shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 33 Take a look at this day, then at this place

Chapter 33 Take a look at this day, then at this place

The system thought carefully for Yu Lingchu, and replied: "This possibility is not ruled out. He may also tell you about the fact that you said that you were playing disco in the middle of the night."

Yu Lingchu: "..."

She wanted to ask for psychological comfort, but the system stabbed her again...

She stared at the surveillance screen: "I can't sit still!"

"So host, are you planning to go out and surrender?"

"you shut up!"

Yu Lingchu took out her mobile phone, clicked on WeChat to find Nalan Shaojin, and quickly edited a WeChat message. She was not in a hurry to send the edited message, but clicked on the plus sign next to the edit box to find the voice call. Called Nalan Shaojin.

Nalan Shaojin was talking with people from the Yu family at this time, when the WeChat phone rang, he took out his mobile phone.

Yu Ling in the monitoring room first saw him take out his mobile phone, immediately hung up the phone, and quickly clicked to send the previously edited message.

"Nalan Shaojin, let's play a game. From now on, don't talk to anyone, and then go outside the house, you will see something amazing!"

Yu Lingchu's sudden, inexplicable words made Nalan Shaojin frowned subconsciously.

"Brother Nalan, what happened?" Zheng Yashuang came over and asked with concern.

Nalan Shaojin looked up at Yu's family: "Sorry, I have something to do, excuse me."

"Go and do your work." Father Yu replied with a smile.

Nalan Shaojin turned and left, found a quiet place, bowed his head and typed a line on the phone: "Oh? Does Lingchu know where I am? He said he wanted to surprise me."

Yu Lingchu, who was sitting in the monitoring room, looked down at the WeChat message sent by Nalan Shaojin, and then looked up at Nalan Shaojin in the monitoring screen.

Of course she knows!
Holding her mobile phone, she quickly replied, "I don't know, I didn't spy on you."


"So are you kidding? Mr. Nalan really believes that I am so powerful?"

Nalan Shaojin smiled and replied, "Lingchu is free now?"

"Fortunately, I'm not very free. What I said just now is not entirely false. There are indeed great things out there. I can see it, and so can Mr. Nalan."

"Oh?" Nalan Shaojin became interested.

"If Mr. Nalan is curious, go out and have a look and you'll know."

"What if you don't see it?"

"Then you come to me."

"Okay. I want to see what Miss Lingchu said."

Nalan Shaojin put away his mobile phone and walked outside the banquet hall.

Seeing that he was about to leave the banquet hall, the members of the Wu family quickly chased after him: "Where is Mr. Nalan going? Why don't we send someone to guide you?"

"Go out to get some air, excuse me." Nalan Shaojin replied with a smile, not giving the Wu family a chance to speak, and walked away from the banquet hall.

Yu Lingchu watched the entire banquet hall through the surveillance camera.

Since Nalan Shaojin left her parents, many people came forward to talk to her parents.

Seeing how enthusiastic the group of people are socializing, it seems that her parents will have to deal with it for a while.

Even if Nalan Shaojin came back later, after seeing this scene, he would never join her parents again.

Yu Lingchu breathed out, she should be considered safe for the time being...

Standing outside the banquet hall, Nalan Shaojin looked around, and the whole manor was brightly lit.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Yu Lingchu.

"Miss Lingchu said something very remarkable. Could it be the lights?"

In the monitoring room, Yu Lingchu looked at the WeChat message sent by Nalan Shaojin, and typed back: "Mr. Nalan, look up."

Nalan Shaojin raised his head, the sky was dark, without stars and moon.

The phone in his hand rang twice, and Nalan Shaojin looked down at the screen.

"Mr. Nalan, look down at your feet."

The earth in winter is desolate and cold.

Nalan Shaojin typed a question mark on his phone and sent it to Yu Lingchu.

Yan Yue stood beside Nalan Shaojin, looked up at the sky, looked down at the ground carefully, and then looked at Nalan Shaojin with question marks all over his head.

Master Jin... what are you looking at?

Yu Lingchu's message came back quickly, with only two words: "Heaven and Earth."

Nalan Shaojin stared at these two words for a while, and couldn't help but chuckle.

Yan Yue on the side: "?"

Master Jin, what are you laughing at?

Nalan Shaojin tapped the screen with his fingers, and sent a message back to Yu Lingchu: "The world is vast and contains all things. It is really amazing. Chatting with Lingchu is very interesting."

"Mr. Nalan."

A charming female voice came from behind.

Nalan Shaojin turned his head and saw a charming and charming woman, whom he didn't recognize.

Seeing him looking over, the woman hurriedly introduced herself: "Mr. Nalan, hello, I am Wu Feifei, the daughter of Wu's parents, and I am the spokesperson of your company's cosmetics brand."

Nalan Shaojin nodded politely and distantly: "Miss Wu, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Mr. Nalan, the birthday banquet is about to begin. Grandpa asked me to invite you back to your seat."

"Thank you, Miss Wu." Nalan Shaojin smiled politely, and led Yan Yue back to the banquet hall.

Wu Feifei followed in the footsteps of Nalan Shaojin: "Mr. Nalan, I am the spokesperson of your company's products. Speaking of which, I am also a cooperative relationship with you. I wonder if I can leave a contact information?"

Yan Yue on the side almost rolled his eyes.

This daughter of the Wu family is really interesting, to use this excuse to lie to them about Master Jin's contact information, I don't know who is laughing to death.

Nalan Group owns many industries, and a small beauty brand is just a drop in the ocean. They don't even need to know who the spokesperson is.

How can you put gold on your face if you are still in a cooperative relationship?
If you have to force a relationship, it is also an employment relationship.

Nalan Shaojin walked forward without looking sideways.

"Miss Wu, I'm sorry, my girlfriend is very strict and won't let me add the opposite sex on WeChat, forgive me."

Yan Yue: "???"

Master Jin, would you like to hear the reason for what you made up?
You say that, are you really not afraid of ruining your own fame?

The smile on Wu Feifei's face froze: "Mr. Nalan has a girlfriend?"

"always have."

If you really want to go back, when he was four years old, Yuling was born, and he had it.

"Is your girlfriend... so domineering? Mr. Nalan really dotes on her."

"Miss Wu, I don't like others to comment on my girlfriend and me without authorization."

Wu Feifei pursed her lips, and asked unwillingly, "Mr. Nalan's girlfriend, is the daughter of the Yu family?"


Nalan Shaojin sneered, with a warning tone: "Miss Wu seems to be very interested in my private life, but I don't like being spied on. I hope Miss Wu can maintain a sense of boundaries."

Wu Feifei felt aggrieved: "Mr. Nalan misunderstood me."

"I'm not free." Nalan Shaojin replied lightly.

Wu Feifei was puzzled.

What's not available?
Yan Yue kindly explained to her: "Miss Wu, our Lord Jin is busy with work, and we don't have time to misunderstand an irrelevant person."

(End of this chapter)

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