shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 314: Revelations are flying everywhere

Yu Lingchu pursed her lips and smiled lightly: "I won't say anything if it doesn't do any good."

Nalan Shaojin was amused by her: "You took advantage of me and you still want benefits?"

Has this girl ever been a robber before?

Yu Lingchu immediately retorted: "What do you mean I take advantage of you? I just decided to address you according to Mr. Nalan's needs. You asked for it on your own initiative. How can you blame me?"

After saying that, Yu Lingchu looked at Nalan Shaojin and blinked innocently.

Nalan Shaojin looked at her, dumbfounded: "My needs have been made very clear from the beginning. Lingchu, you are clearly... pretending to understand... pretending to be confused!"

Yu Lingchu maintained an innocent look: "What Mr. Nalan said, how could I deliberately pretend to be confused with you while pretending to understand. In fact, I am a person with low emotional intelligence and stupidity. Mr. Nalan must not be the same as me." ha."

Nalan Shaojin just listened to her sophistry silently and smiled softly: "Why should Lingchu belittle yourself? You are so smart~
Don't worry, it's just a title. If you don't want to call me, don't call me. I won't argue with you about it. "

"Mr. Nalan." Yu Lingchu said tentatively: " it time for you to answer my questions?"

Nalan Shaojin smiled lightly, stopped teasing her, and explained: "Wu Feifei's team couldn't find me. They couldn't find the person behind the scenes. They didn't know who was targeting Wu Feifei for the time being. There is no way to solve the problem from the root cause, we can only raise our vigilance and defend passively.

But when they thought about removing the black material first, they found that no matter what they did, the black material could not be removed.

There is no way to remove the negative material, so we can only suppress the popularity of the negative material and use other things to attract public attention.

After several attempts, they found that the heat still did not come down. What should they do?You can only increase your efforts with all your might, and even frantically find people to expose other artists' information to attract firepower for yourself. "

Yu Lingchu frowned: "But isn't this just drinking poison to quench thirst? Even if this method is used to suppress Wu Feifei's negative news in the end, the artists they pushed out to share the pressure will probably hate Wu Feifei for this."

This person was pushed out to block the gun. No one else would be happy!
Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu and said with a smile: "This kind of operation is not uncommon in the entertainment industry. Even some powerful outsiders who want to suppress some negative news will choose to let people expose some entertainment industry artists. materials to attract public targets and disperse firepower.

Generally speaking, these star actors in the entertainment industry will make choices when they really have no choice but to ask others to block their guns.

Their first choice is naturally an artist whose status is close to theirs and who has no background. This way they can block the gun the best.If there is no such goal, they will choose the unlucky guy within their own control.

Because he can control it, even if the other party knows that he is using it to block the gun, he can't do anything to him.

Of course, most of the people who will be used to stop bullets are not clean themselves. They must have stains. "

"Most of it?" Yu Lingchu raised an eyebrow.

Nalan Shaojin smiled and said: "In rare cases, some artists with a good reputation will be framed by the other party because they unintentionally offended some powerful people or touched the interests of some people.

Of course, if you are smart enough at this time, or have a firm mind, and can resist the strong temptation, you will not be able to escape unscathed. "

"So..." Yu Lingchu pondered: "The reason why this social software is paralyzed is because Wu Feifei found an unlucky guy who is not very innocent and can be manipulated to help her share the firepower?" Nalan Shaojin Leisurely said: "Not one."

The smile froze on Yu Lingchu's face: "Not one?"

Nalan Shaojin chuckled: "Lingchu, you should have heard of the phrase "dog jumping over the wall in a hurry".

After pulling in a scapegoat and finding no effect in blocking the gun, Wu Feifei's team followed up with letting people reveal the information about another celebrity who could handle it, but they still failed to suppress her black information.In desperation, her team then hired someone to expose two very popular celebrities in the entertainment industry.

With so many scandals about celebrities popping up overnight, do you think the platform for breaking the news can be kept from being paralyzed? "

Yu Lingchu frowned and asked curiously: "Those two famous celebrities, can Wu Feifei suppress them so that they dare not retaliate?"

Nalan Shaojin smiled: "Of course she can't hold it back."

Yu Lingchu frowned: "Then she dared to pull them out to block her?"

As Yu Lingchu spoke, an idea flashed in his mind, and he paused before speaking at random: "I understand!"

Nalan Shaojin looked at her: "Tell me about it."

Yu Lingchu said: "If I'm not mistaken, the two big names she introduced to help her share the pressure of public opinion are at odds with each other, right?"

Nalan Shaojin smiled and nodded.

Yu Lingchu laughed and said: "She is using the same strategy she used on me and Zheng Yashuang, and she is using it again on those two big shots!

At the same time, if there are rumors about two celebrities with the same status and opposite stars, then both of them will suspect that they did it to each other. With one kick, the purpose of framing Wu Feifei was achieved!
Once they think this way, they will tear each other apart, but Wu Feifei, the real mastermind behind the scenes, can retreat unscathed and sit back and watch the fight! "

"Why do you think they won't doubt Wu Feifei?" Nalan Shaojin asked with a smile.

Yu Lingchu thought for a while and said: "Contempt! Because Wu Feifei can't even suppress one of them. In addition, although there is a lot of black material about Wu Feifei on the Internet, it is not fatal.

In this case, how could Wu Feifei offend both of them at the same time? If they knew it, then the consequences for Wu Feifei would definitely be worse than now. They would take it for granted that as long as Wu Feifei was not crazy, she would not do such a thing. Digging your own grave like this! "

Nalan Shaojin nodded: "That's right. It is their mentality that Wu Feifei wants to take advantage of. You are really smart, Lingchu."

Yu Lingchu glanced at Nalan Shaojin indifferently, then looked away and said: "In front of Mr. Nalan, my little cleverness is not enough. No matter how hard Wu Feifei tries, I'm afraid she won't be able to figure out that you are behind it." Target her!

But she couldn't guess Mr. Nalan's head, and she didn't know if she would guess mine in the end.After all, when she first caused trouble between me and Zheng Yashuang, she was targeting me! "

Nalan Shaojin smiled lightly: "Lingchu, don't worry. Until now, Wu Feifei must have thought that her targeting of you was perfect. As long as she feels that you haven't noticed that she is targeting you and the things that are targeting her on the Internet, she will I won’t associate it with you.”

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