Chapter 315 Divorce Agreement
Yu Lingchu sneered: "What Mr. Nalan said makes me not happy at all."

Nalan Shaojin raised his eyebrows.

Yu Lingchu looked at him and said quietly: "As long as Wu Feifei feels that I know what she has done against me, then all the things you did today will be blamed on me!"

"Hahaha" Nalan Shaojin laughed out loud: "Is Lingchu afraid of taking the blame for me in the end and provoking Wu Feifei's revenge?"

Yu Lingchu rolled her eyes at him: "Do you think I am someone who is afraid of getting into trouble?"

She just felt unhappy at the thought of possibly taking the blame for someone else.

"Speaking of which, Wu Fei Fei is really petty. Last time she came to the crew to film and act like a big name, I helped the victim by saying a few words to her. As for that, she just played tricks on me during the filming. Now she is like a big star. After leaving, you still keep asking me for trouble. Tsk!"

Yu Lingchu pointed to her face and asked Nalan Shaojin: "Do you think I look like a soft persimmon that's easy to pinch?"

Nalan Shaojin held back his laughter and shook his head: "It doesn't look like that."

Yu Lingchu laughed: "So, I don't make trouble for others, and I'm not afraid of others making trouble for me. If Wu Feifei wants to target me, she can just use whatever means she has. If I can't catch her tricks, then it's my fault. Lingchu has no ability! But~"

Yu Lingchu changed the topic and looked at Nalan Shaojin and said: "If Wu Feifei really blames me for today's debt, I will be taking the blame for you, Mr. Nalan. So... Nalan Sir, does he owe me a favor?"

Nalan Shaojin raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Lingchu can confess me, you don't have to keep my secret.

Since I am targeting Wu Feifei, am I still afraid that she will know? "

"Since you are not afraid of her knowing, then why is Mr. Nalan hiding in the dark now?"

"That's what makes it interesting."

Nalan Shaojin's eyes were deep: "The enemies hiding in the dark are the most frightening, aren't they?"

Yu Lingchu gave Nalan Shaojin a thumbs up: "In terms of evildoers, it has to be Mr. Nalan!"

It’s you who is the one who is evil, brother!

If you can stay away from this kind of man with [-] evil thoughts, you should stay away as much as possible.

Otherwise, if he falls out, who knows whether he will be punished next.

Half an hour later, the paralyzed social software finally returned to normal operation.

At first, Yu Ling wanted to see which two big names Wu Fei Fei had roped in to help her take the blame, but when she opened the social software, the last hot search entry was still black material related to Wu Fei Fei.

After browsing the entertainment news for a while, Yu Lingchu followed some clues and barely found the two big names who were pulled out by Wu Feifei to attract fire.

Those two people are both popular male stars in the entertainment industry. One is Jiang Shen and the other is Shen Zhi.

The two entered the entertainment industry at almost the same time and became famous at roughly the same time.

The two have different styles.Jiang Shenli's character is as gentle as jade and a handsome young man, while Shen Zhi's style is a bit bohemian and handsome.

The two people with completely different styles should have developed independently without conflicting with each other.

But I don't know what's going on with these two people, but they just don't like each other.

Shen Zhi once insinuated Jiang Shen for pretending several times, and Jiang Shen also insinuated Shen Zhi several times for being a little gangster.

The feud between the two has almost reached the point where everyone knows about it.

"The reason why Wu Fei Fei chose these two people to block the gun was because they were already at odds with each other, and it would be easier for her to cause trouble. Furthermore, these two people knew Wu Fei Fei, and their relationship was relatively good. good."

Nalan Shaojin on the side leaned over and glanced at Yu Lingchu's mobile phone page, and narrated it unhurriedly.

Yu Lingchu looked at Nalan Shaojin, who met her gaze and said with a smile: "Sometimes, a person who shows obvious hostility to you is actually not scary, because his malice is obvious. of.

The really scary ones are those who talk sweetly but have a sword in their mouths.

They will praise you, show their appreciation and love for you, but if you feel that they are full of goodwill towards you, you are not far from death.

This kind of person will sometimes be the icing on the cake when you are happy, but actually subtly flatter you.

This kind of person will sometimes encourage you when you are frustrated, and then step on you a few times behind your back.

They will not hesitate to sacrifice their so-called...friends for their own interests! "

Yu Lingchu listened to Nalan Shaojin's words calmly, and after a moment he smiled slightly: "Thank you, Mr. Nalan, for your advice."

As social software resumed, Wu Fei Fei was also horrified to find that the revelations of the artists they promoted to help share the pressure were quickly suppressed without exception. All entertainment headlines were still dominated by Wu Fei Fei's blackmailers. The material dominates the list.

The black material that could not be removed no matter what, made Wu Feifei and her entire team realize very clearly how targeted and capable the people who were hiding in the dark to manipulate all this were against Wu Feifei. How terrible.

The only thing they are glad about now is that although these black materials about Wu Feifei cannot be withdrawn or suppressed, they are not fatal enough to ruin Wu Feifei's stardom for the time being.

Wu Feifei's team analyzed that the other party either did not have enough information to beat Wu Feifei to death, or they just wanted to teach Wu Feifei a lesson for the time being and did not want to kill him.

Their expectation is the first guess.

If it is the second type, it means that Wu Feifei's stardom is in the hands of an unknown person, and it may be ruined at any time.

Wu Fei Feifeng's team quickly discussed a set of countermeasures to deal with the current situation.

Since these solid black materials cannot be withdrawn and the popularity cannot be suppressed, it is better to let Wu Feifei publicly apologize and maybe gain a reputation as someone who knows her mistakes and can correct them.

Soon, under the operation of Wu Feifei's team, a short essay admitting her mistake was published on Wu Feifei's personal social account.

Wu Feifei herself even held a press conference to sincerely apologize to the public for the negative news about herself.

This act of admitting her mistake calmly helped Wu Feifei regain a lot of reputation, and the negative information about Wu Feifei on the Internet gradually faded away.

Haicheng, Yujia.

Since the last time Yu's father said he wanted to divorce Yu's mother, he didn't go home for two days in a row.

After Yu's mother was restless at home for two days, she finally decided to talk to Yu's father. But before she could go out, a lawyer from Yu's Group came to the door with a divorce agreement signed by Yu's father.

"Ms. Lu, this is the divorce agreement that Mr. Yu asked me to draft. Take a look at it and sign it if there is no problem."

The lawyer finished speaking and pushed the divorce agreement in front of Yu's mother.

Yu Mu lowered her eyes and looked at the four black words of the divorce agreement on the paper, feeling extremely dazzling.

Her heart seemed to be tightly grasped by someone, making her breathing difficult and her whole body getting chills.

(End of this chapter)

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