use a tactic to offend others."

Yu Lingchu listened intently to Nalan Shaojin's narration, seeing him stop, he hurriedly asked: "What harm?"

Nalan Shaojin smiled lightly: "Want to know?"

Yu Lingchu nodded honestly.

The old god Nalan Shaojin is here: "Lingchu, you are...asking me a question?"

Yu Lingchu thought for a while, nodded, and said humbly: "Please give me some advice from Mr. Nalan."

Nalan Shaojin smiled deeply: "You can teach me, is there any benefit?"

Jade Lingchu→_→


Ah!Intuit!Sure enough, he is a profiteer, never forgetting his interests!
She lowered her face, and was about to reply forcefully: Since Mr. Nalan doesn't want to say it, then don't say it.

Nalan Shaojin saw the change in her expression, and before she was about to speak, he took a step forward and said, "I'm not too much, just call me Brother Nalan, how about it?"

Yu Lingchu looked away indifferently, and silently said to Nalan Shaojin: Do you like to talk or not~
Nalan Shaojin looked at her and said with a smile: "Lingchu, since you have entered the entertainment industry, you still need to know more about the things and methods in the entertainment industry, right?"

Yu Lingchu turned his gaze back to Nalan Shaojin.Nalan Shaojin hurriedly smiled and said, "Based on age, if you call me Brother Nalan, you won't suffer, right?"

Yu Ling thought for a moment, then smiled and said: "Mr. Nalan is right, you have to have an attitude of asking for advice. Then if I call, you can tell me?"

Nalan Shaojin nodded: "Of course, I will never lie to Lingchu."

Yu Lingchu smiled: "Okay, then my name is...Uncle Nalan!"

Nalan Shaojin(°ー°〃)
Nalan...Uncle?What is this thing?

Yu Lingchu smiled and explained: "I don't suffer from being called brother, and Mr. Nalan, don't you also take advantage of it. I thought about it carefully, and you are right. If you ask for advice, you must have the attitude of asking for advice. I will definitely satisfy your wishes more. The requirement is not, is one sound enough? If not enough, I will call again, Na~Lan~Da~ Lord!”

Nalan Shaojin: "..." (||_)
Yu Lingchu looked at Nalan Shaojin with a slightly smug look in his eyes.

If you want to ask him how he is feeling now, just say "cool!"

It's so small, and let her call her brother in a nasty way, I'll give you a super senior, let's see if you can handle it!
The smile on Nalan Shaojin's face froze for a moment, and he looked at Yu Lingchu angrily and amusedly: "I really admire Lingchu's eagerness to learn.

It's not necessary to be so humble, it's enough to be called brother. "

Yu Lingchu smiled: "How can that be, it doesn't matter if I suffer a bit, but I can't make you feel inappropriate, Mr. Nalan~"

Nalan Shaojin: "Lingchu is really a sincere girl, but, I don't like people calling me old."

Yu Lingchu immediately showed a look of understanding and asked tentatively: ""

I think the title just now is old, so let me change it to a smaller one.

She has no other merits except that she mainly listens to advice.

"Mr. Nalan, is this title small enough? If not, I will call you a small name again?"

Nalan Shaojin stared at Yu Lingchu, who made a pure, harmless and innocent appearance.

You're the one who wants the wilted cucumbers to be painted green, and I'm just trying to satisfy you.

Brother, if you don’t think so, can we continue to be backward compatible?

It's not polite to call your son, but it's okay to call you big nephew ()
Nalan Shaojin: "..."

I'm calling him a small name, how small is he?
Does this girl dare to call him a son?
He wants to see if the little girl is so courageous!

Nalan Shaojin put on a casual look: "How can Lingchu want to call me?"

Yu Lingchu looked at Nalan Shaojin.

Nalan Shaojin stared at her, seeing that she was hesitant to speak, he smiled and said, "Why, dare not say it?"

Yu Lingchu pursed her lips: "Mr. Nalan wants to hear it?"

Nalan Shaojin nodded: "Somewhat curious."

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "Mr. Nalan, are you asking me for advice?"

Nalan Shaojin laughed lowly.

This girl's calculations are quite good, if she wants to call him a title to take advantage of him, and also wants to exchange information with him, then of course he is...

"Of course...not counting!"

Meeting Yu Lingchu's expectant gaze, Nalan Shaojin smashed her little plan word by word.

 It's sunny, I've had a fever for two days, just after the fever subsides, I'm trying to cook and regain my strength, but the fever flares up again at night...

  It's so uncomfortable, I feel like every inch of my body is being attacked, from my throat, to my nose, to my head, all the bones and every muscle T^T
  Hundreds of words a day, finally piled up a chapter, I'm sorry everyone
(End of this chapter)

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