shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 337: I can’t explain it, I’m shutting down!

After finishing speaking, Yu Lingchu glanced at Yu Chengze with a warning in his eyes.

She was really afraid that her lousy brother would agree to it without telling anyone, and she would owe Nalan Shaojin another favor.

Yu Chengze received Yu Lingchu's gaze, understood immediately, thought for a moment and said, "Shao Jin, I understand your kindness, but Lingchu is right. I don't think there is any place where I need to use a private jet."

Nalan Shaojin smiled lightly: "You don't have to do anything serious to use it. You can use it when you have nothing to do, such as traveling or driving. With our relationship, why should brother Chengze be polite to me?"

Yu Chengze smiled, glanced at Yu Lingchu, and then smiled at Nalan Shaojin: "What Shaojin said is that we are all our own people, and there is no need to see each other outside."

After finishing speaking, Yu Chengze glanced at Ling Xuan calmly.

Xiangzhuang's sword dance is intended for Peigong.

The real purpose of Nalan Shaojin's series of operations was to use his own advantages to suppress Ling Xuan, his hidden love rival.

He is somewhat like his younger sister, who is being chased to declare his sovereignty before his thoughts are revealed.

But sympathy was sympathy. After all, Nalan Shaojin was the official match chosen by his family elders for his sister. He had no choice in terms of ability, appearance, and character, and he was so concerned about his sister. He still knew which side to take. .

Yu Lingchu glanced at Yu Chengze indifferently and chuckled: "It turns out that my brother and Mr. Nalan have such a good relationship. No wonder if I accidentally get in between you two, I will feel like an eyesore. In fact, you two don't have to care too much about the world. vision."

The look on Yu Lingchu's face showed that I knew something was wrong with you two.

Yu Chengze had a heart attack and glared at Yu Lingchu angrily: "Damn girl, please stop talking nonsense! Shao Jin and I have a pure brotherhood, understand? Brotherhood! Day by day, How can you arrange your brother better than that tabloid reporter? Are you afraid that I will be innocent?!"

Yu Lingchu nodded with a smile: "Ah! I understand, understand! Brotherhood~"

Yu Chengze only felt that her tone sounded more and more like she deserved a beating.

If he couldn't beat this terrible sister, he would have given her a whole childhood...

Nalan Shaojin looked at the two of them with a smile. Seeing Yu Chengze defeated angrily, he calmly smiled at Yu Lingchu and said, "Has Lingchu ever heard a word?"

Yu Lingchu looked at him with a bit of vigilance in her eyes: "What word?"

Nalan Shaojin saw her defensiveness and thought she was like a vigilant little fox, looking indescribably cute.

He didn't show off and replied: "Love the house and the bird."

After finishing speaking, he didn't give Yu Lingchu a chance to speak, and continued: "It's because of my love for Lingchu that I like everyone and everything related to Lingchu.

It's okay for Lingchu to make fun of Brother Chengze and me when there's no one around, but when there are a lot of people, it's better not to make jokes about Brother Chengze and me having some relationship.

It doesn't matter to me, anyway, I have identified you, Lingchu.But Brother Chengze wants to find a wife, if the girls misunderstand his sexual orientation...

Lingchu definitely didn't want his brother to be unable to find a wife because he was misunderstood, right? "

Yu Lingchu looked away at Nalan Shaojin, took a sip of water from the table, and smiled lightly: "Mr. Nalan, a young and promising businessman, should know better than anyone else, not to be in a situation where he is destined to not respond. It’s a waste of time, a waste of resources, a waste of energy on people or things, right?”

Nalan Shaojin smiled slightly: "There are no absolutes in this world. If you don't try hard, how do you know whether you can succeed? The longing in the heart is the motivation for hard work. Some people are willing to pay everything for her. How can there be any What is, or is not, worth saying?”

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu with burning eyes, as if there were thousands of stars hidden in his deep eyes, and smiled calmly: "Lingchu, what do you think?"

Yu Lingchu picked up the water on the table and took another sip, put down the water glass and hummed: "We have different paths and we don't want to conspire against each other. I will not comment on Mr. Nalan's views. Everything will be left to time." However, she closed the microphone.

Nalan Shaojin smiled slightly: "What Lingchu said is that time will prove everything."

The flight attendant presented the prepared meals at this time. Ling Xuan looked at Nalan Shaojin and then at Yu Lingchu, picked up the tableware and silently put the food into his mouth.

Nalan Shaojin glanced in his direction and started talking to Yu Chengze again.We talked about business matters.

When the conversation got excited, Yu Chengze picked up the wine glass on the table and said with a smile: "I will borrow this glass of wine to toast Shao Jin today. Thank you so much for Shao Jin's support and care."

Nalan Shaojin raised his glass and smiled: "Brother Chengze, if you say this, you are an outsider. People say that we are brothers in war. We are not outsiders. In business, we just take care of each other. For the sake of the friendship between our two families, I did it. .”

After Nalan Shaojin finished speaking, he raised his head and drank the wine in the cup.

Yu Lingchu glanced at the two of them indifferently and put the dish into his mouth silently.

The system said weakly: "Host, are you unhappy?"

Yu Lingchu stuffed another mouthful of vegetables into his mouth and asked, "Am I so obvious?"

"Haha." The system laughed dryly and said, "Don't ask me how I know this. This table is full of delicacies. You, host, are eating it as if you were chewing on your enemy."

Yu Ling started chewing the food for a moment, then relaxed her chewing force.

The system asked curiously: "Host, are you unhappy because you didn't tell Nalan Shaojin just now?"

Yu Lingchu swallowed the food in his mouth and sighed: "No."

"What's that for?" The system was puzzled.

Yu Lingchu sighed again and said depressedly: "What did Nalan Shaojin say about the friendship between the two families? This so-called friendship must be maintained by my marriage, right?!"

"Hmm, so, host, you are unhappy because you suddenly feel like a princess who was sent to get married in ancient times in exchange for the benefits of an alliance?"

"You have to understand it this way, and it's relevant to the topic. Before I was born, this life-long event has been manipulated. Who can be happy if this happens to me!"

The system glanced in the direction of Nalan Shaojin and said honestly: "I think Nalan Shaojin is quite happy with it."

Yu Lingchu-_-||
system_? : "Host, what's your expression? Am I not telling the truth?"

Yu Lingchu==_=: "Can Nanalan Shaojin be like me?"

System →_→ "Aren't we all human beings? What's the difference?"

Yu Lingchu←_←: "Isn't it all a system? Others are so omnipotent, why can't you do anything?"

System→_→: ".Host, we are discussing your problem now, please don't suddenly launch a body attack on me, thank you~"

Yu Lingchu looked innocent: "I'm just using you as an analogy to help you better understand the differences between people! Then I have to ask a psychiatrist to help Nalan Shaojin deal with him. What do you do? Can we still use normal people’s thinking to measure him?”

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