The system put away its smile and said unconvinced: "Host, take a closer look. The atmosphere between these two people is really unfriendly! This system is a product of high-tech civilization. You have to believe my test. Between these two people, The aura fluctuations in the room are obviously abnormal, okay?"

Yu Lingchu looked at the two of them and analyzed: "System, is it possible that the reason why you detected an abnormal aura is simply because their auras are not in harmony?"

"No!" The system immediately denied Yu Lingchu's guess: "This system determines that these two people are jealous. The host is so smart, why don't you carefully examine the undercurrent between these two people..."

Yu Lingchu chuckled and said: "Since you have figured out the system, why not explain it to me in detail and save me the trouble of thinking again."

The system was silent for a moment: "As for the details, I think you still have to rely on the host to figure it out yourself."

"Hmph!" Yu Lingchu twitched the corners of her lips: "Ling Xuan and I are just from the same school. If you want to say that he is jealous because of my rivalry with Nalan Shaojin, then I won't believe it to death.

As for Nalan Shaojin~ Tsk!He doesn't look like the kind of person who is jealous. Last time I took Xiao An to pretend to be a couple to break off the engagement with him, and I didn't see him being jealous. "

The system chuckled: "Yes, I'm not jealous, he scared Xiao An to the point of doing anything."

Yu Lingchu: "But I also think that the atmosphere between him and Ling Xuan is a bit strange. Maybe it's because the two people don't get along naturally.

Forget it, as long as we can't fight, I'll go filming and forget about it. "

Yu Lingchu looked at the two of them again, turned and left.

Nalan Shaojin's voice sounded at this time: "Junior brother, what are you talking about? From now on, we will all be a family. Don't worry, I will definitely treat you like my own brother, just like Lingchu."

Lingxuan Bai Nalan Shaojin glanced at him, walked closer to him and chuckled: "Mr. Nalan said so well, but how can I remember, senior sister... she doesn't seem to agree with you guys getting married. Where’s the engagement?”

Nalan Shaojin glanced sideways at Ling Xuan, his eyes dark.

The system silently watched the two people's movements and couldn't help but said: "It's not the host, why do I feel...the atmosphere between the two of them is getting weirder and weirder?"

Yu Lingchu paused before leaving, turned around, glanced at Nalan Shaojin and Ling Xuan, and said to the system: "Oh! In the blink of an eye, these two people are so close? Tsk tsk... This distance looks huge. A bit ambiguous~
A few facts about the domineering president vs. the little wolfdog? "

"Host, you asked me to read less messy novels, but what about you? You told me that you peeked at some messy stuff behind my back!" →_→

"Uh-huh!" Yu Lingchu coughed lightly: "When I was reading a lot of books, I accidentally read a few random books.
System→_→: “Does it look good?”

"Let's make do."

At this time, Ling Xuan noticed Nalan Shaojin's dark eyes and continued to smile: "Mr. Nalan, I'm really not talking about you. You are talking about you, a great young man of the new era, how can you live like a Qing Dynasty person?" ? Why do you have to stick to the fingertips of your elders and not let go of marriage?
Could it be that... there is some unspeakable secret that makes me have to hold on to my senior sister? "

Nalan Shaojin's eyes were deep, and he chuckled: "I fell in love with Lingchu at first sight, and we happened to be engaged. This is a destiny of destiny, and I am afraid that others will not envy it."


Ling Xuan sneered: "Wishful liking will only hurt yourself and cause trouble to others!"

Nalan Shaojin stared at Ling Xuan and chuckled: "Not bad! My understanding is quite clear! Remember what you said, and get rid of the unnecessary thoughts earlier. You are Lingchu's junior brother, and I don't want to hit you too hard! Ling Xuan gritted his teeth: "Mr. Nalan is so confident! I kindly remind you that a bright and unrestrained girl like Senior Sister Lingchu will never compromise on a ridiculous marriage contract!"

Nalan Shaojin smiled lightly: "Remember, the fulfillment of my engagement with Lingchu will not be a compromise by either party, it will only be a matter of mutual love! Lingchu is very good, and it is normal for someone to covet him, but what belongs to me I won’t let anyone take the treasure away!”

Ling Xuan pursed his lips, and Nalan Shaojin smiled calmly.

Not far away, Yu Lingchu looked at the two of them and said, "You two seem to have a good relationship. What are you talking about?"

Ling Xuan stepped away from Nalan Shaojin, turned to look at Yu Lingchu, raised a bright smile, and was about to speak, but Nalan Shaojin who was sitting there was one step ahead of him and said to Yu Lingchu: " I was in a hurry last time and didn’t have time to say hello to my junior brother properly. This time it’s a formal meeting, and my junior brother asked me for a red envelope~”

Ling Xuan turned around and glared at Nalan Shaojin.

Who asked you for a red envelope? !

Cunning old man, lies just come out of his mouth!
Facing Ling Xuan's angry and angry eyes, Nalan Shaojin raised his phone with a smile: "Junior brother, add me as a friend, and I will send you the red envelope via WeChat."

"I don't want your red envelope!" Ling Xuan was angry.

Don't think that he doesn't know what Nalan Shaojin is up to!
If he was led by Nalan Shaojin and accepted the red envelope from Nalan Shaojin, it would be equivalent to admitting this senior brother-in-law!
whispering sound!
A cunning old man with eight hundred tricks!
He sneered: "Mr. Nalan, you should keep your own money for your retirement in the future!"

Nalan Shaojin raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

You kid, call him an old man?
Is he old?

He is only a little more than three years older than Lingchu!

"Junior brother, you don't have to be polite to me, let alone be embarrassed. It's just a red envelope. I really want to give it to you. Why are you embarrassed to take it? From now on, we are all a family. Don't be polite to me. If you don't have enough pocket money, just give it to me. Tell me, I will not treat you badly, brother."

The implication is, you are a young boy!
Ling Xuan glared at Nalan Shaojin angrily, and Nalan Shaojin stared back at him with deep eyes.

Suddenly, Ling Xuan smiled provocatively: "I don't need to worry about Mr. Nalan whether I have enough pocket money. If it's not enough, my senior sister will give it to me~"

After Ling Xuan finished speaking, before Nalan Shaojin could speak, Yu Lingchu said lightly: "Ling Xuan, pay attention to your wording!"

Ling Xuan looked at Yu Lingchu with some confusion, and Yu Lingchu corrected him: "If you don't have enough money, ask me to lend it to you. I don't give it to you, I have to pay it back~"

The smile on Ling Xuan's face completely disappeared at this moment~
How could his senior sister undermine him at this time?
Doesn't this make others more ambitious and destroy their prestige? !

He didn't dare to turn around now to see how successful Nalan Shaojin was.
He didn't look back, but Nalan Shaojin's laughter reached his ears very clearly.

"Haha~" Nalan Shaojin couldn't help but laugh out loud, and then said: "Since Lingchu said that, then junior brother, I'm sorry, I listen to Lingchu, I can't give you pocket money, but if you If you need it, I can lend it to you, hahaha."

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