Chapter 32
Every time Deze Security Company receives important security work, such as banquets of top wealthy families, important business meetings, etc., one of Jiang Youhui, Fang Yu, and Ling Xuan will always be on site to ensure that the security work is foolproof.

As the company became more and more famous, these three people became more and more busy.

Now Fang Yu's radish is temporarily placed by Yu Lingchu's side beside Tian Tian, ​​so Fang Yu's pit can only be topped by Yu Lingchu.

In the surveillance screen of welcoming guests at the entrance of the manor, Yu Lingchu suddenly saw his family members coming hand in hand, and was so frightened that he quickly picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip of water to calm down.

Why did her parents show up at the Wu family's banquet? !

She remembered that their Yu family had no friendship with the top wealthy families in Haicheng like the Wu family.

Just as she was thinking, Yu Lingchu saw her parents handing out invitations to the welcome guests at the door, leading her brother and Zheng Yashuang into the banquet hall of the manor.

Yu Lingchu: "..."

She must be more careful tonight.

Otherwise, let her parents know that she is in Haicheng, did not travel outside at all, and came to other people's banquets to do security work, then her life is in danger~!

Yu Lingchu picked up the walkie-talkie on the table: "Xiao An, ask the two of you to go to the northwest corner of the manor to check.

Be vigilant, everyone, there must be no mistakes in the security of this banquet! "

If there is a problem, she, the person in charge, has to come forward to solve it. How easy it is to be exposed!

"Received, received." Xiao An's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, watch out for the guests at the door, and don't let suspicious people in."


"Work hard, and after the task is successfully completed, I will treat you to supper!"


There was a cheering voice on the intercom.

Yu Lingchu turned off the walkie-talkie, and her eyes fell on the monitoring screen again.

A luxury car worth tens of millions was parked at the gate of the banquet hall of the manor.

The co-pilot's door opened, Yan Yue got out of the car, walked to the back row of the car, and opened the door respectfully.

The Wu family members who were waiting at the door saw Nalan Shaojin and hurried forward to meet him.

"Mr. Nalan is here, it is really full of splendor!"

"You're welcome"

Nalan Shaojin nodded with a smile, and walked into the banquet hall under the guidance of the Wu family.

Yu Lingchu, who was sitting in the monitoring room, looked at Nalan Shaojin who appeared on the monitoring screen, and rubbed his aching head.

Is this a birthday party?
No!This is her acquaintance party!
She is nestling in this monitoring room tonight, not going anywhere!
In the surveillance screen, after the members of the Wu family led Nalan Shaojin into the banquet hall, all the celebrities in Haicheng who could come over came with wine glasses and greeted Nalan Shaojin humbly and politely.

Nalan Shaojin casually picked up a glass of wine from the waiter's tray, and politely dealt with the group of strangers who came to strike up a conversation.

Yu Chengze was the first to notice Nalan Shaojin entering the banquet hall.

Holding the wine glass, he approached Nalan Shaojin.

"Shaojin, what a coincidence."

Seeing Yu Chengze, Nalan Shaojin smiled slightly, raised his glass and touched Yu Chengze lightly: "It's quite a coincidence, brother Chengze came here alone?"

The familiar conversation between the two made the people around them start to have different thoughts.

There are rumors in Haicheng that after Nalan Shaojin, the head of the Nalan family in the imperial capital, came to Haicheng, the first person he met was not any of the business giants in Haicheng, but the Yu family, who was at the bottom of the rich family in Haicheng.

Rumor has it that Nalan Shaojin did this because the Yu family had a marriage contract with the Nalan family.

Regarding this rumor, in fact, many people in Haicheng's celebrity circle are skeptical, or even completely unbelievable.

Not to mention a Yu family that is at the tail end of Haicheng's celebrity circle, even a top wealthy family in Haicheng like the Wu family is not qualified to marry the Nalan family at all.

But right now, seeing Yu Chengze and Nalan Shaojin chatting in a familiar way, this group of Haicheng celebrities who wanted to come over and talk to Nalan Shaojin began to feel active...

Even if Nalan Shaojin did not have an engagement with the Yu family, judging by the way he and Yu Chengze talked so well, they must have friendship with the Yu family.

They can't have a relationship with Nalan Shaojin, but they can have a relationship with the Yu family!

The Yu family has Nalan Shaojin as their backer, and if they have a good relationship with the Yu family, it is almost equivalent to boarding the big boat of the Nalan family!
Everyone's thinking became more firm after seeing Yu Chengze leading Nalan Shaojin to greet the Yu family couple.

Zheng Yashuang was wearing a high-end gown and followed beside the Yu family couple, trying hard to get acquainted with celebrities in Haicheng, when she saw Yu Chengze leading Nalan Shaojin over.

Zheng Yashuang's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly greeted Nalan Shaojin sweetly.

"Brother Nalan, it's really a coincidence that you also come to Mr. Wu's birthday banquet."

Nalan Shaojin nodded to her politely and looked at the Yu family couple.

"uncle and auntie."

As soon as this address was spoken, the eyes of the people around looking at the Yu family couple changed instantly!
They are now completely sure that the Yu family and Nalan have friendship!
Unexpectedly, a low-ranking wealthy family in Haicheng actually has friendship with the Nalan family in the imperial capital.

What is this concept?This is where the ant and the tiger made friends.

Fantasy, really too fantasy...

"Shaojin, are you still used to staying in Haicheng recently?" Father Yu asked with a concern with a smile.

"Thanks to uncle's concern, everything is fine."

"That's good, hahaha..."

Father Yu smiled, and heard Nalan Shaojin say again: "I'm planning to visit the house the day after tomorrow. I wonder if uncle and aunt have time that day?"

Father Jade: "..."

Yumu: "..."

It's fine to visit us, but when you arrive, don't look for that bastard girl Yu Lingchu!

Nalan Shaojin looked around: "Where is Lingchu? Didn't she come with you?"

Father Jade: "..."

Yumu: "..."

How did this start to happen? !

"Sister, she doesn't like such lively occasions, so she didn't come with her at home."

Zheng Yashuang spoke first, explaining for the Yu family couple.

It seems to be an explanation, but in fact it is secretly saying that Yu Lingchu is not good at socializing and socializing, and is petty.

At this time, the Yu family's thoughts were all on how to deal with Nalan Shaojin, and they didn't notice the inappropriateness in Zheng Yashuang's words at all.

Yan Yue, who was following behind Nalan Shaojin, couldn't help frowning after hearing Zheng Yashuang's words.

The Yu family didn't refute, so what Zheng Yashuang said was the truth.

In this way, he felt more and more that Yu Lingchu was not worthy of Master Jin.

But he didn't know what Lord Jin was thinking, he just refused to break off the engagement with Yu's family.

In the monitoring room, Yu Lingchu bit her finger and watched Nalan Shaojin and her parents gather happily at the banquet.

"System, Nalan Shaojin shouldn't be so talkative, tell my parents about meeting me at the bar two days ago?"

Then it was a lie that she went on a trip, and she couldn't hide the fact that she actually stayed in Haicheng!

(End of this chapter)

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