shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 331 There’s something wrong with the atmosphere

Ling Xuan's eyes immediately lit up: "Really~ Senior Sister, you think so too, right~ I know that in Senior Sister's eyes, I, Ling Xuan, am a good-looking, first-class talent~"

Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin were amused by the way he was playing with treasures, and they joked for a while. After Ling Xuan handed Han Zexin the things that his senior brother Jiang Youhui asked him to bring, he was taken by Yu Lingchu to see Nalan Shaojin.

There were more than a dozen security personnel who went together and followed us this time.

Yu Lingchu brought people to Nalan Shaojin. More than a dozen security guards stood in a row, as tall as green pines.

"Mr. Nalan, I specially asked someone to arrange this for you. They are the most skilled security personnel. You can decide how many you need, or you can have them all.

Nalan Shaojin's eyes swept across the faces of the security personnel one by one, and finally fell on Ling Xuan who was standing aside. He smiled and said, "This gentleman looks very familiar."

Ling Xuan caught Nalan Shaojin's gaze and said with a perfunctory smile: "Mr. Nalan, we have met before."

As if he was afraid that Nalan Shaojin wouldn't be able to remember, Ling Xuan reminded him: "Haicheng, Xianyun Bar, when Senior Sister was mixing drinks for me, I also picked a drink for you."

"I remember, are you Lingchu's junior brother?"

"Yes." Ling Xuan nodded.

Nalan Shaojin followed with a smile and said, "I remember back then, you asked me about my relationship with Lingchu."

"Mr. Nalan!" Yu Lingchu interrupted Nalan Shaojin's memories and said, "This group of people are still waiting for you to choose. If you want to reminisce about the past, we will do so when you have time."

Just do something serious!

It's so good, what's the relationship between them?What relationship could she have with him? !There is nothing wrong between them, but there is an engagement that is bound to be broken off. Naturally, the fewer people who know about it, the better!

Nalan Shaojin glanced at Yu Lingchu, then looked at Ling Xuan, and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, we are not outsiders. Since you are Lingchu's junior brother, you must be very good at Kung Fu, right?"

Ling Xuan replied confidently: "Of course!"

"In this case."

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu with a smile, raised his hand and pointed at Ling Xuan: "Then I want him!"

Yu Lingchu and Ling Xuan frowned at the same time and said in unison: "No!"

Nalan Shaojin looked at the two of them and said calmly: "Reason."

"Ling Xuan has a lot of things on his hands. He took the time to lead the team here this time. After that, he has to rush back to the company to deal with other things, so he can't stay to protect Mr. Nalan."

After Yu Lingchu explained, Ling Xuan nodded to Nalan Shaojin: "That's what senior sister said."

"That's it~" Nalan Shaojin smiled faintly: "That's really a pity."

Ling Xuan hurriedly said: "Mr. Nalan, the brothers behind me are also very good. They will do their best to ensure your personal safety. You see"

Nalan Shaojin looked at the dozen security personnel again and said with a smile: "It seems that they are all talented people. I don't know how to choose."

Ling Xuan looked at him: "Mr. Nalan, you can keep them all. That's the fee. It may be higher. Even brothers have to settle accounts. We operate with integrity. The price must be agreed with you in advance."

Nalan Shaojin looked at Ling Xuan: "Do you think it's a problem that I have money?"

Ling Xuan quickly stood at attention, smiled and nodded in greeting: "Mr. Nalan, our staff will wholeheartedly protect your safety. I hope we get along well. I will sort out the bill and give it to you later. Because we all know each other, so The cost will be calculated from tomorrow, and the protection they provide you today is just a gift of experience time to you."

"No need." Nalan Shaojin took a sip of the water on the table and said with a smile: "The billing will start from today, and the total cost does not need to be discounted! Just based on our friendship, mutual help and mutual benefit, I How can I bear to let you suffer, right?"

Ling Xuan turned his head and looked at Yu Lingchu for instructions.

Yu Lingchu looked at Nalan Shaojin with a smile: "Mr. Nalan is very generous."

After finishing her words, she turned to look at the security guard standing behind her: "Mr. Nalan is so arrogant, we can't do any errands. Please keep your spirits up and protect Mr. Nalan's safety!"

"Yes!" More than a dozen security guards immediately responded in unison and with overwhelming momentum.

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "Mr. Nalan, let them accompany you, I will go and get busy first."

Nalan Shaojin nodded, then smiled and said, "Thanks to Lingchu's care, I'll treat you to a meal together tonight."

"No need." Yu Lingchu flatly refused: "I'm flying back to Haicheng in the evening to do some errands. I appreciate Mr. Nalan's kindness."

Nalan Shaojin smiled faintly: "Really? I'll take you to the airport that afternoon."

He also got some news about the affairs of the Yu family, and he could more or less guess the purpose of Yu Lingchu's return trip.

Yu Lingchu's eyes fell on Nalan Shaojin's feet for a moment, and he said with a smile: "Mr. Nalan is in ill health. How can I bother you? You should take care of yourself first."

Ling Xuan chuckled lightly and followed: "Mr. Nalan doesn't need to worry about sending senior sister to the airport. I happen to be traveling with senior sister and we are also flying back to Haicheng in the afternoon. Don't worry, Mr. Nalan, I will take good care of senior sister." .”

Nalan Shaojin looked at Ling Xuan with deep eyes, and said with a smile: "You are Lingchu's junior brother. After spending so many years with Yu Lingchu, I think our relationship has long been the same as that of a biological brother and sister. Naturally, I trust you, junior brother." , escorting Lingchu for me."

Ling Xuan bit his lip, glanced at Nalan Shaojin, and smiled lightly: "What Mr. Nalan said is a bit strange. My senior sister and I have had a relationship for so many years. It is our duty to respect her, love her, and protect her. Why?" Who do you want to say something for?"

Nalan Shaojin also chuckled: "Then I'm really happy for Lingchu.

It is said that an eldest sister is like a mother. You are so filial and sensible. It is not in vain that you took care of you before Lingchu. "

After Nalan Shaojin finished speaking, the smile on Ling Xuan's face faded, and he said in a slightly cold voice: "Mr. Nalan doesn't understand the relationship between me and my senior sister, so it's better not to comment!"

Yu Lingchu noticed the abnormality and looked at Ling Xuan and Nalan Shaojin calmly, and said in his mind and the system: "System, do you think the atmosphere between the two of them is a bit strange?"

The system sniffed: "Host, do you smell it?"

"What do you smell?" Yu Lingchu frowned and sniffed the surrounding air gently.

It's quite fresh, no weird smell.

The system didn't show off and said directly: "The sour smell of vinegar is mixed with the smell of gunpowder.
Host, I feel like these two are jealous of you~
The abstinent and scheming CEO vs the youthful and energetic little milk dog~Oh ho ho~ I love watching it! "

Yu Lingchu =_=!

"System, please give me less messy books to read! Your brain is not very bright to begin with, but if you develop a love brain that likes to imagine, you will be scrapped!"

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